Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1997

News in Brief Un i vers i t y Members W i n Laurels * Vice-Chancellor Prof. Arthur K. C. Li has been appointed a non-executive director of Glaxo Wellcome from 1st January 1997. Prof. Li is the first Asian to be appointed to the post. Based in the UK, Glaxo Wellcome is the world's largest pharmaceutical company with the greatest share of the world market for prescription medicine. Each year it allocates £1.2 billion for research and development in the UK, US, Japan, Italy, Canada, Switzerland, France, Spain, and Singapore. * Prof. Rance P. L. Lee, professor of sociology and head of Chung Chi College, was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire on the Queen's New Year Honours List announced on 31st December 1996. Prof. Lee is one of the first locally trained sociologists. He has been actively involved in the establishment of social research centres at the University. * Prof. Charles K. Kao, honorary professor of engineering, was awarded an honorary degree in telecommunications engineering by the University of Padova in Italy on 18th October 1996. * The B o ok Silk and Bamboo Music in Shanghai: The Jiangnan Sizhu Instrumental Ensemble Tradition, written by Prof. Lawrence Witzleben of the Music Department, was awarded the Alan Merriam Prize for the best book of the year 1996 in ethnomusicology. The Alan Merriam Prize is awarded by the Society for Ethnomusicology 'to recognize the best published English Language monograph in the field of ethnomusicology'. The society was incorporated in 1955 in the US and has an international membership. Prof. Witzleben's award-winning book was published by the Kent State University Press in 1995. It is the result of his fieldwork in Shanghai in 1981-82 and 1984-85. Leader of the Eastern Or thodox Church Vi s i ts CUHK His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of the Orthodox Church, spiritual leader of some 450 million Orthodox F r o m left : P r o f . L. K . Lo, P r o f . Rance P. L. Lee, P r o f . A r t h u r K. C, L i , P a t r i a r c h B a r t h o l o m e w , P r o f . Ambrose K i ng and P r o f . A r c h i e Lee News in Brief 45