Newsletter No. 94

CUHK Newsletter 4 No. 94 4th October 1996 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointments 訊息工程學講座教授 Professor of Information Engineering 大學委任黃永成教授爲訊息工程學 講座教授,由一九九六年十月一日起生 效。 黃教授在香港出生,一九七六年取 得耶魯大學文學士和文科碩士學位後, 到哈佛大學進修,分別於一九七八及八 零年獲授理科碩士和哲學博士學位。 黃教授在哈佛曾兼任教學和硏究助 理,一九八零年加入美國科學系統公司 任高級硏究工程師;兩年後轉投美國電 話及電訊貝爾實驗室,一九八七年晉升爲主管;一九九二年獲 聘爲本校訊息工程學系教授。 Prof. Wong Wing-shing has been appointed professor of information engineering from 1st October 1996. Prof. Wong got his BA and MA degrees from Yale University in 1976, and his MS and Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1978 and 1980 respectively. Prof. Wong was teaching fellow and research assistant at Harvard University while still a graduate student. Upon graduation he worked as senior research engineer for Scientific Systems, Inc. from 1980 to 1982. He was under the employment of AT&T Bell Labs from 1982 to 1992, first as a member of technical staff and then as supervisor. He joined the University as reader in the Department of Information Engineering in 1992. 臨牀藥理學講座教授 Professor of Clinical Pharmacology 大學委任Prof. Julian A. J. H. Critchley爲臨牀藥理學講座 教授,由一九九六年十月一日起生效。 Prof. Critchley在愛丁堡大學開展其學術生涯,先後於一九 七一、七六和七七年獲授理學士、哲學博士和內外全科醫學士 學位。 他由一九七七年起行醫,以全職、兼職和借調身分服務英 國皇家醫院逾二十年,曾任醫生、高級醫生、臨時講師和名譽 教務長等職。他於一九七九年回母校任臨牀藥理學講師,直至 一九八九年受聘爲本校臨牀藥理學系教授。 Prof. Critchley是多個專業組織榮授院士,包括愛丁堡皇家 內科醫學院、倫敦皇家內科醫學院和香港內科醫學院等。 Prof. Julian A. J. H. Critchley has been appointed professor of clinical pharmacology from 1st October 1996. Prof. Critchley graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a B.Sc. in 1971. He received his Ph.D. from the same institution in 1976, and his MB and Ch.B. a year later. He then trained in general medicine at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. After qualifying as MRCP (UK) in 1979, he specialized in clinical pharmacology, toxicology, and renal medicine while working as a lecturer in the departments of clinical pharmacology andmedicine at the University of Edinburgh. Prof. Critchley joined the University as reader in the Department of Clinical Pharmacology in 1989. He is on many extra-mural committees, including the biology and medicine panel of the Research Grants Council, the Pharmacy and Poisons Board, and other committees concerned with therapeutics and medicinal drugs. Reorganization of the Registry The Registry has been reorganized recently: the Academic Secretariat is renamed Academic Affairs Section and the Office of Registry Services is deleted with its four sections remaining intact. All sections combine to form a single unit under the supervision of the University Registrar. 職員審議事宜 Annual Staff Review 大學將開始審議一九九七至九八年度(甲)類服務條款職 員之擢升、退休/延任及申請進修資助等事宜,並就此等事宜 向大學行政與計劃委員會提出建議。 申請進修資助之截止日期爲一九九六年十月十九日;退 休/延任及擢升之提名限期爲一九九六年十一月三十日。 查詢請致電行政事務委員會秘書譚壽森先生(內線七二六 九,大學行政樓三樓二零九室),所有提名及申請須於限期前 送交譚先生。 至於(乙)類及(丙)類服務條款職員之審議細則,將於 本年十二月另行通告。 Applications/nominations are invited from all full-time non- teaching staff on Terms of Service (A) in respect of staff development grants, retirement/extension of service, and promotion, soon to be considered in the staff review exercise for the academic year 1997-98. Deadlines for submissions are as follows: • 19th October 1996 — for staff development grants for full- time non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A). •30th November 1996 — for retirement/extension of service and promotion of full-time non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A). Applications and nominations should be sent to Mr. S. S. Tam, Secretary, Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Office, Room 209, University Administration Building (Ext. 7269). Further enquiries may be directed to the Committee Secretary. A separate announcement concerning Terms of Service (B) and (C) staff review matters will be made around December 1996. 子女教育津貼 Children's Education Allowance 隨政府最近調整公務員子女教育津貼,大學自一九九六年 九月一日起,亦相應修訂教職員子女教育津貼之最高津貼額如 下: 小學——每年二萬九千九百廿五元 中學——中一至中三:每年四萬九千六百五十元 中四及以上:每年四萬六千三百一十三元 教職員子女如就讀中四年級或以上者,其應繳之基本費 用,亦由每年三千九百五十元增至四千四百五十元。 符合申請資格之同人,請盡早塡寫申請表,連同學費收據 寄回人事處。査詢請電人事處(內線七二九一)。 