Newsletter No. 59
CUHK NEWSPAPER First Woman Teacher to Assume Deanship Dr. L au O i Wah, reader in chemistry, was elected dean of science on 26th September. The deanship w i ll be for three years from 27th September. Dr. Lau graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1964 and obtained her PhD degree in 1970. She j o i ned The Chinese University in 1968 as assistant lecturer in chemistry, was promoted to lecturer in 1970, senior lecturer in 1982, and reader in 1993. Although she is the first woman dean of science and the first female to become dean of a faculty in the University, she is not particularly thrilled by having set such records. It only shows that there is little sexual discrimination on campus, she says. She is more excited by the high turnout of voters at the election. Of the 108 teachers eligible, 103 cast votes, which is indicative of the enthusiasm of science teachers for participation in the affairs of their own faculty. Dr. Lau won by a margin of 60:43 in the last round and she is grateful to all those who have given her support. 102 Hea l th Care Workers Receive Diplomas The Department of Community and Family Medicine and the School of Continuing Studies have been co- organizing postgraduate and continuing education programmes for health care workers since 1985. The latest and largest-ever batch of graduates, 102 in all, comprising doctors, nurses, safety officers and occupational therapists, received their diplomas on 14th September 1994. Dr. Margaret Chan, Director of Health, was the guest-of-honour at the graduation ceremony. On the occasion Dr. Chan commended the department for its contribution to primary health care reforms in Hong Kong. Prof. S. H. Lee, new chairman of the department, said he and his colleagues were keen to working closely with other health care providers to improve the knowledge and skills of local health care workers for the good of the profession and the community. New Names for New Bu i l d i ngs on Chung Chi Campus The r e d e v e l o pme nt o f t ea c h i ng bu i l d i ngs of Chung Chi College, phases I I to IV , has recently been completed. The redeveloped blocks have also been given new names: Phase II: Wong Foo Yuan Building (the block right next to Hui Yeung Shing Building) Phase III: Teaching Building Block I II (the block in the middle of the three new buildings) Pnase IV:Sino Bu i l d i ng (the block beside the Ch u ng Ch i Chapel) The Wong Foo Yuan Building was formally opened on 11th October, and the opening ceremony of the Sino Building has been scheduled for 19th November. Research News The Trustees of the Croucher Foundation recently pledged a donation of HK$447,000 for a research project on ' T h e o r e t i c al M o d e l l i ng and Experimental Study of Multi-section DFB Lasers for Advanced Lightwave Communications' conducted by Dr. Chan Kam Tai of the Department of Electronic Engineering The H o ng K o ng I n d u s t ry Technology Development Council approved a grant of HK$845,000 to help establish a particle size analysis laboratory to assist research on environmental, scientific, and industrial issues. The project is organized by Dr. Wu Ch i o f the De p a r t me nt o f Chemistry and will be completed in August 1995. NO.59OCTOBER1994 2
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