Newsletter No. 93

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointments 中 國 語 言 及 文 學 講 座 教 授 Professor of Chinese Language and Literature 大學委任吳宏一教授爲中國語言及文學講座教授,由一九 九六年八月十五日起生效。 吳宏一教授生於台灣, 先後於一九六五、六九及七 三年取得國立台灣大學文學 士、文科碩士及哲學博士學 位。 吳教授一九七一年出任 台大講師,兩年後升任助理 教授,一九七八年晉升爲教 授,一九八六年來港出任本校中國語言及文學系高級講師,翌 年重返母校任教。吳教授之教學生涯逾四分一世紀,其間曾在 台灣東吳大學、國立中山大學、國立淸華大學及本校客座任 教。獲聘爲本校講座教授前,爲台大教授曁本校客座教授。 Prof. W u Hung I has been appointed professor of Chinese language and literature from 15th August 1996. Prof. W u graduated from National Taiwan University with a B A in 1965. He pursued postgraduate studies at the same institution, receiving his M A in 1969 and his Ph.D. in 1973. Prof. W u has taught at various universities in Taiwan, namely, Soochow University, National Sun Yat Sen University, National Taiwan University, and National Tsing Hua University. He was senior lecturer at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at C U H K in 1986-87, and visiting professor to the department from August 1994. 宗 教 講 座 教 授 Professor of Religion 大學委任 Prof. D a n i el L. Overmyer 爲宗教講座教授,由一九 九六年九月二日起生效。 Prof. Overmyer 一九五七年取得 美國韋斯馬爾書院文學士學位後, 往福音神學院修讀神學,三年後獲 授神學學士學位,並先後於一九六 六及七一年取得芝加哥大學文學碩 士和哲學博士學位。 他由一九六零年起服務芝加哥 社群,擔任牧師和出長社區組織。一九七零年轉任奧柏林書院 導師,翌年升任助理教授;一九七三年加入加拿大卑詩省大 學,分別於一九七六及八四年晉升爲副教授及講座教授。 Prof. Daniel L. Overmyer has been appointed professor of religion from 2nd September 1996. Prof. Overmyer obtained his B A from Westmar College, Iowa, in 1957 and his B D from the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Illinois, in 1960. He furthered his studies at the University ofChicago, where he received his M A in 1966 and Ph.D. in 1971. Prof. Overmyer was pastor at the Evangelical United Brethren Church and director of the N e w Resident's Services Division at the Chicago Commission on Human Relations between 1964 and 1969, and taught at Oberlin College between 1970 and 1973. Prior to joining the University, he was professor at the University ofBritish Columbia, where he served for 23 years. 子女教育津貼新制 Implementation of Equal Terms of Employment — Cessation of Provision of Overseas Education Allowance and School Passages 大學根據去年實施之劃一服務條件政策,追隨政府取消新 聘僱員子女之海外教育津貼及學生旅費津貼,由一九九六年九 月一日起生效。惟本地教育津貼則繼續提供,並易名爲「子女 教育津貼」,資助僱員子女在香港接受教育。 於生效日或以後獲大學聘請之僱員,不享有子女海外教育 及學生旅費津貼;現職之長職及定期合約僱員則不受影響。現 職定期合約僱員倘於生效日之後獲轉聘爲長職僱員或獲續訂定 期合約,而其轉職/續訂合約於一九九七年六月三十日或以前 生效,將可獲特別轉制安排。查詢請電人事處(內線七二八八 或七二二二)。 Following the government's recent decision to cease provision of overseas education allowance/school passages (OEA/SP) to new recruits in the civil service, the University has also ceased such provision from 1st September 1996 in accordance with its policy of equal terms of employment implemented last year. Local education allowance (LEA) will however be retained and renamed Children's Education Allowance to cover the cost of education in Hong Kong. Dependant children of new recruits whose appointments are made or approved by the University on or after 1st September will no longer enjoy OEA/SP. There will however be no change in the existing provision for serving appointees on superannuable or fixed-term contracts and new appointments made or approved by the University before the effective date. There will be a grace period up to 30th June 1997 during which special arrangements can be made for serving appointees on fixed-term contracts who are offered superannuable terms of appointment or renewal of contracts after the effective date. Enquiries on the detailed implementation arrangements may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7288/7222). 