Calendar 1978–79

Almanac 1978-79 13
PART I Establishment 17
University Ordinance and Statutes 19
University Officers 57
The Council 59
Council Committees 61
The Senate 63
Senate Committees 65
Advisory Boards on Academic Matters 70
Graduates <em>Honoris Causa</em> 71
External Examiners 72
Staff List 76
PART II General Information 109
The University 111
Origin 111
The New Ordinance 112
Finance 112
Lands and Buildings 113
Residential Accommodation 114
Academic Dress 115
Liaison with the World of Learning 117
The Constituent Colleges 119
Chung Chi College 119
New Asia College 122
United College 124
PART III Admission and Programmes of Studies 129
Undergraduate Admission and Degrees 131
Programmes of Studies 133
Arts 133
Business Administration 231
Science 260
Social Science 323
General Education 382
International Asian Studies Programme 394
Postgraduate Studies 397
PART IV Fees, Scholarships and Financial Aid 411
Fees 413
Scholarships and Financial Aid to Students 416
PART V Research Institutes and University Extensions 437
Institutes and Research Centres 439
Institutes of Business Management Studies 439
Institutes of Chinese Studies 439
Institutes of Science and Technology 441
Institutes of Social Studies and the Humanities 442
Other Research Units 444
University Extensions 445
Department of Extramural Studies 445
New Asia - Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre 446
PART VI Other University Activities 449
Other University Activities 451
The Library System 451
The Chinese University Press 452
Computer Services Centre 452
Health Service 453
Student Counselling and Student Activities 454
Information about the University 455
PART VII Regulations 457
Matriculation and Admission Requirements 459
General Regulations Governing Undergraduate Studies 462
Regulations for Degree Examination 1979 475
General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies 483
Regulations of the University Library System 494
Student Enrolments 499
Campus Map 504