Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (2010–2017)

27 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin | 特刊 Special Supplement 21.12.2017 與學生聖誕聯歡 Christmas Party with Students 約一百四十位來自各學院和學生會 的學生代表,以及曾參與各項比賽獲 勝的學生在漢園歡聚。 About 140 student representatives from Faculties, the student union and champion teams gathered at the Vice- Chancellor’s Lodge for a memorable festive celebration. 逾四百名中大職員在沈校長任內最後一個工作天晚上出席「祖堯 約定你」歡送晚宴。副校長(行政)及秘書長吳樹培先生於晚宴上 感謝沈校長在任期間,帶領中大創立多個里程碑,跨越無數挑戰。 Over 400 CUHK staff members gathered to wave goodbye to the Vice-Chancellor on his last day of office. Mr. Eric Ng, Vice-President (Administration) and University Secretary of CUHK, thanked Professor Sung for leading CUHK to set various milestones and by meeting many challenges during his tenure as Vice-Chancellor and President. 29.12.2017 「祖堯約定你」 歡送晚宴 Staff Dinner with Professor Sung