教職員人事紀錄 Updating of Personnel Records 同人之個人資料如地址、電話、婚姻狀況、學歷等倘有更 改,請盡早以書面通知人事處,以便修訂大學之人事紀錄。 又已婚同人在選擇其本身或配偶所享有之各類福利(例如 子女教育津貼、房屋津貼及機票等)事宜如有變更,或其配偶 在工作上所獲之福利有所改變,亦請塡寫特定之表格通知人事 處。 To facilitate the maintenance of up-to-date personnel records at the University, staff members are requested to notify the Personnel Office in writing at the earliest possible opportunity if they have moved house, changed their marital status or telephone number, or acquired additional qualifications. Married appointees are also reminded to notify the Personnel Office on a prescribed form if they would like to change their options in respect of benefits such as education allowance, housing, passages, or if there have been changes in their spouses' entitlement to such benefits provided by the 1atters'employers. 一九九七至九八年度教職員進修資助計劃 Staff Development Grants/Programmes 1997-98 由大學管理之關祖堯教職員發展基金及利希愼教職員發展 基金現正接受申請。有關詳情已於九月初送呈各學院院長、系 主任及部門主管,供有意申請之教職員索閱。所有申請須於一 九九六年十月十九日前送交人事處。 另供參考之進修資助計劃資料包括: (一)英聯邦大學協會學術交流資助計劃 (二)英聯邦大學協會發展獎學金 (三)英聯邦大學協會泰晤士報高等教育副刊交流資助計劃 (四)英聯邦大學協會西蒙氏英聯邦硏究獎學金 (五)日本聖公會威廉斯會督紀念基金「訪問硏究員/培訓學 員」計劃 (六)英聯邦大學硏究資助計劃 (七)費美臣東亞硏究基金 (八)日本國際交流基金會硏究資助計劃 (九)圖書管理員日本語硏修資助計劃 (十)日本進修資助計劃 (十一)日本國際交流基金會硏究/會議/硏討會資助計劃 個別計劃之詳情將待接受公開申請時送呈各單位。查詢請 電人事處(內線七二八六或七二二二)。 Applications are now invited for the two University-administered grants 一 the C. K. Kwan Endowment Fund for Staff Development and the Lee Hysan Foundation Endowment Fund for Staff Development. Those interested may consult their department chairs, unit heads, or faculty deans, who should have received information on these programmes in early September. Applications should reach the Personnel Office on or before 19th October 1996. Brief information on the following 11 external Staff Development Grants/Programmes has also been sent to various units: 1. A C U Academic Exchange Fellowships 2. A C U Development Fellowships 3. A C U Times Higher Education Supplement Exchange Fellowship 4. A C U T H B Symons Fellowship in Commonwealth Studies 5. Bishop Williams Memorial Fund Visiting Researcher/Trainee Programme 6. Commonwealth Fellowships 7. Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies 8. The Japan Foundation Fellowship Programme 9. Japanese-Language Study Programme for Librarians 10. Study-in-Japan Grant Programme 11. The Japan Foundation 一 Research/Conference/Seminar Grant Programme Separate circulars will be issued to departments/units once such programmes start to invite applications. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286/7222). 學生工讀計劃 Student Campus Work Scheme 1996-97 一九九六至九七年度學生工讀計劃基金現已接受教職員申 請,截止日期爲一九九六年十月四日。 該基金讓本校學生利用課餘時間協助教員從事硏究,或協 助行政單位在繁忙期間之工作,賺取每小時五十港元之報酬。 所有撥款須於一九九七年九月三十日前支付予工讀生;獲資助 之教職員須於一九九七年十月卅一日前擬就報告,經學生事務 處轉呈捐助機構省覽。 有意申請之教職員,可向學生事務處(范克簾樓一零三 室)索取申請表格。 Applications for grants under the Student Campus Work Scheme are now invited from all academic and administrative staff of the University. The aim of the scheme is to help needy students by providing opportunities for paid campus work, in the form of assisting academics and administrators in their projects. Application forms are obtainable from the Benjamin Franklin Centre, and should be returned to Room 103 of the same building by 4th October 1996. The renumeration rate for 1996-97 is HK$50 per hour. Successful applicants will be requested to send a report of their projects to the Office of Student Affairs by 31st October 1997 for the information of the donors to the scheme. 