Newsletter No. 50

CUHK NEWSLETTER The second walk: TheHo Sin-hang Engineering Building to the Chung Chi College Chapel One starts from the steps on Chung Chi Road i n fron t o f th e H o Sin-han g Engineering Building, an d th e Theolog y Building, partiall y hidde n i n a verdan t valley, soo n come s int o view . Furthe r down th e roa d th e vist a graduall y opens , and a tablea u o f exquisite beaut y unfolds . A smal l bridg e span s th e gentl y gurglin g stream, an d bird-song s an d th e swee t fragrance o f frui t tree s fil l the air . Afte r a short rest on one of the stone benches, on e soon arrive s a t th e Chun g Ch i Colleg e Chapel, flanke d by t h e Alumn i Park o n it s left. Alumni Park Chapel (foreground) and Theology Bldg (top right) Water running below the bridge A bridge comes into view. Steps near Ho Sin-han g Engineerin g Bldg. Evergreen Lane Footbridge leading to Chung Chi Tang The section of the Evergreen Lane leading to three student hostels The walk ends here with Bamboo Lodge within sight. NO.50 JANUAR Y 1994 7