Newsletter No. 69

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 劃一服務條件七月實施 Implementation of Equal Terms of Employment 大學校董會業已通過實施劃一服務條件的建 議。由一九九五年七月一日起,按(甲)類服務條 例或同等條例受聘的教職員,不論其國籍,將以 相同的服務條件受聘。於劃一服務條件實施日期 前已在職的長職或定期合約僱員,其服務條件則 維持不變。 新的劃一服務條件的修訂項目,主要爲海外 僱員的住屋福利及旅費和行李津貼;其他福利包 括公積金、假期、醫療及子女本地教育津貼維持不變。根據僱員的原居地提供的子 女海外教育津貼及有關旅費仍繼續適用,直至政府停止向公務員提供該等福利時 止。 按定期合約受聘的在職僱員,倘日後獲轉聘爲長職僱員或獲續訂定期合約者, 如其轉聘或新合約於實施日後廿四個月內生效,可因轉制而獲特別過渡安排。有關 計劃的實施詳情,可向人事處(內線七二八六或七二八八)查詢。 The University Council recently approved the implementation of a single set of terms of employment for all Terms of Service (A) or equivalent appointments irrespective of their countries of origin. The new terms will be implemented from 1st July 1995 in respect of new appointments approved on or after that date. There will be no change to the existing terms for serving appointees on superannuable or fixed-term contracts. In the new set of conditions of service under equal terms, the provisions for housing benefits, passage and baggage allowance for employees recruited from overseas have been revised while other benfits remain unchanged. Overseas education allowance and school passages for dependent children based on the staff members' place of permanent home will continue to be provided to new appointees recruited from overseas as a residual arrangment, but on the understanding that the provision of overseas education allowance will be abolished when the Government abolishes the same benefit for civil servants. There will be a transition period of 24 months from the date of implementation to facilitate the transfer arrangement for serving fixed-term appointees who may be offered superannuable terms of appointment or renewal of their contracts after the implementation date. Enquiries on the detailed implementation arrangments may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286 or 7288). 共濟會研究東亞學科基金 The Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies 共濟會硏究東亞學科基金( The Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies) 現接受 一九九五年度資助申請。 該基金乃爲資助及促進香港專上院校有關東亞之學術硏究而設。資助形式包括 提供獎學金,以及贊助學術硏究、公開講座及出版專書。資助額可爲有關活動之全 部或部分費用。 申請人須擬訂詳細之計劃書及財政預算,透過有關之學系主任/部門主管及學院 院長,於五月十六日前送交人事處主任梁陳德英女士轉呈英國共濟聯合總會香港曁 遠東地區總分會審閱。查詢請電人事處(內線七二八六或七二八八)。 The Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies now invites applications for grants to subsidize studies relevant to East Asia at local institutions of higher learning in 1995. Full or partial support to these studies can be given in the form of research fellowships, sponsorships for surveys, public lectures and publications. Applications accompanied by detailed study proposals and budgets should be sent to Mrs. Amy Leung, assistant secretary of the Personnel Office, via the applicant's department head and faculty dean before 16th May 1995. They will be submitted to the District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong and the Far East for consideration. Further details are obtainable from the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286/7288). 婦女健康及地理信息會議 Chung Chi College Hosts Academic Conferences 崇基學院與香港亞太硏究所性別硏究計劃將於五月二十日上午假信和樓 LT2 室 合辦「婦女健康面面觀」會議,由副衞生福利司劉李麗娟主持開幕禮,並由多位醫 學界及服務界專業人士主講婦女健康之有關問題及服務。 崇基學院又於五月廿五至廿八日,與地理系合辦「地理信息學 ' 9 5」 香港國際 學術硏討會。本屆主題爲「遙感、地理信息系統及全球定位系統的理論和在 持績發 展和環境監測中的應用」。會議及工作坊將假王福元樓及信和樓進行, 展覽 則於廿 六及廿七日在崇基康樂室舉行。 歡迎參加上列會議,查詢請電崇基院務室(內線六四五零)、性別硏究計劃(內線 八七七五)或地理系(內線六五二八)。 