Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015

可以談一下現在你跟中大的連繫 嗎? 離任校長之後,我一直出任藍饒 富暨藍凱麗經濟學講座教授一職, 這佔了我大概四分之一時間,主 要是想保持與大學的聯繫。二零 一零年至二零一四年擔任中投國 際(香港)有限公司董事長那段 期間,我比較忙,每星期只能回 校一次。去年我自該職退休了, 假如身在香港的話,幾乎每天都 會一早回來。在全球經濟及金融 研究所,我主力研究,沒有開專 門的課,不過會在某些經濟課程 中講幾節書。這兒有好幾個重點 項目,例如每年夏天的全球金融 菁英領導研討班,自二零一一年 起,已舉行五屆了,每一屆我都 會主講一兩個全球關注的經濟議 題。每年冬天還有一個全東南亞 國家中央銀行要員的培訓項目, 我也有參與。 那麽,是比前忙碌還是清閒 了? 很難說,我剛過七十歲了,可以 不參加的活動我就不參加了,多 留點時間給自己。有關中國經濟 改革的書還在寫,已有點進展。 沒有固定的工作,不用受限制, 自由得多,可以隨心所欲去旅行。 到這個年齡,應該是做自己想做 的事。 How is your connection with the University now? I am still serving as the Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics at the University, which occupies about a quarter of my time. During the period from 2010 to 2014 when I was chairman of CIC International (Hong Kong) Co., Limited, I was rather busy and could manage to come back to campus only once a week. I retired from the chairmanship last year. Since then, I come to the office here early in the morning almost every day if I’m not out of town. Here at the Institute of Global Economics and Finance (IGEF), my focus is research. I don’t offer particular courses but give lectures on economics for certain programmes from time to time. I participate in the major projects of the IGEF, for example, as a Distinguished Lecturer of the Executive Leadership Programmes in Global Finance held every summer since 2011, and also take part in a training programme organised yearly in the winter for executive officers of central banks in Southeast Asian countries. Would you say you’re busier or less busy than before? It’s hard to say. I have just passed 70 years of age. I abstain from events and activities when I can be excused, so that I can have more time for myself. I’m making good progress on a book on the Chinese economy. Without having to keep regular hours, I am free from restrictions and can travel anytime I wish. At this age, it is best to do what one enjoys. 31 別來無恙–劉遵義教授專訪 All is Well—An Interview with Prof. Lawrence Lau