CUHK: Focus at 50

25 開創 Empower our Future 1 社區植樹日 CU50 • Care Tree Planting Day 11.5.2013 2 端陽暖萬心—關懷長者服務計劃 Dragon Boat Festival Elderly Care Programme 8.6.2013 3 博群—正生服務計劃 I • CARE—Zheng Sheng College Service Project 18–28.6.2013 4 同心關懷賀中秋 Mid-Autumn Festival Elderly Care Programme 14.9.2013 5 老友記歡聚中大賀金禧 CUHK celebrates Golden Jubilee with the elderly 5.10.2013 6 香港小童群益會賣旗日 The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong Flag Day 19.10.2013 7 中大健康檢查日 CUHK Health Check 6–25.11.2013 2 3 7 4 6