Newsletter No. 500

Advisory Boards and Committees 73 Part 2 Members Mr. Warren C.H. Chan 陳志海 The Honourable Elsie Leung 梁愛詩 Prof. Liu Pak-wai 廖柏偉 , CUHK Mr. Luk Yee-shun, Arthur 陸貽信 , Department of Justice Dr. Anthony Neoh 梁定邦 ex officio Members Prof. Mike McConville Dean, Faculty of Law, CUHK Secretary Mrs. Diana Ying 英龍彩珠 , CUHK Advisory Board of the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research Chairman Prof. Leslie N.K. Lo 盧乃桂 , CUHK Members Prof. Howard Gardner, Harvard University, USA Prof. Leong Che-kan 梁子勤 , University of Saskatchewan, Canada Prof. John MacBeath, University of Cambridge, UK Prof. Herbert W. Marsh, University of Oxford, UK Prof. Min Weifang 閔維方 , Peking University Prof. Ou Yung-sheng 歐用生 , Tatung University, Taiwan Prof. J. Douglas Willms, University of New Brunswick, Canada ex officio Members Prof. Hau Kit-tai 侯傑泰 Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, CUHK Prof. Tsang Wing-kwong 曾榮光 Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, CUHK Secretary Prof. Hau Kit-tai 侯傑泰, CUHK