Newsletter No. 62

6 第六十二期一九九五年一月四日 中大通訊 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Ap p o i n t me nt 化學病理學講座教授 Professor of Chemical Pathology 大學委任 P r o f . Nils Magnus Hjelm 爲 化 學 病 理 學 講 座教 授,由一九九四年十 二月五日起生效。 Prof. Hjelm 於瑞 典 烏 普 薩 拉 大 學習 醫,先後於五五及六九年獲授學士及博士 學位。 Prof. Hjelm 五八年起在瑞典韋克舍醫院行醫;六 零年回母校教習醫院任駐院醫生,其後晉升爲高級駐院 醫生及署理顧問醫生;七二年轉任丹麥歐登塞大學臨牀 化學講座教授;八零年再轉投倫敦大學兒童健康硏究 所,任化學病理學講座教授。 Prof. Hjelm 於七七至八 零年間,曾在比利時勒芬大學及歐共體之科硏機構任 職。 Prof. Hjelm 爲英國皇家病理科醫學院榮授院士。 Prof. N.M. Hjelm has been appointed professor of chemical pathology from 5th December 1994. After obtaining a licentiate in medicine from the University of Uppsala in Sweden in 1960, Prof. Hjelm worked for 12 years in the Academic Hospital of Uppsala, during which he was awarded a doctorate in medicine in 1969 by the same university. Prof. Hjelm then began a career of eight years in clinical chemistry, as professor and consultant, at the University of Odense and the Odense Hospital in Denmark. Before joining The Chinese University, Prof. Hjelm was chair and professor of chemical pathology at the Institute of Child Health of the University of London. He became F.R.C.Path. in 1984. 除夕辦公安排 S t a f f i ng A r r angemen ts on Chinese New Yea r 's Eve 根據大學關於除夕辦公安排之規定,大學所有部 門於一月三十日(星期一)上午只須留有職員値班。當 値之職員可獲補假半天。 上述安排不適用於保健處、大學圖書館系統、電 算機服務中心之電算機操作組、保安組、交通組、建築 處保養組等部門。該等部門須留有足夠人手以維持基本 服務。 接載教職員下班的專車於當日中午十二時四十五 分從范克廉樓大停車場開出。 The following staffing arrangements for Chinese New Year's Eve will apply on Monday, 30th January this year: 1. For essential service units such as the Health Service, the Library System, the Operation Unit of the Computer Services Centre, the Security Unit, the Transport Unit, and the Maintenance Office of the Buildings Office, a task force should remain on duty to provide basic services. 2. For all other offices in the University, a skeleton crew should be appointed to be on duty in the morning to handle urgent matters and answer enquiries. These offices will be closed in the afternoon. 3. The skeleton staff on duty that morning will be given compensation leave of half a day. Staff Bus Arrangements Subscribers for the University staff bus service please note that the Transport Unit has arranged for the homing staff bus to leave the Benjamin Franklin Centre large car park at 12.45 p.m. on Chinese New Year's Eve (30th January 1995). 離港公幹之保險安排 Insurance A r r angement f o r Overseas T r i ps 校方爲離港執行大學公務或帶領學術團的僱員購 有保險,以保障其因意外而可能導致的個人損傷或財物 損失。行政事務委員會經討論後,決定把此類個人旅遊 意外保險之保額訂於非臨牀醫科講師薪金頂點的卅六 倍,作爲按僱員補償條例所規定之保障以外的額外保 障。是項保險的費用,將由僱員所屬的部門或其所代表 執行公務的有關單位的帳戶中扣除。獲批享用此項保險 的同人,須在離港前直接聯絡商務組(內線七八八零) 商討有關事宜。非因大學公務離港的僱員,亦可諮詢商 務組以享受同樣保障及保費優惠,惟有關保費需由個人 負擔。 僱員離港公幹的性質由大學審定,負責批核的有 關主管列下: 申請人 審核主管 (甲)學院僱員 有關學院院長 (乙)直接向校長負責的非教學單位 校長 僱員 (丙)其他非教學單位僱員 負責之副校長 (丁)學院院長、書院院長或副校長 校長 The University will insure appointees against personal injuries or damages arising from accidents that occur while they are leading study tours or on official duty outside Hong Kong. In addition to statutory protection provided under the Employees' Compensation Ordinance, University appointees on official business overseas will be covered by a personal travel insurance equivalent to 36 months of the top point of a non-clinical lecturer's salary, rounded to the nearest $10,000. The premium for taking out the insurance will be charged to the department/unit of the applicant (substantive appointment basis) or that responsible for the overseas business. Successful applicants should contact the Business Section of the Bursary (Ext. 7880) for coverage, prior to departure. Appointees not on official business can also