新員生可索取電腦戶口資料 E-mail Accounts for New Staff and Students 電算機服務中心已妥備新員生之校園電子郵件系統和該中 心微型電腦局域網戶口之資料。 新聘教職員欲使用該等服務可聯絡程美容女士(電話二六 零九八八一六)索取戶口資料;新生可親臨電算機服務中心用 戶區(碧秋樓一三三室)領取。 用戶資料皆屬保密,除得用戶本人書面授權外,他人不得 代領。 The Computer Services Centre is distributing computer accounts of the campus-wide e-mail system and its PC local area network to new staff and students. Account information is obtainable from Ms. Catherine Ching at 2609 8816. Computer accounts information is kept confidential. Collection of such information by proxy is allowed only with written authorization from the owner. 大學游泳池消息 University Swimming Pool News 大學游泳池將於九月廿七日(中秋節)提前於下午五時關 閉;而十月一至四日及十一日則停止開放,供書院和大學舉行 水運會。 The University Swimming Pool will be closed earlier at 5.00 p.m. on 27th September (Mid-Autumn Festival), and it will be reserved for the whole day for University and college swimming galas on 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th , and 11th October. 大學圓書館系統開放時間 University Library System Opening Hours 大學各圖書館本學年之開放時間如下︰ 大學、崇基、新亞圖書館 聯合圖書館 星期一至五上午八時二十分至 上午九時至晚上九時 晚上十時 半 星期六 上午八時二十分至 上午九時至下午五時 下午五時 星期日 下午一時至晚上七時 下午一時至晚上七時 醫學圖書館 建築學圖書館 星期一至五 上午八時半至晚上九時 上午九時至晚上七時 星期六 上午九時至下午五時 上午九時至下午五時 星期日 停止開放 停止開放 公眾假期及暑期之開放時間或有更改,屆時將於圖書館入 口處張貼告示。 The opening hours of the University Library System for the 1996-97 academic year are as follows: UL, CC, N A UC Mon-Fri 8.20 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 9.30 p.m. Sat 8.20 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Sun 1.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. 1.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. Medical Library Architecture Library M on - Fri 8.30 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. Sat 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Sun Closed Closed Any changes in opening hours on holidays and during the summer vacation will be posted at the entrances to the libraries. 帝都酒店折扣優惠 Special Discounts at Royal Park Hotel, Sha Tin 由本年九月一日至明年三月卅一日,同人惠顧沙田帝都酒 店之餐廳,只須出示中大職員證,即可享有優惠。 凡周一至周五於該酒店屬下之餐廳午膳,可獲九折優待, 晚膳則爲八五折。公眾假期、須預購餐券之場合、聖誕及新年 假期(十二月廿三日至一月一日),以及農曆新年假期(二月 六至九日)除外。 同人請於光顧時向餐廳查詢其他優惠細則。 From now to 31st March 1997, all staff of the University will be entitled to special discounts from Royal Park Hotel restaurants on the production of their staff ID cards. Discount of 10 per cent on all food and beverages will be offered for lunch and 15 per cent for dinner in restaurants directly run by the hotel on all weekdays (excluding public holidays, special activities requiring ticket sales, Christmas and N e w Year holidays from 23rd December to 1st January inclusive, and Lunar N e w Year holidays from 6th to 9th February inclusive). Please check with the restaurants other details and conditions of the offer before you use it. Planning a Trip ? Lotus Tour Ltd., one of the University's travel agents, runs a special programme for staff members of their corporate clients. From time to time tour packages at substantially reduced prices are available to employees of this university. Anyone interested can contact Eddy M o k of Lotus Tours at 2316 1133. 中大通訊 第九十三期 一九九六年九月十九 日 4 圖 聯合圖書館 上午八 上午九時至晚上七時 U C 10. 0 p.m. 9.0 a.m. - 5.0 p.m. -7.0 p.m. 1.0 p.m. -7.0 p.m. -Fri 9.0 a.m. - 7.0 p.m. 9.0 a.m. - 5.0 p.m. offered ?