Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015

時額外招收的三千名學生。劉教 授深具遠見,認為一些規模較小 而全宿的書院,可讓師生更積極 參與書院生活和學習。劉教授的 遠見,促成了中大五所新書院— 晨興、善衡、敬文、伍宜孫及和 聲的成立。這五位新成員書院為 大學帶來新氣象,絕對是劉教授 之功。 劉遵義教授是經濟學家、大學領 袖,也是國家及香港政府可信賴 的顧問,成就卓越,本人謹請主 席閣下頒授榮譽法學博士銜予劉 遵義教授。 exchange, thus laying important foundations for a more internationalist outlook. Secondly, Professor Lau played an active and enthusiastic leadership role in the University’s establishment of five new colleges to accommodate the additional cohort of 3,000 students arriving in 2012 as part of the reversion to a four-year curriculum. He had a vision of several smaller, fully residential college communities that allow for greater involvement of each student and teacher in college life and learning. Out of this vision arose the foundations of Morningside, S.H. Ho, C.W. Chu, Wu Yee Sun and Lee Woo Sing Colleges. Professor Lau can be said to have permanently changed the University through his advocacy of these foundations. For his achievements at many levels, as an economist, university leader, and trusted adviser to both the Hong Kong and Chinese governments, it gives me great pleasure, Mr. Chairman, to present to you Prof. Lawrence Juen-yee Lau, for the award of the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa . 讚辭由 Simon Haines 教授撰寫,原文刊於第七十七屆大會(頒授學位典禮)場刊 The citation, authored by Prof. Simon Haines, was published in the 77th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees brochure 29 榮譽 Honoris Causa