Calendar 2006–07

Full-time Undergraduate Studies • General Education 205 UGB 240M Astronomy UGB 241M Chemistry in Action UGB 242M Chemistry in the Kitchen UGB 242N Perspectives in Computer Science UGB 243N Perspectives in Mathematics UGB 246N Appreciation of Mathematics UGB 247N Statistics in Modern Society UGB 249N Perspectives in Risk Management and Modern Society UGB 250M Forces of Nature UGB 250U Human Evolution UGB 251M The Stars and Our Lives UGB 253N Games and Strategic Thinking UGB 257S States of Consciousness UGB 258Q Information Technology and Economy UGB 263M Exploring the Enigmatic Oceans UGB 264M Perspectives in Meteorology UGB 265M Perspectives in Materials Science UGB 265T Internet, Multimedia and Information Society UGB 271V Issues in Environmental Education UGB 272R Cyberpolitics UGB 272W Human Cognition UGB 278Z Perspectives in Medical Sciences UGB 279Z Perspectives in Clinical Sciences UGB 2806 Technology and Life UGB 2836 Science, Philosophy and Human Life UGB 283Z Fundamentals in Chinese Medicine UGB 2943 Decoding Digital Life Area C. Society and Culture UGC 122B Bilingualism UGC 127B Culture and Translation UGC 128B History of Translation UGC 200R Law in Modern China UGC 201H The Making of Modern Singapore UGC 201R Criminal Justice Systems UGC 201S Understanding Social Vulnerability UGC 201X Understanding Economic Indicators UGC 201Y Experiencing Architecture UGC 202H History of Macau: The Encounter of Eastern and Western Cultures UGC 202R The Common Law Tradition UGC 203R Chinese Foreign Trade Law and Chinese Society UGC 204P Modernity and Urban Culture UGC 205P Values and Cultural Plurality UGC 208F Survey of Western Music UGC 209F Music and Literature UGC 212E Perspectives on Pan Pearl River Delta UGC 214B Language and Culture UGC 217D Language and Desire UGC 217E Sustainable Development UGC 219E Understanding Ecotourism UGC 2203 Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Society