Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015

劉遵義教授二零一零年離任校長 後,在中文大學仍不時可見到他 熟悉的身影,似乎他沒怎麽離開 過我們。本年夏初,本刊到位於 鄭裕彤樓十三樓的全球經濟及金 融研究所拜訪劉教授,與他憶舊 談今。 Prof. Lawrence Lau retired from vice-chancellorship in 2010 and since then his warm presence has frequently graced the CUHK campus, as if he has never really left us. In the early summer of 2015, the Bulletin paid a visit to Professor Lau in his office at the Institute of Global Economics and Finance on the 13th floor of the Cheng Yu Tung Building, and had a nice chat with himon the past and the present. All is Well —— An Interview with Prof. Lawrence Lau 別來無恙 ––––劉遵義教授專訪 30 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin Special Supplement