Newsletter No. 52

CUHK NEWSLETTER Research in Collaboration with UK Universities Eight researc h project s propose d b y staf f member s o f th e University wil l receiv e grant s totallin g £48,99 1 fro m th e UK/HK Join t Research Scheme . The scheme was establishe d in 199 1 b y th e Britis h Counci l an d th e Researc h Grant s Council o f Hon g Kon g t o promot e cooperatio n i n researc h between institution s o f higher education i n the UK an d Hon g Kong, an d th e University ha s receive d fundin g support from the schem e fo r th e las t tw o years . Th e eigh t project s t o b e supported thi s yea r are : HK$ 1 Million from Croucher Foundation for Environmental Research An environmenta l researc h project propose d b y Dr . Yee Leung , directo r o f th e Centre fo r Environmenta l Studies, recentl y obtaine d financial suppor t to the tun e of HK$1,057,00 0 fro m Th e Croucher Foundation . Entitled 'A n Environmental Decision Suppor t System fo r Wate r Pollutio n Control o f th e Tida l Rive r Network i n th e Pear l Rive r Delta', th e projec t aim s a t developing a n analytica l paradigm an d a n intelligen t environmental decisio n support system fo r the management of tida l river network s in genera l an d th e Pear l River Delt a i n particular . A c omp o n e nt par t o f th e research i s a specifi c application of th e syste m t o water pollutio n contro l i n the Pear l Rive r Delt a fo r evaluation an d improvement. A New Student Hostel on Chung Chi Campus A ne w studen t hostel , th e Lee Shu-Pu i Hall , wa s recently completed o n th e Chung Ch i campus . Located o n Progres s Road, th e e i gh t - s t o r e y bu i l d i ng p r ov i d e s 30 0 hostel place s fo r Chun g Chi students . I t wa s funde d pa r t ly b y a gene r ou s donation o f HK$7. 5 millio n f r om Si r Quo -we i Lee , chairman o f th e Universit y Coun c i l, an d ha s bee n named i n honou r o f th e late Mr . Le e Shu-Pui , th e beloved fathe r o f Si r Quo - wei. NO.52 MARCH 1994 2 Project Titl e CUHK Investigator(s ) Amount Awarded Regulation o f Cellulos e Genes in the Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus Dr. Kwan Hoi-Sha n (Biology) Prof. S.T.Chang (Biology ) Dr. J.A. Buswell (Biology ) £6,696 MOCVD Growth of A1GaAs, A1InAs an d A1GaInP Using TBAs, TBP Dr. CC Hs u (Electroni c Engineering) £6,429 A Multi-Paradigm Programming Desig n Methodology Dr. Jimmy Lee (Computer Science) £6,691 Theory o f Photoni c Band-eap Material s Dr. Hui Pak-Ming (Physics) £5,236 Structural Studie s o n Some Flavour Protein s and Anti-Tumo r Agent s Prof. Thomas Mak (Chemistry) £6,018 The Therapeutic Effect of Recombinant Epidermal Growt h Factor i n the Treatment of Neonatal Necrotisin g Entercocolitis Dr. P.B. Sullivan (Paediatrics) £6,786 The Effects of NPY an d GLP1 on Islet Gene Expressio n Dr. Y.C. Lee (Physiology) £5,714 A Comparative Stud y of Influences on Teachers' Belief s and Classroom Practic e in Hong Kong and UK Primary School s Dr. Benjamin Chan (Educational Administration & Policy) £5,421