Newsletter No. 45
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter Vol. 4‧8 No. 45 August 1993 University News A New Institute for Educational Research The Hong Kong I ns t i t u te of Educa t i onal Research of The Chinese University of Hong Kong w i l l be formally established in September 1993 to promote educational research activities in the University. The objectives of the institute are to conduct strategic research with strong policy implications for educational developments in China and Hong Kong, to effectively deploy resources for educational research, to provide consultancy services and to conduct development programmes for local schools, professional organizations, government bodies and private agencies. The institute plans to establish a data bank to store useful data from important international and local research projects, publish research findings and ideas in the form of monographs, occasional papers and journals, host international conferences, seminars, workshops, nd public lectures for the academic community and the educational profession, and develop relevant instructional and training materials. Six potential research programmes have initially been identified: (1) educational development in contemporary China, (2) policy of language education in Hong Kong, (3) effectiveness of schooling in Hong Kong and South China, (4) education for the gifted, (5) educational administration and reform, and (6) curriculum development in Chinese societies. The institute is an independent entity but is closely linked to the Faculty of Education. It is supported by private donations, University funds, research grants, and revenue generated by its educational and consultancy programmes. 30th Anniversary Celebration in August First International Conference on M u s h r o om B i o l o gy a nd M u s h- roomProducts Date:23rdto26thAugust Venue: Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and Sha Tin Town Hall Organizer: Department of Biology CUHK Produces the Best Computer Programming Team Four undergraduate students from the University's Department of Computer Science captured the champion trophy at the Third Annual ACM Hong Kong Chapter Scholastic Programming Contest, which was held at the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong on 2nd July. The event was organized by the Hong Kong Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery and was modelled after A CM Scholastic Programming Contests in other parts of the world. A ll seven UPGC-funded tertiary institutions sent teams to take part in the contest this year. In the competition, a set of six programming problems ranging from scientific computation to puzzles and robot path planning were given to the contestants, who then competed to solve as many problems as possible in four hours. The CUHK team successfully completed f ur problems, two more than the first runner-up, and will represent Hong Kong to compete in the ACM Far East Regional Programming Contest to be held in November 1993 in Taiwan. Representing the University were Chan Wai Wai, Lou Chi Wai, Tong Ka Leung, and Won Hon Wing. And their coaches were Dr. Hsu Siu Chi and Dr. Ting King Fung. 1
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