Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (2010–2017)

25 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin | 特刊 Special Supplement 02.12.2017 「中國文藝大師湯顯祖作品之夜」暨感謝晚宴 Appreciation Dinner cum Chinese Cultural Night Featuring Tang Xianzu’s Masterpieces 在邵逸夫堂舉辦的晚宴,邀請多位善長、 友好、校友,連同教職員共一百六十多人 出席。 沈教授致辭時表示:「回顧出任中大校長 的七年間,我十分榮幸能夠認識在座各 位捐款人及校友,並與大家一同見證中 大的成長及變化。中大創校五十多年,經 歷不少挑戰,今晚的晚宴是特別為所有 為中大出心出力的捐款人而設,是在座 各位成就了今天的中大,令大學能夠在 教學、科研及社會服務等領域上持續發 展,肩負培育未來社會棟樑的重任。」 The dinner held at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall in recognition of the unwavering contributions from supporters of CUHK was attended by over 160 major benefactors, friends, alumni, faculty members and staff. Professor Sung expressed his gratitude to the benefactors in his welcoming remarks. ‘In the past seven years, I have been privileged to get to know all our supporters sitting here, and to witness the rapid development of the University together. The growth of CUHK in the past 50 or so years was not without challenges, and we are truly grateful for the unfailing support from our benefactors, which enables the University to increase its strength and competitiveness in teaching, research and community service, and nurture our students to become the future pillars of society.’