Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015

于右任兩歲時其母離世,由其伯母 房太夫人撫養成人。當伯母的孫女 (其侄女)的父親離世後,他就負 責養育他的侄女。于右任的侄女有 一個兒子(其外侄孫),以他為榜 樣,深受他的啟發;該男孩的祖父 劉侯武曾任廣東省廣西省監察區 監察使,同樣為男孩所景仰。這個 男孩最後成為知名學者和領袖,更 是本校的第六任校長。 領袖之才,不論在任何界別,均 有洞識其所服務的機構及社會當 前情況,以至帶領機構更上一層 樓之氣魄。劉遵義教授的領袖之 才,在多個範圍包括經濟學、大 學行政、中國經濟和香港社會發 展得以展現。 劉遵義雖然在貴州出生,卻在香 港的聖保羅男女中學接受幼稚園、 小學與中學教育,其後於一九六四 年獲美國史丹福大學學士學位,並 分別於一九六六年和一九六九年 取得加州大學柏克萊分校碩士與 博士學位。他決定選擇做經濟學家 而非工程師也是受到一位長輩的 This exceptional man lost his mother when he was two years old: he was raised by his aunt. He in turn raised his aunt’s grand-daughter (his niece) when she lost her father. His niece had a son (his grand- nephew), who was to find his greatest inspiration in the example of this distinguished uncle of his mother; as well in that of his father’s father, Liu Houwu, a leading administrator in Guangdong and Guangxi. That grand-nephew was eventually to become a renowned scholar and leader himself, as well as our sixth Vice-Chancellor. Leadership most typically involves having a clear mental picture or model of an institution or society, both how they are now and how they might be better, no matter which field the leader works in. In the case of Lawrence Juen-yee Lau, those fields included the economics profession, university administration, the development of the Chinese economy, and Hong Kong society. Though he was born in Guizhou, Lawrence Lau’s kindergarten, primary and secondary schooling was at St. Paul’s Co-Educational College in Hong Kong, after which he took his first degree at Stanford University in 1964 and his MA and PhD at the University of California, Berkeley in 1966 and 1969 respectively. His decision to become an economist rather than an 26 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin Special Supplement