Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1992
Hague, Holland; and (b) US$50 to sponsor a staf member to attend a general s c i e n t i f ic me e t i ng o f the R o y al Au s t r a l a s i an College o f Anaesthetists i n Canberra, Australia. (69) From Janssen Pharmaceutica to the Department of Medicine: (a) HK$35,00to sponsor a staf member to attend the 14 th i n t e r n a t i o n al congress o f the T r a n s p l a n t a t i on Society i n Paris and an symposium in Nancy, France; and (b) HK$33,00to sponsor a staf member to attend an international dvance medical course i n Belgium. (70) From Mrs. Sally Elizabeth Kemp HK$4,00to the B um Unit of the Department of Surgery for the purchase of a television set. (71) FromLee Foundation, Singapore S$36,000 to support Prof. Cheng Tsu-yu's research work at the Institute of Chinese Studies in 1992—93. (72) From the following donors to sponsor astaf member of the Department of Medicine to attend a meeting on interventional cardiology in Japan: (a) Medtronic International Ltd. HK$7,000; and (b) Asia Cardiovascular Products Ltd. HK$5,00 and US$641.03. (73) From the following donors to sponsor astaf member of the Department of Medicine to attend the ninth international congress of endocrinology held in Nice, France: (a) Merck Sharp & Dohme (Asia) Ltd. HK$ 12,000; (b) Eli L i l ly Asia, Inc. HK$15,000; and (c) Novo Nordisk A/s H K$ 18,000. (74) From Sir Robert Black Trust Fund HK$ 100,00 for a satellite symposium organized by the Department of Physiology. (75) From the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians andGynaecologists (RACOG) HK$ 19,740 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to attend the first annual scientific meeting of the R A COG in Melbourne, Australia. (76) From the following donors to sponsor astaf member of the Department of Medicine to attend the 16th w o r ld congress o f the International U n i on o f Angiology in Paris, France: (a) Sanofi Hong Kong Ltd. HK$20,000; and (b) Cordis Neich Ltd. HK$40,000. (77) From Science International , Dupont Co. H K$ 16,356 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Chemical Pathology to attend the American clinical chemistry congress in Chicago, USA. (78) From Sharp-Roxy (Hong Kong) Ltd. HK$300,00 to the Department of Surgery for the Purchase of equipment. (79) From the South East Chemicals & Instruments Ltd. £ 1,940 and H K$ 18,60 to sponsor two staf members of the Department o f Anatomical and Cellular Pathology to attend the 24th congress o f the International Society of Haeamatology in London, U K. (80) From the following donors to sponsor the fifth international imaging course organized by the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging: (a) Sterling Drug International , Inc. HK$30,000; (b) The AR Burkill and Sons ( HK) Ltd. HK$25,000; and (c) Ultronics Enterprise Ltd. HK$25,000. (81) From Syntex Pharmaceutical s H K$ 1,50 to the Department of Obstetrics andGynaecology to sponsor departmental functions. (82) From Dr. Tao Kar-ling H K$ 1,00 to Shaw College. (83) From the following donors to sponsor astaf member of the De p a r t me nt o f Surgery to attend an international meeting in Lund, Sweden: (a) Tronda Electronics Ltd. HK$5,000; and (b) S m i t h K l i ne B e e c h am Pharmaceutical s HK$20,000. (84) From United Italian Corp. ( HK) Ltd. HK$ 1,50 to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to sponsor postgraduate activities. (85) From various donors gifts and donations totalling HK$962,405.55 to Chung Chi College from October 1991 to March 1992. (86) From various donors gifts and donations totalling HK$2,299,404.90 to New Asia College from July 1991 to June 1992. (87) From various donors gifts and donations totalling HK$664,203 to United College from July 1991 to June 1992. (88) From various donors HK$4,731,400 and US$1,245 towards the C.N. Yang Visiting Professorship Fund. (89) From The Vita Company to the Department of Surgery: (a) HK$9,874 to sponsor a staf member to attend the 11th congress of the Asian Association of Paediatric Surgeons in Tokyo, Japan; and (b) HK$ 15,00 to sponsor a staf member to attend a meeting of the International Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Association in San Diego, USA. (90) From Mr. Wilson T.S. Wang a further donation o f H K $ 1 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 t owa r ds the W i l s on Wa ng Distinguished International Professorship Scheme. (91) From Prof. Cho-Yee To a couplet of running script by Xie Jia-bao to the Art Gallery. (92) From Zhao Shao'ang 16 pieces of his own drawings to the Art Gallery. (93) From Dr. Helen Chiu a laser disc player to the Occupational Therapy Unit of the Department of Psychiatry. (94) F r om The Great Eastern Trading Company a television set to the renal ward of the Department of Medicine in support of an education programme for the patients. (95) From various donors 108 items of Chinese antiques to the Art Gallery from January to July 1992. • GIFTS AND DONATIONS 33
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