Newsletter No. 103

宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 修訂大學規程 Amendments to University Statutes 大學監督已核准校董會修訂《香港中文大學規程》 第十四 • 5A (a) 條和第十七條,規定提名學生加入學 系系務會的事宜,由有關學系系務會酌情決定。經修訂 之條文(英文本)見下。 The University Council has made and the Chancellor approved the following amendments to Statutes 14 and 17 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance under section 13 of the University Ordinance (Cap. 1109): 1. The Senate Statute 14 of the Statutes of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in Schedule 1 to The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1109) is amended in paragraph 5A(a) by repealing 'or to see papers' and substituting 'or have access to or read papers'. 2. The Departments Statute 17 is amended in paragraph 3 by adding — '(3) At the discretion of the Board of the Department, the Board may nominate such students as the Board deems fit as student members for such period as the Board may in its absolute discretion determine, provided that such student members shall not be entitled to participate in that part of meetings considering reserved areas of business or have access to or read papers or any other documents relating thereto. For the purpose of this Statute, reserved areas of business are the same as those referred to in paragraph 5A(b) of Statute 14. The Chairman of the Board may decide in any case of doubt whether or not a matter falls within one of the reserved areas of business referred to above and his decisions shall be final.' 調査委員會 校方已成立委員會,調查去年十一月校長就職典禮 秩序失控一事,以明瞭事件始末,並建議如何避免日後 在校園發生同類事件。調查委員會成員名單如下: 主席:廖柏偉敎授 委員:李金漢敎授 關信基敎授 殷巧兒校董 秘書:黃陳慰冰女士 兼任及名 譽教師新職稱 New Academic Titles Scheme for Part-time/ Honorary Teaching Staff 繼去年實施敎師新職稱計劃後,校方最近亦爲兼任 及名譽敎師設立新職稱。新聘任的兼任或名譽敎師如獲 有關學系和學院推薦,可獲授「兼任助理敎授」或「兼 任副敎授」職稱;具卓越學術或專業成就者則授予「兼 任敎授」職稱。唯此非必要安排,該類敎師可沿用「兼 任講師」或「名譽講師」職稱。獲授新職稱者可稱呼爲 「某某敎授」。 查詢請致電人事處(內線七二八五)。 Following the implementation of the New Academic Titles Scheme for full-time teachers, new academic titles for part- time and honorary teaching staff were recently introduced. On the recommendation of the department and faculty concerned, newly appointed part-time/honorary teachers may be accorded the academic title of Adjunct Assistant Professor or Adjunct Associate Professor. Only those with an impressive academic/professional record will be accorded the title of Adjunct Professor. The award of the new academic titles is however not automatic or necessary for part-time/honorary teaching appointees, who will otherwise continue to carry the titles of Part-time Lecturer or Honorary Lecturer. For day-to-day communication purposes, the same arrangement for addressing full-time teachers with new academic titles will be adopted, i.e., part-time/honorary teachers carrying the adjunct titles may be addressed as 'Professor (name of teacher concerned)'. Enquiries can be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7285). Changes in Immigration Control on British Citizens The Immigration Department has proposed some amendments to the Immigration Ordinance to take effect from 1st April 1997 to align the visa policies and provisions governing the stay of British citizens with those governing the stay of other foreign nationals. The proposed amendments mainly cover the following: • visa-free visit for British citizens will be shortened from one year to six months; • the appropriate visa is required for taking up employment, studying, starting business, and joining family in Hong Kong; • British citizens who have resided in Hong Kong for seven years will be eligible to apply for unconditional stay, but not the Right to Land; • British citizens who have taken up residence in Hong Kong prior to 1st April 1997 but who have not yet acquired 'resident British citizen' status (e.g. having the Right to Land in Hong Kong) may continue to work or live in Hong Kong until their current limit of stay expires. 