Newsletter Summer Supplement (1995)

配,本校共獲撥款六千八百廿四萬四千港元。 資助局是年度之硏究撥款共二億七千六百萬元,其 中六千三百萬元以直接資助形式撥給各院校開展成本少 於二十萬元的硏究計劃,中大獲得一千四百九十萬元。 資助局預留七百二十萬元供中央分配用途,餘下二 億零五百五十萬元則依遴選方式撥給各院校。本校共有 一百一十二項硏究計劃取得撥款,資助金額共達五千三 百卅四萬四千元。獲資助項目詳情容後公布。 One hundred and twelve research proposals submitted by academic and research staff of the University have succeeded in obtaining earmarked grants totalling HK$53,344,000 from the Research Grants Council (RGC) this year. Last year's figures were 91 projects and HK$49,947,000. For 1995-96 the government has made available a total of $276,000,000 to seven UGC-funded tertiary institutions for research purposes: $63,000,000 for direct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects; $7,200,000 for central allocation to strengthen the research base of these institutions; and $205,548,000 for 454 selected research proposals submitted by the academic and research personnel in the seven institutions. Details of the 112 CUHK projects will be announced later. 醫療服務研究基金撥款結果 Seven CUHK Projects Receive HSRC Grants 醫療服務硏究委員會最近公布醫療服務硏究基金第 三輪撥款結果,本校七項硏究計劃共獲資助二百八十六 萬二千餘港元。獲資助項目詳情容後公布。 Seven CUHK research projects were granted research funding from the Health Services Research Fund. The Health Services Research Committee (HSRC) announced that in its third-round applications, seven out of 12 proposals from CUHK researchers were granted research funding totalling HK$2,862,209. Details of the seven projects will be announced later. 新設課程 New Academic Programmes 大學教務會最近通過由一九九五至九六年度起增設 下列碩士和證書課程: • 預防醫學碩士學位課程 • 計算機科學理學碩士學位課程 • 中文電腦證書課程 • 中國營銷管理證書課程 • 產前超聲波訓練證書課程 The Senate has recently approved the introduction of the following new programmes from 1995-96: • Master of Public Health Programme; • Master of Science Programme in Computer Science; • Certificate Programme m Chinese Computing offered by the School of Continuing Studies; • Certificate Course in China Marketing offered by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business; • Certificate Course in Obstetric and Midwifery Ultrasound offered by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 薪金調整 Salary Revisions 大學校董會已通過加薪決議,本校乙類及丙類服務 條款僱員之薪酬,會跟隨公務員之薪金調整。新訂薪金 於本年四月一日生效。大學將於八月按新訂金額支薪, 並連同四至七月之補薪一起發還予僱員。 至於甲類服務條款僱員之薪金調整,尙待港府正式 通過。總務處希望可於九月支付新訂薪金,並連同四月 起之補薪一倂發還僱員。 Following the recent payrise by the Hong Kong Government for civil servants, the University Council has approved a corresponding revision of salaries for University staff employed under Terms of Service (B) and (C) from 1st April 1993. New salaries will be paid in the August payroll together with backpay for the months up to July 1995. New salaries for staff employed under Terms of Service (A) will be paid as soon as the government has approved their new salary scales. The University Bursar hopes to obtain such approval in time to pay the new salaries together with backpay in the September payroll. 教職員進修津貼 R eimbursement of Course Fees 大學現接受乙類及丙類及同等服務條例聘任之職員 申請進修學費津貼。惟申請津貼之課程,以在一九九五 年九月至十二月期間開課者爲限。隸屬各學系、學院院 務室、學院服務部門及下列行政部門之職員的申請,須 經所屬學系系主任或直屬上司送交有關學院院長或部門 主管考慮: 校長室 書院院務室及輔導處 教務處 秘書處 總務處 內部審核處 人事處 行政事務主任辦事處 建築處 學生事務處 大學圓書館系統 電算機服務中心 硏究事務處 大學保健處 大學實驗室安全事務處 其他申請,須經部門主管書面推薦,於一九九五年 九月四日(星期一)或以前送交人事處,轉行政事務委員 會秘書譚壽森先生收。所有申請必須於課程開始前提 出,方獲考慮。查詢可電人事處(內線七二八六)。 The University will soon consider requests for reimbursement of course fees to staff members employed under Terms of Service (B) & (C) and equivalent non-teaching staff who will attend training courses which start between September and December 1995. Applications from staff members in the faculties and departments and the following administrative units should be forwarded, together with written recommendations by department chairmen/immediate supervisors, to the faculty deans/unit heads concerned for consideration: Vice-Chancellor's Office College Offices Registry Secretariat Bursary Internal Audit Office Personnel Office Office of Director of Administrative Services Buildings Office Office of Student Affairs University Library System Computer Services Centre Research Administration Office University Health Service Laboratory Safety Office All other applications and relevant written recommendations by unit heads should be forwarded to Mr. S.S. Tarn, Secretary, Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Office, University Administration Building, on or before Monday, 4th September 1995. To be eligible for consideration, applications must be submitted before the training courses start. Enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286). 偉倫訪問教授講座 Wei Lun Visiting Professor to Give Lecture 美國密西根大學心理學講座教授 Prof. Richard E. Nisbett 應大學邀請出任偉倫訪問教授,並於九月八日下 午四時三十分假信和樓二號演講廳主持公開講座,講題 爲「推理之法則」。歡迎出席。 Prof. Richard E. Nisbett — Theodore M. Newcomb Distinguished Unviersity Professor of Psychology from the University of Michigan — will deliver a public lecture entitled 'Rules for Reasoning' at 4.30 p.m. on 8th September 1995, in Lecture Theatre 2 of the Sino Building. All are welcome to attend. 學系改名 Department Renamed 電子計算學系已於一九九五至九六學年開始,改名 爲計算機科學與工程學系。 The Department of Computer Science has been renamed the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. 系主任及學科主任名單 Department Chairs and Directors of Studies 1995-96 一九九五至九六年度系主任及學科主任名單公布如 下: 文學院學系 系主任 中國語言及文學 鄧仕樑教授 英文 譚國根博士 英語教學單位 白偉文教授(單位主任) 藝術 李潤桓先生 歷史 葉漢明博士 日本硏究 李活雄博士 音樂 陳永華博士 哲學 石元康博士 宗教 李熾昌博士 翻譯 金聖華教授 工商管理學院學系 會計學院 何順文博士 決策科學與企業經濟學 俞肇熊教授 財務學 史怡中教授 國際企業學 福田和男博士 管理學 劉忠明博士 市場學 董何淑貞女士 教育學院學系 課程與教學 鍾財文先生 教育行政與政策 陳若敏博士 教育心理學 侯傑泰博士 體育運動科學 盧保羅博士 工程學院學系 計算機科學與工程學 黃澤權教授 電子工程學 程伯中教授 訊息工程學 黃永成教授 機械與自動化工程學 鄺重平教授 系統工程與工程管理學 林耀燊教授 醫學院學系 麻醉及深切治療學 胡德佑教授 病理解剖及細胞學 李川軍教授 解剖學 高瑞齡教授 生物化學 李卓予教授 化學病理學 楊孟思教授 腫瘤學 莊立信教授 臨牀藥理學 郭志良教授 社區及家庭醫學 李紹鴻教授 放射診斷學 麥志偉教授 內科 胡令芳教授 微生物學 鄭勳斌教授 護理學 麥建思博士 婦產科 張明仁教授 眼科及視覺科學 曹安民教授 矯形外科及創傷學 陳啓明教授