enjoy the same premium rate and discounts subject to paying the premium themsleves. The authority for determining the nature of an overseas undertaking is as follows: Applicant Approval Authority (a) appointees in faculties faculty dean (b) appointees in non-academic vice-chancellor units reporting directly to the vice-chancellor (c) appointees in other non- pro-vice-chancellor academic units in charge (d) faculty deans, college heads, vice-chancellor or pro-vice-chancellors 教職員人事紀錄 Upda t i ng of Personnel Records 各同人之個人資料如地址、電話、婚姻狀況、學 歷等倘有更改,請盡早以書面通知人事處,以便修訂大 學之人事紀錄。大學刊物如《中大通訊》、《槪況》及 《校刊》等所載之教職員資料,均以人事處紀錄之個人 資料爲準。 而出版此等刊物之出版事務處,並無儲存教職員 個人檔案,亦不負責修訂人事檔案紀錄。 又已婚同事在選擇其本身或配偶所享有之各類福 利(例如子女教育津貼、房屋及機票等)事宜如有變 更,或其配偶在工作上所獲之福利有所改變,亦請塡 寫特定之表格通知人事處。 To facilitate the maintenance of up-to-date personnel records at the University, staff members are requested to notify the Personnel Office in writing at the earliest possible opportunity if they have moved house, changed their marital status or telephone number, or acquired additional qualifications. Prompt notification of such changes is essential for ensuring accuracy in the University's official records and publications such as the University Calendar, Bulletin and Newsletter. Please note that the Publication Office, which is responsible for compiling official publications, does not keep or maintain such personnel records. Married appointees are also reminded to notify the Personnel Office on a prescribed form if they would like to change their options in respect of benefits such as education allowance, housing, passages, or if there have been changes in their spouses' entitlement to such benefits provided by the latters' employers. 研究事務處遷新址 Relocation of Research Adm i n i s t r a t i on Of f i ce 硏究事務處經於一九九四年十二月十七日由富爾 敦樓遷往碧秋樓二二六室;電傳號碼維持不變(二六零 三五四五一),電話內線則更改如下: 葉顏文慧 八八八三 劉馮小麗 八八八六 辦事處 八八八四/五 The Research Administration Office has been relocated from the John Fulton Centre to room 226 of the Pi Ch'iu Building since 17th December 1994. Its new phone extensions are: Mrs. Alice N. Yip 8883 Mrs. Marian F. Lau 8886 General Office 8884/5 Please note also that its fax number 2603 5451 is unchanged. 新亞校友會活動 新亞校友會將於九五年二月十七日(星期五)假 北角城市花園酒店富臨門粤菜酒樓舉行新春團拜聚餐。 當晚節目豐富,包括竹戰、卡拉O K 比賽、燈謎競猜及 抽獎等,歡迎新亞書院同人參加,席券每位三百五十 元,大小同價。報名或查詢請電馮健港會長(二八八一 零一二三)、修志明副會長(二七三二三一零四)或執 行理事黃建平先生(二四一一零零零九)。 Ng Mau Sang Memo r i al F u nd From Prof. D.E. Pollard: Most colleagues will have heard of the sad death from leukemia of Dr. Ng Mau Sang, at the age of only 45. Dr. Ng taught at CUHK from 1981 to 1987, when he moved on to California to help found Chinese studies at the Davis campus of UC. He had only just started a new job as lecturer in Chinese at Cambridge University when his illness was discovered. Despite the brevity of his service at Cambridge, Ng Mau Sang's colleagues there have been moved to set up a memorial fund to perpetuate his name. The proceeds will go to undergraduates in the form of prizes and, if sufficient, travel scholarships to Hong Kong. David McMullen, the professor of Chinese at Cambridge, has asked me to coordinate the collection of contributions in Hong Kong. Those wishing to contribute who have pound sterling bank accounts may make out their cheques directly to 'Cambridge University Ng Memorial Fund', and send them to Prof. D. McMullen, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA. Hong Kong dollar cheques may for convenience be made out to me and sent to me at the Institute of Chinese Studies for conversion and forwarding. All such donations will eventually be acknowledged from Cambridge.