Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2001

i n the earl y 1990s, w i t h the arrival of the I n f o r ma t i on Age, the globalization of the w o r l d economy, and the increasing importance of the Asia- Pacific r e g i o n i n such an economy, c o r p o r a t e executives were faced w i t h greater opportunities and challenges. The University therefore established a three-year EMBA p r og r amme i n 1993 to nurtur e i n participants the essential skills and knowledg e for managemen t responsibilities at the senior e x e c u t i v e l e v e l. T h e p r o g r a m me a i m s specifically to enhance participants ' analytical and decision-making capabilities, thereby increasing the competitive advantage of the enterprises they serve. They are instilled w i t h knowledge of the culture s and economies of the Asia-Pacific, and taught the skills to capitalize on H o n g Kong's strategic location i n the region. Applicants to the programme must have a bachelor's degree or equivalent professional qua l i f i c a t i on a nd at least seven years of w o r k i n g experience, i n c l ud i ng fiv e years i n a managerial position. Since its inception i n 1993, the programme has produced 260 graduates, mos t of w h o m are n ow wo r k i ng i n international businesses and major enterprises. EMBA students in class at the CUMBA Town Centre Cheering the EMBA Programme On A reception hosted b y the University i n celebration of the h i gh rankings achieved b y the EMBA p r o g r amme was he ld on 6th Novembe r i n the H o n g K o n g Bankers Club i n Central. The celebration began w i t h a we l c om i ng speech b y Prof. A r t h u r K.C. Li, vice-chancellor of the University, w h o congratulated the teachers, students, and supporting staff on their excellent performance and thanked the a l umn i and their employers for their support and contribution. Prof. M u n Kin-chok, director of the programme , and Ms. Caroline Keung, representative of the programme's alumni , also delivered speeches on the occasion. Guests of honour included Dr. the Hon. Donald Tsang (right 3), chief secretary for administration of the HKSAR Government, Dr. Alice Lam (left 3), chair of the University Grants Committee, and Dr. Lee Hon-chiu fright 2), chairman of the University Council. Attending the reception ( w e r e also Prof. Arthur Li (left 2), Prof. Japhet Law (right 1), dean of business administration, Prof. Mun Kin-chok (left 1), and alumni and student of the programme and members of the education and business sectors in Hong Kong. 31