Bulletin No. 2, 2014
10 Chinese University Bulletin No. 2, 2014 Institute of Future Cities Director : Prof. Leung Yee Over half of the global population now live in urban areas, yet dramatic urban expansion and industrialization are often accompanied by challenges to the environment, natural resources, mobility and accessibility, public health and housing provision, and employment; as well as problems such as social and economic polarization and ageing. Solving these urban challenges requires an interdisciplinary approach that makes possible a more sustainable pathway of development which respects natural, social and economic capital. The Institute of Future Cities (IOFC) links up urban r e s e a r che r s a t CUHK and i n t e r na t i ona l organizations involved in research on cutting- edge urban development, as well as national research units focusing on urban issues in the evolving socialist market economy. The objective is to disseminate research findings locally, nationally and beyond. The IOFC has four centres and a programme, which form a solid base from which its research, teaching and other activities evolve. The research interests of t he Cent re of L and Resource and Housing P o l i c y i n c l u d e t h e effects of an ageing population on housing choice; and the effects of policy, community mix and communit y connectivity on housing p r i c e . T h e C e n t r e of Communi t y and P lace Governance undertakes studies
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