Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015

榮譽法學博士劉遵義教授讚辭 Conferment of the Degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa: A Citation Prof. Lawrence Juen-yee Lau, GBS, DSocSc (Hon), Doc (Hon), LLD (Hon), Doc Management Science (Hon), Doc Economics (Hon), BS, MA, PhD, JP 剛好一百年前多一點,一位來自 陝西名叫于右任的年輕人獲孫中 山先生委任為交通部次長。他寫 過詩諷刺時弊,有一段時間為逃 避清廷的通緝而流亡,也辦過幾 份報紙。他後來到西北地區統籌 革命活動;曾領導創辦復旦大學、 上海大學及西北農林科技大學這 三所學府;在國民黨政府內擔任 過監察院院長一職;還編成一冊 《標準草書千字文》。他在今天 已被公認為一位現代中國書法大 師。 Just over one hundred years ago, a young man from Shaanxi province named Yu Youren was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport and Communication in the government of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. He had already written satirical poems, spent some time as a refugee from Qing forces, and established several newspapers. He later went on to command revolutionary activities in the northwest; to play leading roles in founding Fudan, Shanghai and Northwest A & F Universities; to become the President of the Control Yuan in the Nationalist Government; and to write the standard book on Chinese cursive script. He is recognized today as one of the modern masters of Chinese calligraphy. 25 榮譽 Honoris Causa