Newsletter No. 108

4 No. 108 19th May 1997 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 大學條例中文眞確本 Authentic Chinese Text of C U HK Ordinance 香港總督會同行政局最近宣布《香港中文大學 條例》(第1109章)及《香港中文大學(公布逸夫書 院)條例》(第1139章)的中文眞確本。條例的眞確 本已於一九九七年五月十六日刊登憲報。 The authentic Chinese text of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Chapter 1109) and the Declaration of Shaw College Ordinance (Chapter 1139) has been declared by the Governor in Council and published in the Government Gazette on 16th May 1997. 語文基金第五期撥款申請 The Language Fund — F i f th Call for Application 語文基金現已接受機構、團體、學校,以及有志人士申請資助,推行各項有助 提高本港中文(包括普通話)及英文水平的計劃或活動。過去四次撥款的總額達一 億四千零一十九萬元,共有一百一十項語文改善計劃獲得資助,資助項目有硏究、 a 製作敎材和學習材料、培訓及學生活動等。 同人索取申請表格,可致電語文敎育及硏究常務委員會辦事處(二八一零二八 五零或二八一零二二九六),或本校語文改進工作組秘書區梁美媚女士(內線八九 八三)。 塡妥之申請表格須直接交回語文敎育及硏究常務委員會辦事處。截止申請日期 爲一九九七年六月三十日。 Applications are now invited from all educational/training institutions, registered organizations, and interested individuals for the fifth round of allocations from the Government's Language Fund, The main objective of the fond is to raise the standard of Chinese (including Putonghua) and English, and enhance the use of the two languages in Hong Kong. A total of HK$140.19 million has been allocated to 110 projects in the last four rounds of allocations. Application forms are obtainable from the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research Support Unit (Tel. 2810 2850/2810 2296), or from Mrs. Ophelia Au, Secretary of the Working Group on Language Enhancement, CUHK (Ext. 8983). Completed applications should be submitted to the Support Unit by 30th June 1997. 產前講座 保健處特爲懷孕及準備製造小生命的敎職員和家屬舉辦爲期兩天的產前講座, 介紹分娩護理常識、產前產後運動、營養和餵哺母乳須知等。 講座將於六月十一及十二日下午二至五時,在大學保健處會議室舉行,費用全 免,名額有限。有意者請致電內線六四一六索取報名表格。 一九九七年兩性角色交流會 Annual Gender Role Wo r k shop 1997 香港亞太硏究所性別硏究計劃將於本月廿四日上午九時至下午十二時半,假信 和樓第二講堂舉辦一九九七年兩性角色交流會。本屆主題爲「步向平等就業機會 ——理想與現實」,講者有平等機會委員會主席張妙淸敎授、香港婦女勞工協會總 幹事杜潔麗女士、馬莎人事部經理陳瑞芹女士和港大社會學系師吳俊雄博士。大 會設托兒服務,查詢及報名請電二六零九八七七五(林小姐)。 The Gender Research Programme of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies will hold its annual gender role workshop from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. at Lecture Theatre 2 of the Sino Building on 24th May 1997. This year's theme is Towards Equal Employment Opportunities — Ideal and Reality', and the speakers will include Prof. Fanny Cheung, chairperson of Equal Employment Opportunities; Ms K.L. To, coordinator of the Hong Kong Women Workers' Association; Ms S.K. Chan, personnel manager of Marks and Spencer; and Dr. C.H. Ng, lecturer in sociology at the University of Hong Kong. The workshop will be held in Cantonese and child care service will be provided. For enquiries and registration, call Ms Agnes Lam at Ext. 8775 or fax 2603 5215. 逸夫招聘學生宿舍導師 Resident Tutors for Shaw College Student Hostels 逸夫書院現招聘一九九七至九八年度學生宿舍男女導師,歡迎大學全職敎職員 申請。申請人須爲大學畢業生。 導師職責爲協助舍監處理宿舍事務及促進宿舍生活。獲委任者必須於宿舍居 住,住宿免費。此職爲兼任,並無任何津貼。 申請者請致函逸夫書院學生輔導處左冠輝先生。查詢請電內線七三五八。截止 申請日期爲一九九七年六月十日。 