Bulletin No. 2, 2014
38 Chinese University Bulletin No. 2, 2014 CUHK Green Efforts Widely Recognized CUHK was honoured for the second time with the Gold Award for the Public Organizations and Utilities Sector of the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE). With a participation of close to 900 institutions, the competition held its award ceremony on 2 May. The key factors of the assessment criteria are green leadership, programme and performance, and partner synergy. CUHK staff and students have made remarkable achievements in energy conservation, water conservation, waste reduction, ecology preservation and environmental improvement, and collaborated closely with suppliers and canteens in green purchasing, promotion of a low-carbon diet and reduction of food waste. Apart from its all-out efforts on campus, CUHK reaches out to the community to raise awareness of sustainability. University Library Wins Interior Design Award The University Library was awarded the Hong Kong Institute of Architec t s Annual Awards 2013 : Sp e c i a l A r ch i t e c t u r a l Award—Archite c tural Interior for its spatial re- organization project. The Universit y Librar y unde r went s t r uc t u ra l extension from 2009 to 2012. It’s once dark basement was turned into a 2,500m 2 , colourful Learning Garden, with lights coming through the glass ceiling under the pool of the Roman-style garden ‘Forum’. There is also an s-shaped table featuring different heights and widths along its length to serve different functions. Honours and Recognition
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