Bulletin No. 1, 2009

The 65th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 17 Degrees Conferred in 2007–08 Honorary Doctorate 4 Doctor of Medicine 5 Doctor of Philosophy 218 Doctor of Education 6 Master of Philosophy 344 Master of Arts 1,396 Master of Divinity 8 Master of Fine Arts 1 Master of Music 1 Master of Accountancy 26 Master of Business Administration 363 Master of Professional Accountancy 98 Master of Education 105 Juris Doctor 62 Master of Laws 157 Master of Family Medicine 6 Master of Health Science 20 Master of Nursing 14 Master of Occupational Medicine 1 Master of Public Health 28 Master of Chinese Medicine 5 Master of Science 699 Master of Architecture 36 Master of Social Science 233 Master of Social Work 39 Bachelor of Arts 446 Bachelor of Business Administration 540 Bachelor of Education 28 Bachelor of Engineering 346 Bachelor of Medical Sciences 1 Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery 139 Bachelor of Nursing 140 Bachelor of Pharmacy 30 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 23 Bachelor of Science 565 Bachelor of Social Science 544 Total 6,677 The 65th Congre ation