Calendar 2000–01
( ! * ( The University has set up an IT Learning Centre to cater to the training needs of the students. A self-learning courseware in a hands-on tutorial mode is also available for use by those who wish to be trained before taking the test. Students may use the courseware at the centre. Alternatively they can access the courseware through several servers on campus. Some faculties and departments have also set up self- learning centres for their own students. For details, please browse the SITC homepage ( ). Training is entirely voluntary. ( ! * ( ( Applicable to students admitted in 1999–2000 and thereafter ) All students are required to sit an IT Proficiency Test in their first year of attendance. Students who fail the test will be required to attend a summer intensive course and retake the test in their second year of attendance. Any student who fails the test again in the second year will be required to attend the summer intensive course again. Students will be barred from graduation if they do not pass the test and despite this have not attended the summer intensive courses. Tests will be graded pass/fail, and multiple attempts are allowed. Upon graduation, the transcript will show ‘IT Proficiency Passed’ or ‘IT Proficiency Course Attended’. ( Applicable to students admitted in 1998–99 and before ) Students may elect to take the test. If they pass, ‘IT Proficiency Passed’ will be recorded on their transcripts. Students who do not take or do not pass the test will not have any IT proficiency record on their transcripts. ( ' + Section 1 Operating a microcomputer Section 2 Word Processing Section 3 Spreadsheet Section 4 Electronic Communication Section 5 Presentation Software Section 6 Computer Ethics
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