Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1998

P r o f . Xu Yangsheng Appointed National Chief Technical Adviser Prof. Xu Yangsheng, professor i n the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, was appointe d chief technical adviser of the National Telescience and Space Robotics Programme by the National H i gh Technology Programme of the State Council of the People's Republic of China in October 1997. Prof. X u w i l l help China formulat e developmental strategies in telescience and space robotics, identify important research areas, and allocate resources to basic technology research in related areas. Prof. Xu is the only chief advise r f r om H o n g Ko n g i n the six technical programmes under the National H i g h Technology Programme. Feeling pleased and honoured by the a p p o i n t m e n t Prof. X u looks forward to serving both Ho ng Kon g and China ma i n l a nd in thi s n ew ly acquired capacity. He w i ll also wo r k towards increasing research collaboration among Hong Kong, China, and the US in telescience and space robotics. Telescience and space robotics technology w i l l develop at lightning speed i n the coming 10 years. Deman d for communications satellites is very high, and applications of telescience include such areas as medical research. As China's southern gate, Hon g Kong has great potential in basic research, R&D, and technology transfer,' he said. Prof. Xu established th e first laboratory w i th zerogravity environment dedicated to space robotics research in 1989 while teaching at Carnegie Mellon University. He has been adviser to research programmes in the US, Japan, Korea, an d the United Nations. He has also made significant contribution s to theory and technology development i n robotics, realtime control, and human interface. Outstanding Achievements 37