From Shaw College: We are looking for outgoing young people to serve as resident tutors in our student hostels for the academic year 1997-98. The appointees must be full-time employees of CUHK and degree-holders. The major duty of a resident tutor, who has to live in the hostel, is to assist the hostel wardens to manage the hostel and promote hostel life. This is a concurrent appointment. Free lodging will be provided but no allowance of any kind will be granted. Please address applications to Mr. K.F. Chor, who can be contacted on Ext. 7358. The deadline for applications is 10th June 1997. 大學游泳池特別通告 B FCSwimming Pool Special Notice 大學游泳池第一及第二水線於五月十日至六月 十四日逢週六上午十時三十分至下午十二時三十分 供「九七大專泳隊練習及選拔」之用;並於五月廿 一、廿二、廿六、廿八、廿九及三十日下午三至五 時供生物系 「SCUBA 訓練課程」之用。期間可能對 游泳人士構成不便。 The first and second lanes of the swimming pool have been reserved for the swimming practice and selection tryout of the Universiade '97 swimming team every Saturday from 10.30 a.m. to 12,30 p.m. between 10th May and 14th June. The same lanes will be reserved for the SCUBA training courses ran by the Department of Biology from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. on 21st, 22nd, 26th, 28th, 29th, and 30th May. 收費及暑期免費校車服務 Fee-Charging &Non-Fee-ChargingBusServiceforStaffinSummer 交通組提醒大學同人,由一九九二年起,所有校內穿梭校車之乘客,包括學 生、敎職員及其家屬等,在下列日期內乘搭穿梭校車時,每次必須繳交面値一元之 乘車券: (一)星期日及公眾假期; (二)每年六、七、八月(選科及註冊日除外)。 乘車券每本十張,費用十元,在交通組發售。當値司機亦隨身攜帶小量乘車券 供急需乘車者購買。 而校方爲方便敎職員上下班,由六月一日至八月卅一日期間,提供不收費之敎 職員專用班車服務,每班一車次,按下述時間路線行駛: 上行線 星期一至六(兩班次) 上午八時三十分及八時四十分 由嶺南體育館開出,往新亞書院。中途停大 學體育中心、潤昌堂、梁銶琚樓及聯合書院。 下行線 星期一至五(兩班次) 下午五時零五分及五時二十分 星期六(一班次) 下午十二時四十五分 由新亞書院開出,往火車站。中途停聯 合書院、大學行政樓及大學體育中心。 查詢請致電交通組(內線七九九零或七九九二)。 Passengers of the University shuttle buses have since 1992 been required to tender one-dollar coupons on the following days: 1. Sundays and public holidays; 2. All days in June, July, and August except course selection and registration days. Such coupons come in books of 10 and may be purchased from the Transport Unit. A small number are also available from the bus-driver. The University also provides a non-fee-charging bus service during the months of June, July, and August (except on Sundays and public holidays) to facilitate staff members who travel to and from work by train. To tie in with University working hours, the bus will run as per the following schedule from 1st June to 31st August this summer: Up Route Monday to Saturday at 8.30 a.m. and 8.40 (two trips per day) Lingan Stadium→CU Sports Centre→ Y.C. Liang Hall → K.K. Leung Building → United College→New Asia College Down Route Monday to Friday at 5.05 p.m. and 5.20 p.m. (two trips per day) Saturday at 12.45 p.m. (one trip per day) New Asia College → United College → University Administration Building → CU Sports Centre → University Train Station Enquiries can be directed to the Transport Unit (Ext. 7990 or 7992). 圖書館暑期開放時間 University L i b r a r y SystemSummerHours 大學、崇基、新亞及聯合圖書館 University Library, Chung Chi, New Asia, United 五月廿四日至六月三十日 24th May—30th June 七月一日至八月卅一日 1st July-31st August 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m.—10.00 p.m.* 9.00 a.m.—7.00 p.m. 星期六 Sat 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.—5.00 p.m. 星期日 Sun 1.00 p.m.—7.00 p.m. 停止開放 closed *聯合圖書館於晚上九時半閉館 United Library will be closed earlier at 9.30 p.m.