Calendar 2000–01
RMS 4003 Statistical Modelling in Financial Markets RMS 4004 Risk Theory RMS 4005 Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus Code Course Title RMS 4001 Simulation Methods RMS 4002 Advanced Data Analysis RMS 4003 Statistical Modelling in Financial Markets RMS 4004 Risk Theory RMS 4005 Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus STA 0301 Case Studies STA 0302 Case Studies STA 0401 Case Studies STA 2001 Basic Concepts in Statistics I STA 2003 Data Analysis and Statistical Software I STA 2004 Data Analysis and Statistical Software II STA 2006 Basic Concepts in Statistics II STA 2007 Mathematics with Applications in Statistics I STA 2008 Mathematics with Applications in Statistics II STA 2101 Basic Statistical Methods STA 2102 Fundamentals of Statistics STA 2103 Statistics in Modern Society STA 3002 Experimental Design STA 3003 Survey Sampling STA 3004 Basic Methods in Biomedical Statistics STA 3005 Applied Nonparametric Statistics STA 3006 Statistical Computing STA 3007 Applied Probability STA 3008 Applied Regression Analysis STA 3101 Statistical Methods STA 4001 Applications of Statistics in Business STA 4002 Applied Multivariate Methods STA 4003 Statistical Inference STA 4004 Actuarial Science STA 4005 Time Series STA 4006 Categorical Data Analysis STA 4007 Statistical Quality Control STA 4008 Survival Analysis
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