Bulletin Special Supplement Bidding Farewell to Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao

高錕校長伉儷惜別餐會 Farewell Dinner for Prof. and Mrs. Kao 中 文大學於七月廿四日假富麗華酒店翡翠廳爲高錕校長伉儷舉行惜別餐會,筵開三十八 席,參加者逾四百人。 高校長退休在即,大學高層、教職同人、畢業生、校友等均藉此聚會感謝他多年來對大學 發展的重大貢獻,並祝願高校長伉儷退休後身心康泰。大學校董會主席利國偉爵士、中大應屆 畢業生梁敏芳女士、校友會聯會會長李劍雄先生、逸夫書院院長楊汝萬教授、博文講座教授楊 振寧教授等先後致辭,利爵士更代表大學同人致送紀念品予高錕校長。• T heChinese University of H o n g K o ng held a farewell banquet for vice-chancellor Prof. Charles K. K ao and Mrs. G w e n K ao in the Jade Ballroom of Hotel Furama Kempinski on 24th July. Attending the banquet wer e some 400 guests, including Council members, staff, students, and alumni of the University. They took the opportunity to thank Prof. K ao for his enormous contribution to the University over the years and wish him and Mrs. K ao good health and happiness. Sir Quo-wei Lee, chairman of the University Council, Miss Agnes Leung, B B A graduate 1995-96, Mr. Lee Kim-hung, chairman of the C U H K Federation of Alumni Associations, Prof. Yeun g Yue-man, head of Shaw College, and Prof. C.N. Yang, Distinguished Professor-at-large, m a d e speeches in praise of Prof. K ao at the banquet, and a souvenir from University m e m b e rs w a s presented to Prof. and Mrs. Kao by Sir Quo-wei. • 高錕校長伉儷惜別餐會 Farewell Dinner for Prof, and Mrs. Kao 2 9