Following the government's revision of education allowance rates for dependent children of civil servants, the maximum allowance payable to eligible appointees in the University has been increased from 1st September 1996 as follows: • For each child attending a primary school: HK$29,925 per year. • For each child attending a secondary school: (i) Secondary 1 to Secondary 3 — HK$49,650 per year (ii) Secondary 4 and above— HK$46,313 per year. The basic amount an appointee has to pay towards the school fee of his/her child who attends Secondary 4 or above has also been revised from HK$3,950 to HK$4,450 per year. Eligible appointees should complete an application form for each child and return it with receipts of school-fees to the Personnel Office as early as possible. Enquiries should be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7291). 聯合書院「到訪傑出學人」講座 United College Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lectures 加拿大卑詩省大學亞洲研究學系榮休講座教授葉嘉瑩本月 到訪聯合書院,並以該院到訪傑出學人身分主持公開講座,歡 迎出席。講座詳情如下: 第一講:詞自唐五代迄淸之發展演進槪述 (十月四日下午二時卅分) 第二講:淸代重要詞學家對詞之特質的不同認知 (十月八日下午四時卅分) 第三講:淸詞名家賞析 (十月十日下午四時卅分) 講座於聯合書院C1講室舉行。查詢請電內線七五七七或 七五七零。 Prof. Yeh Chia-ying, emeritus professor of the Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia, will visit United College in early October as the first Distinguished Visiting Scholar of 1996-97. During her stay, Prof. Yeh will give three public lectures on the following topics: • The Development of the Song Lyric from the Five Dynasties to the Ch'ing Dynasty 2.30 p.m. on 4th October 1996 • Attitudes Toward the Song Lyric during the Ch'ing Dynasty 4.30 p.m. on 8th October 1996 • Major Song Lyric Writers of the Ch'ing Dynasty 4.30 p.m. on 10th October 1996. All lectures will take place in lecture theatre C1 in T. C. Cheng Building, United College. All are welcome. For enquiries, please call Ext. 7577/7570. 新絲路慈善版畫展覽 The New Silk Road Exhibition to Help Children's Cancer Foundation 逸夫書院將於本月十二至廿五日在書院大講堂舉辦「新絲 路」展覽,展出版畫家陳錦成約五十幅近作。展品各以最低價 一千元出售,扣除每幅二百五十元裝裱 及鏡框費後,餘數悉捐予「兒童癌病基 金」。逸夫大講堂展覽廊每日上午十時 至下午六時開放。 An exhibition of about 50 latest prints of paintings by Chan Kam Shing will be held at the Gallery of the Shaw College Lecture Theatre from 12th to 25th October between 10.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m daily. All the prints exhibited are for sale at a minimum price of HK$ 1,000 each. The revenue generated, after deducting HK$250 from each print for mounting and framing, will be donated to the Children's Cancer Foundation. 港穗女子籃球賽 廣州體育學院女子籃球隊本月十九至廿一日到訪中大體育 部,參觀本校體育設施,並於十九日下午三時在中大體育中心 與本校女子藍球隊作友誼賽。客隊身材高大,技術全面;本校 代表則於暑期集訓,加緊備戰。賽事精彩可期,歡迎員生參 觀。 RAC Membership and Terms of Reference The Resource Allocation Committee (RAC) has recently been reconstituted as follows: Chairman: Vice-Chancellor Members'. (a) Pro-Vice-Chancellors (b) University Bursar (c) University Registrar (d) University Secretary (e) one or two senior academic members of the University, who are not faculty deans, to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor Secretary: appointed by the Vice-Chancellor Its terms of reference are: (a) To identify the internal and external funding opportunities and constraints and overall development directions of the University, and to provide guidelines for faculties to prepare their short- and long-term development plans. (b) To assess funding requests, set priorities, and project tentative allocation for three to five years with reference to existing and proposed programmes. (c) To decide on the annual budget for final approval by the AAPC, the Finance Committee, the Senate, and the University Council. (d) To decide on the strategic development thrusts for the University, and to allocate the University's central reserve fund. Research Committee Subject Panel Membership The University has recently appointed members to the seven subject panels of the Research Committee. They will serve a term of two years from 1st August 1996. Arts and Languages Panel Prof. Daniel Law (Convener) Prof. Dang Shu-leung Prof. Kao Mayching Prof. D. C. Lau Prof. Archie Lee Prof. Thomas Hun-tak Lee Prof. Leung Yuen-sang Prof Liu Shu-hsien (on leave from 1.7.96 to 30.4.97) Prof. David Pollard Social Science and Education Panel Prof. Sung Yun-wing (Convener) Dean/Acting Dean of Social Science Faculty (Prof. Kenneth Chau) Prof. Hau Kit-Tai Prof. H. C. Kuan Prof. Tunney F. Lee Prof. Leung Kwok Prof. Leslie N. K. Lo Prof. Tsang Wing-kwong Prof. Yeung Yue-man 月影