Bulletin Spring‧Summer, 2008
My Days as an Exchange Student I went on exchange to the University College Maastricht in the Netherlands in 2007-08, During that year, I interacted with students from different European countries on a day-to-day basis. Interactions both in and out of the classroom opened my eyes to how Europeans think and study. I also enjoyed being an ambassador of Chinese culture, taking every opportunity to introduce Chinese music, cooking and philosophy to the students and tutors of this liberal arts school. My exchange life was rich and varied. Besides studying I took an active part in extra-curricular activities organized by student committees, such as city tours, Dutch Night, Arabian Night and public lectures. I was also an Open Day representative. In March, I joined the 'Student Forum Maastricht', a five-day conference combining lectures, workshops on labour, migration, economics, education, justice, and a visit to the European Commission in Brussels. Meeting students from other European cities got me thinking about these issues in the context of a globalized world. Another great experience was traveling. I enjoy travelling because it lets me relate what I learn in class about European history, art and other knowledge to reality. For example, when I went to Rome and Istanbul, I was so amazed by Roman and Ottoman cultures. The architectural heritage and museums there were fantastic. Touching them or observing them was itself a precious and unforgettable lesson in European history. It refreshed the knowledge I had acquired from books. As a journalism student, knowing more about the world and meeting people are assets I need in order to gain a professional edge. Kwong Chun-ho Howard ( School of Journalism and Communication) the Colleges, Faculties and departments. Students can choose from as many as 26 countries, from Norway to Mexico, and from Japan to the United States. As an institution that values global-mindedness, the University has always encouraged its students to go on exchange. International exposure not only helps them to master a second language and become independent, but also enables them to befriend young people from other cultures and develop a wider world view. In the era of globalization, these are indeed important qualities of a global citizen, as well as assets that will almost certainly improve one's career prospects. Overseas Student Exchange
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