Bulletin No. 2, 2014
48 Chinese University Bulletin No. 2, 2014 Shaw Prize Laureate on Beauty of Math Prof. George Lusztig, S h a w l a u r e a t e i n M a t h e m a t i c a l Sciences 2014, spoke o n ‘ A l g e b r a i c a n d Geometric Methods in Representation Theory’ at Shaw College on 25 September. Professor Lusztig demonstrated h ow r e p r e s e n t a t i o n theory of finite groups of Lie type has evolved in the years since its foundation in 1896. He explained how methods from outside of group theory, such as cohomology theories of algebraic varieties in characteristic p, have played a key role in progress towards understanding the representations of finite groups of Lie type. Lusztig is Abdun-Nur Professor of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was awarded for weaving algebra, algebraic geometry, and representation theory together to solve old problems and reveal beautiful new connections. Christopher A. Pissarides on New Normal in China Prof. Sir Christopher A. Pissarides, 2010 Nobel l au r e a t e i n E c onom i c Sciences, gave a talk on ‘The New Normal in China: Lessons from Europe in the Transition to a Post- Industrialized Society’ on 16 October at CUHK. He talked about the structural transformation in Europe during the 20th century and how the social and economic policies made impact on economic development. These issues included welfare support for disadvantaged groups, dealing with inequalities and managing an economic union. Many of these questions are now relevant to China and Professor Pissarides highlighted the lessons that can be learned about such policies and the action that needs to be taken to avoid the mistakes made in many European countries. Intellectual Cross- Currents
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