Chung Chi College will host two academic conferences in May: the 1995 annual gender role workshop, 'Women and Health', coorganized with the Gender Research Programme, and 'GeoInformatics '95 Hong Kong', an international symposium on remote-sensing geographic information systems and global position systems in sustainable development and environmental monitoring, coorganized with the Department of Geography. The gender workshop will be held on 20th May in Lecture Theatre 2 of the Sino Building. Four guest speakers from the medical and service professions will speak on topics related to women's health. 'GeoInformatics '95 Hong Kong' and a number of related workshops will be held from 25th to 28th May in the Wong Foo Yuan Building and the Sino Building. There will also be an exhibition in the multi-purpose hall of Chung Chi College on 26th and 27th May. All are welcome to the above conferences. For enquires, please call the Chung Chi College Office (Ext. 6450), the Gender Research Programme (Ext. 8775), or the Department of Geography (Ext. 6528). Tax Return Queries Tax returns for the year ended 31st March 1995 have been distributed to members of staff. Any queries on the financial input please contact the Payroll Office (Ext. 7185). Queries on personal data please contact the Personnel Office (Ext. 7330). 圖像處理數學講座 數學系將於五月十三日假邵逸夫夫人樓舉行「圖像處理——還我廬山眞面目」 講座,由陳漢夫博士主持,主要對象爲本港中學生及教師。 傳眞圖像或拍攝的照片模糊不淸,現可應用數學理論及數學工具,以先進電腦 科技將其還原,變得淸晰。陳博士會在講座上示範如何將模糊的照片還原,並解釋 其原因。 講座約需一小時,分別在上午十時及下午二時開始。講解完畢,參加者將獲安 排嘗試動手還原圖像。有興趣者請致電數學系(內線七九八八)查詢。 暑期體育訓練班及球拍類比賽 Summer Sports 體育部將於五月至八月爲教職員開辦短期初級體育訓練班,並舉辦球拍類比 賽,詳情見下表。有意參加者請攜同費用,於周一至周五上午九時半至中午十二時 半,親臨大學體育部報名,先到先得,額滿即止。 體育部亦爲學生開辦暑期體育訓練班,詳情已張貼於體育館報告板。 項目 組别 名額 日期/時間 地點 費用 訓練班 網球 男/女 十六 五月八至十九日 逢一、三、四、五下午五至七時 3,4,5號網球場 一百元 羽毛球 男/女 十六 五月廿二日至六月五日 逢一、二、四、五下午五至七時 新亞體育館 一百元 壁球 男 十六 六月五至十六日 逢一、二、四、五下午五至七時 汾陽體育館 一百元 壁球 女 十六 七月四至十四日 逢一、二、四、五下午五至七時 汾陽體育館 一百元 健身 男/女 二十 五月八至十九日 逢一、二、四、五下午五至七時 中大健身室 五十元 比賽 羽毛球 男/女單 卅二人 五月八至十七日 逢一、三、五下午五時 新亞體育館 五十元 男/女雙 卅二對 網球 男/女單 卅二人 五月廿二至六月五日 逢一至五下午五時 3,4,5號網球場 五十元 男/女雙 卅二對 兵兵球 男/女單 卅二人 六月五至九日 下午五時 崇基康樂室 三十元 男/女雙 卅二對 The Physical Education Unit will organize a series of sports courses and competitions for staff members during the summer vacation. Interested parties should register at the University Sports Centre counter which is open Monday through Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis. Event Sex Quota Date/Time Venue Fee Staff Training Courses Tennis M&F 16 8th May - 19th May Mon. Wed. Thu. Fri. 5.00-7.00p.m. tennis courts 3,4,5 $100 Badminton M&F 16 22nd May - 5th June Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri. 5.00-7.00p.m. New Asia gym. $100 Squash M 16 5th June - 16th June Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri. 5.00-7.00p.m. Kwok Sports Bldg. $100 Squash F 16 4th July - 14th July Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri. 5.00-7.00p.m. Kwok Sports Bldg. $100 Weight Training M&F 20 8th May - 19th May Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri. 5.00-7.00p.m. Uni. weight training room $50 Staff Competitions Badminton M&F singles 32 8th May - 17th May Mon. Wed. Fri. 5.00 p.m. New Asia gym. $50 M&F doubles 32 pairs Tennis M&F singles 32 22nd May - 5th June Mon. - Fri. 5.00 p.m. tennis courts 3,4,5 $50 M&F doubles 32 pairs Table Tennis M&F singles 32 5th June - 9th June Mon. - Fri. 5.00 p.m. Chung Chi recreation centre $30 M&F doubles 32 pairs 第六十九期 一九九五年五月四 日 4 中大通訊