'Resident British citizens' who are in Hong Kong on 1st April 1997 will automatically be given permission to remain in Hong Kong without any condition of stay. The bill to amend the Immigration Ordinance was introduced into the Legislative Council on 19th February 1997 and is now under discussion. Colleagues may acquire more information about this bill at ctrl-bc.htm. Hard copies of the web page are also available at the Personnel Office (Ext. 7179/7191). For enquiries, please contact the Immigration Department at 2824 4055, fax 2598 8388, or e-mail 預防肝炎運動 Hepatitis Awareness Campaign 保健處於三月三至十四日舉辦預防肝炎運動,包括 在保健中心展出肝炎之有關資料,爲敎職員及其家屬和 學生抽血檢驗肝炎抗原或抗體,並爲有需要者注射疫 苗。 甲型和乙型肝炎的抽血檢驗費用分別爲八十五元 和一百一十元,注射疫苗(三劑)則分別爲每劑二百 元和一百元。兩項活動分別於三月六至七日及三月十 三至十四日(上午九時至中午十二時半,下午二時至 四時半)舉行。 The University Health Service has organized a Hepatitis Awareness Campaign on campus. There will be an exhibition in the Health Centre from 3rd to 14th March 1997. On 6th and 7th March, University staff, their dependents, and students can be tested for markers of the Hepatitis A and B virus at $85 and $110 respectively. If necessary, they can be vaccinated on 13th and 14th March at $200 per dose for Hepatitis A, and $100 per dose for Hepatitis B. 旅遊現金券 Travel Coupons For Bidding 校方最近收到四張由康泰旅行社發出之現金券,每 張港幣五千元,於康泰旅行社兌用。現金券有效期至一 九九八年一月廿四日止,所有旅行團或機票出發日期, 以及酒店入住期皆不可遲於該日。 現金券不可兌換現金;超過五千元之單據,須以現 金補足,惟消費者可同時使用超過一張現金券。(例如 一萬零三百元的單據可以使用兩張面値五千元之現金券 及現金三百元支付。) 歡迎中大同人以投標方式購買,最低投標價爲每張 二千元。有意者請塡妥有關表格,寄往富爾敦樓地下商 務組投標箱。截止日期爲一九九七年三月十一日中午十 二時正。大學投標委員會將於三月十二日處理投標,並 於三月十三日通知各投標者招標結果。所有收入將撥歸 大學。 查詢請致電商務組曹小姐(內線七八八七)。 The University has been given four HK$5,000 travel coupons by the Royal Park Hotel under a business incentive scheme. The coupons are issued by Hong Thai Citizens Travel Services Ltd. and will remain valid until 24th January 1998. A coupon is valid for only one transaction, but the use of more than one coupon per transaction is allowed. The coupons are not convertible to cash. Amounts beyond $5,000 must be paid in cash. Members of the staff are welcome to bid for these coupons by filling out specific application forms and returning them to the Tender Box, Business Section, G01, John Fulton Centre, before noon on 11th March 1997. The bids will be considered by the Tender Board on 12th March and bidders will be informed ofthe outcome on 13th March. The proceeds will go to the University. Enquires can be directed to Ms. Jacqueling Cho of the Business Section at Ext. 7887. 訃告 Obituary 本校出版社前社長潘光迥博士於一九九七年二月十 一日辭世。 潘博士一九六八年加入本校服務,協助成立並出長 中文大學出版社及學生就業輔導處,建樹良多,備受推 崇。潘博士一九七八年榮休,復在港、滬、京策劃開辦 多項高級行政管理文憑課程,並親自授課垂十七載,深 受學員愛戴。 Dr. Francis K. Pan, founder of The Chinese University Press, passed away on 11th February 1997. Dr. Pan first joined the University in 1968. He had been director of the University's Dictionary Project, founding director of the Publications Office, director of the Appointments Service, and founding director of and adviser to The Chinese University Press. After his retirement in 1978 , he master-minded and personally organized the Diploma Courses in Management for Executive Development, which were held in high regard by the local business community. 中文大學出版社新書 大學同人在富爾敦樓大學書店 購買上述書籍,可獲八折優待。 《管理人經濟學》 此書簡要說明管理人必須認識的重要經濟學原理及槪念,並 深入淺出介紹經濟學的三大領域:個體經濟學、總體經濟學及國 際經濟學。 《管理人經濟學》由香港管理專業發展中心編撰。全書共十四 章,論及經濟學的內容與範疇,消費與需求,生產與供應,市場 與均衡價格,完全競爭市場,不完全競爭市場,收入、支出與國 民所得,投資決策,充分就業,財政政策,銀行體系與貨幣制 度,通貨膨脹,國際貿易,以及國際收支平衡與外匯市場。 書中還據香港的現實狀況提供很多實例,使讀者有所參照; 又加插思考問題,使讀者能活用經濟學理論。 國際統一書號962-201-738-X,平裝本,三百五十四頁,一 百五十港元。 《強迫普及學校教育:制度與課程》 此書由黃顯華編著,共收文章十三篇,由本校敎育學院的敎 授和硏究生,政府敎育主任,和中、小學校長撰寫,探討在香港 推行了十多年的強迫普及敎育。 此書首先從整體的角度檢討強迫普及學校敎育制度,然後探 討由篩選制過渡到普及制期間,課程設計與發展所面對的矛盾與 取捨,分析和比較這兩種制度下的課程設計,跟著又探索學校敎 育的目的、性質、內容、制定過程和機制。分析課程指引的質素 和共同核心課程的意念,評估香港小學活動敎學的現況和探討課 程決策的性質,最後則介紹解決強迫普及學校敎育制度困局的其 中一個方案——常新敎育。 國際統一書號962-201-758-4,平裝本,二百六十頁,一百六 十港元。 第一零三期 一九九七年三月四日 4 中大通訊