Newsletter No. 92
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS Administrative Structure of the University (Effective from 1st August 1996) 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任劉家成教授爲數學 講座教授,由一九九六年八月一 日起生效。 劉家成教授於一九六八年取 得本校理學士學位,其後到美國 華盛頓大學進修,一九七二年獲 授哲學博士學位。 劉教授於一九七二年任職芝 加哥大學數學導師,兩年後轉任 匹茲堡大學數學助理教授,一九 八零年晉升爲副教授,一九八六年獲擢升爲數學及統計學 系數學講座教授,期間曾到美國其他大學以及保加利亞、 中國、印度和英國等地教硏機構任訪問學人或訪問教授。 Prof. Lau Ka-sing has been appointed professor of mathematics from 1st August 1996. Born in China, Prof. Lau received his undergraduate education at The Chinese University and obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 1972. Prof. Lau has taught at various universities in the United States, including the University of Washington, the University of Chicago, and the University of Pittsburgh. He has also been exchange assistant professor at Kansas State University, research fellow at the Bulgaria Academy of Science, honorary professor of mathematics at South China Normal University in China, Fulbright Fellow at the Indian Statistical Institute in New Delhi, and visiting professor at London University and Cornell University. Before joining the University, Prof. Lau was professor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Pittsburgh. 新任大學輔導長 New University Dean of Students 大學校董會根據大學規程第 10.5 條委任歷史系郭少棠教授爲 大學輔導長,任期由一九九六年 八月廿一日至一九九八年七月卅 一日。 郭少棠教授爲本校校友,一 九七二年取得文學士學位後,負 笈美國柏克萊加州大學,先後於 一九七四年及一九八一年獲頒授 文學碩士及哲學博士學位。 郭教授於一九七七年加入本校歷史系任副講師,一九 八一年升任爲講師,一九九二年晉升爲高級講師。郭教授 現時之職稱爲歷史系教授。 郭教授曾於一九九二年一月至翌年七月出任崇基學院 輔導主任,並由本年八月一日起任署理大學輔導長。 Prof. Kwok Siu-tong, professor in the History Department, has been appointed University Dean of Students from 21st August 1996 to 31st July 1998 under Statute 10.5 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance. Prof. Kwok graduated with a BA in history from The Chinese University in 1972, and obtained his MA and Ph.D. in history from the University of California at Berkeley in 1974 and 1981 respectively. He joined the University as assistant lecturer in history in 1977, was promoted to lecturer rank in 1981, and senior lecturer (professor II) rank in 1992. Prof. Kwok was dean of students of Chung Chi College in 1992-93. He has been acting University Dean of Students since 1st August 1996. 教職員審議事宜 Annual Staff Review 校方將開始審議一九九七至九八年度教學人員之擢 升、退休/延任事宜,以及教職員進修資助之申請。 本年度接受提名或申請之截止日期如下: •教員與導師之退休/延任事宜:一九九六年十月十二日 •教職員與導師申請進修資助事宜:一九九六年十月十九 日(資助計劃項目詳見下期《中大通訊》) •教職員與導師之擢升事宜:一九九六年九月三十日 教員與導師之提名或申請,須於截止日期前送交教師 審議委員會秘書阮健驄先生(大學行政樓南座三樓人事 處)。查詢請電內線七二八五。 至於(甲)、(乙)及(丙)類服務條款職員之有關審 議事宜,容後通告。 Applications/nominations are invited from (a) all full-time teaching staff and instructors on Terms of Service (A) or (B) or equivalent contracts in respect of retirement/extension of service and promotion, soon to be considered in the staff review exercise for the academic year 1997-98; and (b) full-time teaching and non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A) or (B) or equivalent contracts regarding staff development grants. Deadlines for submissions are: • 12th October 1996 — for retirement/extension of service in respect of foil-time teaching staff on Terms of Service (A) and instructors. • 19th October 1996 一 for staff development grants in respect of full-time teaching and non-teaching staffon Terms of Service (A) or (B) or equivalent contracts. (Details of the Staff Development Grants/Programmes will be announced shortly.) • 30th September 1996 — for promotion in respect of full-time teaching staff and instructors on Terms of Service (A) or (B) or equivalent contracts. Applications and nominations concerning staff review matters for teaching staff and instructors should be sent to Mr. K. C. Yuen, Secretary, Academic Staff Review Committee, c/o Personnel Office, South Wing, 2nd Floor, University Administration Building. Enquiries may be directed to Ext. 7285. The schedule for staff review matters of non-teaching staff on Terms of Service ( A ), (B) or ( C ) will be announced in due course. 大學游泳池秋季開放時間 University Swimming Pool Opening Hours 范克廉游泳池於九月九日至十一月三十日期間之開放 時間如下: 第一節:上午十時三十分至下午一時四十分 第二節:下午二時三十分至下午六時十五分 星期日及公眾假期照常開放。 The University Swimming Pool is open every day, public holidays included. From 9th September to 30th November, the opening hours of the pool will be as follows: First session: 10.30 a.m. to 1.40 p.m. Second session: 2.30 p.m. to 6.15 p.m. 預防乙型肝炎運動 Hepatitis B Awareness Campaign 保健處將於十月二至十一日再度舉辦預防乙型肝炎運 動,包括在保健中心展出乙型肝炎之有關資料,爲教職員 及其家屬和學生抽血檢驗乙型肝炎抗原或抗體,並爲有需 要者注射疫苗。 抽血檢驗的費用爲一百一十港元,注射疫苗(三劑)則 每劑一百元。兩項活動分別於十月三至四日及十月十至十 一日(上午九時至中午十二時半,下午二時至四時半)舉 行。 The University Health Service will hold this year's second Hepatitis B Awareness Campaign in October. There will be an exhibition in the Health Centre from 2nd to 11th October. Blood tests for markers of the hepatitis B virus will be available to staff, students and their dependents for $110 on 3rd and 4th October. Vaccination at $100 per dose of three doses is also available in the Health Centre on 10th and 11th October. Phonecard Vending Machine For the convenience of University members, a wall-hung phonecard vending machine was recently installed by Hongkong Telecom beside a Smartcard public phone on the ground floor of the Sino Building at Chung Chi College. The machine accepts $100-banknotes only and sells $100 stored value phonecards as well as $100 Smartcards. 中大通訊 3 第九十二期 一 九 九 六 年 九 月 四 日
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