Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2001

The faculty held its 10th anniversary dinner on 9th November at the Chung Chi Staff Club. Guests included honorary and emeritus professors of the faculty, such as Prof. C.F. Chen, Prof. Y.W. Lam, Prof. T.C. Chen, Prof. Omar Wing, Prof. George Fan, and Prof. Charles Kao Seen here are the dean and the department chairmen of the faculty toasting the guests. THE10THANNIVERSARY OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING To celebrate its 10th anniversary i n 2001, the Faculty o f Engineering organized a serie so f activitie s in November, includin g lectures , a n exhibition, a faculty dinner , an alumn i lunch, and an awar dpresentatio n ceremony. When the faculty was established a decade ago, founding dean Prof. Omar Wing had said, 'With a new beginning comes new opportunities and challenges. Now the faculty must define it s mission and find the resources to realize its goals and aspirations.' What were the faculty's goals? There is but one answer: excellence in research and teaching.' On the 10th anniversary o f the faculty, current dean Prof. Ching Pak-chung said, 'I'm pleased t oreport that the faculty has achieved considerable progress. It has introduced several frontier engineering subjects, attracted young and capable teachers and excellent students, and become a reputable base for research in high technology and a cradle of engineering expertise.' The faculty now houses Hong Kong's first academic department specializing in electronic communications and computer networking, and has been the first engineering faculty to include engineering management in its undergraduate programme. In 1999 it set up the Centre for Innovation and Technology to promote inter-disciplinary research and technology transfer. Its research projects have attracted funding to the tune o f HK$30 million from various sources in 2000 alone. The new engineering building (computer rendition)(front), and the Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building (back) Distinguishe d Lecture s Prof. Songde Ma, vice-minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, PRC (left) speaking on 'The High-tech Development Strategies and "863" Programme of China', and Prof. Simon Wong, chief executive officer of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Co. Ltd. (right) speaking on 'Opportunities and Challenges for High-tech Development in Hong Kong', on 9th November. 48