Newsletter No. 108

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 李炳醫學圖書館 Medical Library 五月廿四日至七月六日 24th May—6th July 七月七日至八月卅一日 7th July-31st August 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m.-6.00 p.m. 8.30 a.m-7.00 p.m. 星期六 Sat 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m-5.00 p.m. 星期日 Sun 停止開放 closed 停止開放 closed 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 即日至九月七日 Now to 7th September 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m-5.00 p.m. 星期六 Sat 9.00 a.m-12.30 p.m. 星期日 Sun 停止開放 closed 各圖書館將於六月九日、廿八日、三十日,七月一日、二日,以及八月十八日 停止開放,並由九月一日(建築學圖書館由九月八日)起恢復正常開放時間。 The University Library System will be closed on the following public holidays: 9th, 28th, and 30th June; 1st and 2nd July; and 18th August. All libraries will resume normal opening hours from 1st September except the architecture library, who will do so from 8th September. Board of Management of the Institute of Science and Technology The composition and terms of reference of the Board of Management of the Institute of Science and Technology have recently been revised as follows: Composition (w.e.f. 5th May 1997) Chairman: Director of the Institute of Science and Technology Members: Dean of Engineering Dean of Medicine Dean of Science Up to two members appointed by the Vice-Chancellor —Prof. Rance P.L. Lee (fro m 5thMay 1997 to 30th April 1999) (Directors of the constituent centres/units may be co-opted as necessary) Secretary: Mr. Kenneth Tsang (fro m5th May 1997 to 30th April 1999) Terms of Reference 1. To allocate funds and other resources of the institute. 2. To coordinate and to review the activities within the institute. 3。 To supervise the centres, to give them direction, and to advise the University on their funding needs, future development and personnel matters. 4. To advise the Vice-chancellor on any matter related to the institute. 5. To meet annually together with co-opted external members and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for research, with the purpose of making recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor on the broad and long-term directions of development (in teaching, research, and infrastructure) in all areas related to science and technology. The co-opted members should be drawn in the main from the visiting examiners in all three faculties who plan to visit the University that year. 6. To coordinate on behalf of the University the submission of applications for RGC central allocation for major infrastructural equipment, and similar submissions. 7. To coordinate the University's relation with the Industry Department on the Industry Support Fund, and with other funding bodies for similar funding schemes in areas of science and technology (but excluding schemes that are, in the main, restricted to the activities of one single faculty, for example the Health Services Research Fund). 8. To coordinate the University's interface with the Science Park to be built adjacent to the campus, 9. To advise the University on technology transfer. Planning Committee for the Chinese Medicine Programme A Planning Committee for the Chinese Medicine Programme was formed earlier this year with the following composition and terms of reference: Chairman: Prof. P.C. Leung, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Members: Prof. Lau Oi-wah, Dean of Science Prof. JosephC. K. Lee,Dean of Medicine Prof. Richard M.W. Ho, Registrar Prof. Kong Yen-cheung, Programme Director (Designate), Chinese Medicine Programme Prof. Paul But, Director, Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre Secretary: Mrs. Angela Yang, Faculty Secretary, Faculty of Science Terms of Reference 1. To design courses for the proposed programme and identify prospective teaching staff, and make recommendations to the Senate through the Science Faculty Board on all academic matters including admission requirements, curriculum, examination, and the compilation of the relevant academic regulations. 2. To plan for the setting up of a centre/clinic for teaching and research in clinical Chinese medicine. 3. To seek collaboration with institute(s) in Chinese medicine in China and elsewhere. 4. To liaise with the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Medicine to prepare ground for establishing a School of Chinese Medicine around 2001. 5. To undertake other related duties as prescribed by the Vice-Chancellor. 訃告 中國文化硏究所名譽學人蘇文擢敎授於一九九七年四月二十日辭世,享年七十 七歲。 蘇敎授三代家學,文采早成,壯歲遭時多艱,于役四方。來港後任敎新亞書 院、珠海書院等。一九六五年任聯合書院中文系副講師,翌年升任講師,一九七八 年晉升高級講師,八五年榮休;八六年任本校敎育學院客座高級講師,並九九 零年起出任中國文化硏究所名譽學人。 蘇敎授以古文詩賦鳴世,創作弘富;生平提倡經學及詩敎,重視語文敎育,尤 著重變化氣質,淨化世道人心,正本淸源,使學者明恥盡性知義守禮,以達成敎化 爲目標;又精於書法,爲「逸夫書院」校名題字,並爲校園建築物鄭棟材樓、何添 樓、許讓成樓等親撰碑文,溫潤典麗,可垂久遠。 Personalia‧人 事動態• Personal ia‧人事動態‧ Personal ia‧ 人事動態 • Personalia ‧人事動態 • Personalia •人事動態 第一零八期 一九九七年五月十九日 4 中大通訊