Bulletin No. 1, 2009

60   Chinese University Bulletin No. 1, 2009 Obituary T he University mourns the passing of Prof. Tang Aoqing on 15 July 2008 in Beijing at the age of 93. Prof. Tang was a senior member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, renowned chemist and educator. He was President of Jilin University and director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Prof. Tang visited CUHK to render advice and was conferred the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa in 1994 by the University. Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Sciences Conference C o-organized by CUHK, Peking University and Taiwan University, the First Conference on Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Sciences was held on campus on 16 and 17 March 2009. The opening ceremony was co- chaired using video conferencing by Prof. Lin Hui (centre) of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK, Prof. Tang Xiaofeng of Peking University (2nd right), and Prof. Sun Chih-hong (2nd left) and Prof. Lay Jinn- guey of Taiwan University. Over 100 scholars and research students from Hong Kong, the mainland, Taiwan and overseas presented research papers on the application of geoinformation science system, spatial analysis and spatial modelling in humanities and social sciences disciplines. The conference is sponsored by the Hong Kong Pei Hua Educ a t i on F ounda t i on, United College and the Faculty of Social Science, CUHK. Intellectual Cross-currents