Newsletter Summer Supplement (1995)

宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 梁定邦先生 Mr. Anthony Neoh 利德蓉醫生 Dr. Deanna Lee Rudgard 李燦輝教授 Prof. Tunney F. Lee 陳啓明教授 Prof. Chan Kai-ming 張煊昌博士 Dr Thomas Cheung 岑才生先生 Mr. Shum Choi-sang 何添博士 Dr. Ho Tim 大學校董會消息 Council News 校董會副主席 大學校董會依據大學規程第十一• 7條規 定,推選梁定邦先生出任校董會副主席,接 替孔祥勉博士辭職之空缺,任期兩年,由一 九九五年七月一日起生效。 梁定邦先生爲御用大律師,現任香港證 券及期貨事務監察委員會主席,於一九九四 年十一月廿七日起獲大學監督委任爲大 學校董。 新任校董 ‧崇基學院校董會依據大學規程第十 一‧1( e) 條,第十一‧ 4 條及第十一• 5 條 規 定 , 推 選 利 德 蓉 醫 生 由 一 九 九 五 年七月一日起至一九九八年二月十日 止,即孔祥勉博士未滿之任期內,出 任大學校董。 利德蓉醫生自一九八四年起出任 崇基學院校董,其雙親利銘澤博士和 利黃瑤璧博士與中大之深淵源尤其深 厚。利醫生是牛津大學 St. Hilda's College 之榮譽院 士,又爲羅德獎學金遴選委員會成員及香港保護兒 童會執行委員會委員,並爲利希愼置業、希愼興業 等多家公司董事,及利希愼基金之執行秘書。 ‧下列人士獲大學教務會推選/再度推選,出任大學 校董,任期三年,由一九九五年八月一日起生效。 — 政治與行政學系關信基教授(連任) 一病理解剖及細胞學系李川軍教授 (連任 ) —建築學系李燦輝教授(新任) 校董會委任 大學校董會依據大學規程第十‧ 5 條,委任矯形外 科及創傷學系陳啓明教授爲大學輔導長,任期一年,由 一九九五年八月一日起生效。 New Vice-Chairman Mr. Anthony Neoh, QC, JP, has been elected by the Council in accordance with Statute 11.7 of the Ordinance as vice-chairman of the University Council from 1st July 1995, succeeding Dr. James Z. M. Kung on Ms retirement from office. Now chairman o f th e Securities an d Futures Commission, Mr. Neoh is member of the English (1976 Gray's Inn), Hong Kong (1976 ), and California (1984) I Bar, and specializes in matters relating to town planning, I land, constitutional, and administrative law. He is active in community service and i s a t present serving on many public boards and committees. Mr. Neoh became Council member on 27th November 1994 . Sew Council Members ‧Dr. Deanna Lee Rudgard has been elected b y the Chung CM College Board of Trustees, i n accordance with Statute 11 1(e), 11.4, and 11.5 of the Ordinance, as a member of the University Council fo r th e unexpired period of membership of Dr. James Z.M. Kung from 1st July 1995 to 10th February 1998. A member of the Cheng CM Board of Trustees for the past 11 years, Dr. Lee came from a family which has contributed significantly to the University's academic, research, and campus developments since its inception. Dr. Rudgard herself i s a keen supporter o f educational and social service institutions She i s honorary fellow of her alma mater, St. Hilda's College of Oxford University, member of the Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, and member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children. She is also director of various companies including Hysan Development Company Ltd. and Lee Hysan Estate Company Ltd. ‧The following persons have been elected/re-elected by the University Senate as members o f the University Council for three years from 1st August 1995: —Prof. Kuan Hsin-chi o f th e Department o f Government and Public Administration (re-elected); —Prof. Joseph C . K. Lee o f the Department o f Anatomical and Cellular Pathology (re-elected); —Prof. Tunney F. Lee of the Department of Architecture (newly elected). Council Appointment Prof. Chan Kai-ming of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology has been appointed by the University Council, in accordance with Statute 10.5 of the Ordinance, as University Dean o f Students for one year from 1st August 1995. 聯合書院校董會消息 New Appointments to United College Board of Trustees 岑才生先生最近獲推選爲聯合書院校董會主席,接 替何添博士;何博士則獲推選爲聯合書院永久校董。另 張煊昌博士獲選接替岑先生,出任校董會副主席。 何添博士由一九六四年起出任聯合書院董,一九九 一年獲選爲校董會主席。岑才 生先生於一九六三年起加入該院校 董會,一九九一年獲選爲該會副主 席。張煊昌博士則於一九七八年起 加入聯合校董會,現爲該院校友會 會長及中大校董。 The United College Board o f Trustees recently elected Mr. Shum Choi-sang a s chairman o f th e Board, succeeding Dr. Ho Tim who was elected permanent member. Dr. Thomas H . C . Cheung was elected vice-chairman of the Board, succeeding Mr Shum Choi-sang. Dr. Ho's long association with United College can be dated back t o 1964 when he became a member of the college board. He was elected board chairman i n 1991. Mr. Shum Choi-sang joined th e college's Board o f Trustees in 1963 and was elected vice-chairman in 1991. Dr. Thomas Cheung became a board trustee in 1978. He is also the president o f the Alumni Association o f United College and a member of the University Council. 硏究撥款 Research Fu n d i ng 研究資助局撥款結果 HK$53 Million from the RGC for 112 Research Projects 香港硏究資助局公布九五至九六年度硏究撥款分 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 一九九五 暑 期 特 刊 Summer Supplement 1995 1