Newsletter Summer Supplement (1997)

other roads by law. The Security Unit is authorized by the University's Administrative Affairs Committee to control and impound vehicles in accordance with procedures endorsed by the Committee on Security. All drivers with University parking labels are issued with University Traffic Regulations and the General Conditions for Staff Vehicle Registration. They should be conversant with traffic regulations and parking instructions posted on the public notice boards at all entrances to the campus. The priorities for parking enforcement on campus are (a) to prevent serious obstruction along major thoroughfares; (b) to monitor 'No Parking' zones which are marked with broken yellow lines; (c) to control unlawful parking at other places on campus; and (d) to issue warnings against minor parking violations. The law prohibits discriminatory treatment against outsiders but there is no requirement for warnings to be issued prior to enforcement of regulations. 一九九七至九八年度大學圖書館系統開放時間 University Library System Opening Hours in 1997-98 由一九九七年九月一日起: From 1st September 1997 : 大學、崇基及新亞圖書館 University Library, Chung Chi, New Asia 聯合圖書館 United College 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 8.20 a.m.- 10.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 9.30 p.m. 8.30 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. 星期六 Sat 8.20 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. 星期日 Sun 1.0 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. 1.0 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. 停止開放 closed 由一九九七年九月八日起: From 8th September 1997 : 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. 星期六 Sat 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. 星期日 Sun 停止開放 closed 公眾假期及暑期之開放時間將在各圖書館入口處張貼。 Opening hours on public holidays and during the summer vacation will be posted at the entrances to the libraries. University Library System News • A new access control system has been installed at the entrances of all University libraries. Library users can now enter the libraries by punching in their valid library/student cards. New library cards can be applied for at the circulation counter of the University Library. • Card catalogues are out-of-date and catalogue cabinets will be disposed of in late August this year. Users are advised to use the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) to search for publications. • Many new electronic journals and databases have recently been added to the library network, creating avirtual library in addition to the print collection. Information from the virtual library is accessible 24 hours a day from both inside and outside the library. Assistance is available at the library reference counter or at Ext. 7305. Phone lines are provided for remote access: 2603 5752 or 2603 5759 for CDLAN. Access to these electronic resources can also be gained by visiting the library Web Pages URL address: Connection to CSC Modem pool can be made via the following dial-up lines: 2603 6220 , 2603 6580, or 2603 6861. • Ovid Web Gateway is a new access to the pool of electronic resources of the University Library System. Through Ovid Web Gateway, users may access MEDLINE and some 70 core biomedical journals, including New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Nature andScience, and BMJ. Full text articles in these journals are linked to the specific bibliographic citations in MEDLINE; linkages are also established whenever possible between references in those articles with 'full text' indicated. Users can also check the table of contents of specific issues and select articles complete with illustrations to read at their own terminal. Due to time required for conversion, electronic journal issues are generally two to three months behind their print counterparts. University staff can now access these databases through the CUHK network by using the following URL address: Enquiries on searching medical databases, in- cluding Ovid, can be emailed to, and technical enquiries, to . • The following CDLAN databases have migrated to ERL, a server running the ERL (Electronic Reference Library) software: ABI/INFORM with Full-Text, Applied Science and Technology Index, Art Index, A-V Online, Book Review Digest, Biological Abstracts, CancerLit, CINAHL (Nursing & Allied Health), Dissertation Abstracts, EconLit, EMBASE, GeoBase, GeoRef, HealthSTAR, Humanities Index, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, MathSci, MLA International Bibliography, PsycINFO, Peterson's Gradline, ERIC, Social Work Abstracts, Sociofile, Sport Discus. To search for ERL databases, individually or in a group, at themulti-functionPCs of the library, choose 'Electronic Databases' and then 'ERL'. ERL databases can be accessed via the World Wide Web. But since they are restricted to staff and registered students of the University, they must be accessed via the CUHK campus network. Users can also install the ERL client softwares for auto-logon to the ERL server via the CUHK campus network. These softwares and their installation guides can be obtained from the Library Home Page ( . • An Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management Database is now available in the Library Online Catalogue. The database provides references to and abstracts of the literature covering all areas of air, land, water, and noise pollution, as well as bacteriology, ecology, toxicology, risk assessment, environmental engineering, environmental biotechnology, waste management, and water resources. Environmental policy and regulations are also covered. • Interlibrary loan requests can now be placed via pre-registered electronic mailboxes to the Interlending Section of the University Library, provided that such requests involve costs chargeable to research accounts or are paid by the teaching staffplacing the request. Registration of electronic mailboxes can be made at the Interlending/Reserve Books Counter on the ground floor of the University Library. Guidelines for placing requests electronically are also provided at the counter. If they so prefer, teaching staffmay still place requests by submitting interlibrary loan request forms to the Interlending Section. Please direct enquiries to Ext. 8741. 出版事務處遷址啓事 Notice of o f f i c e Move 出版事務處將於九月中旬由 大學行政樓南座搬往田家炳樓六 樓。由於重新安裝電腦系統需 時’原定於十月四日及十九日 出版之《中大通訊》(印刷版 及電子版)恐有延誤,截稿日 期或將有所更改。本刊會盡 早於下月公布,敬請留意。 The Publication Office will move from the University Administration Building to the Tin Ka Ping Building around mid-September. As it takes time to reinstall an efficient computer system for desktop publishing purposes, the publication of the October issues of the CUHK Newsletter (both print and electronic versions) may suffer considerable delay, and contribution deadlines may have to be revised. Announcements in this respect will be made as soon as possible in the September issues of this newsletter. 《中大通訊》《中文大學校刊》電子版 你可於網上瀏覽人事動態和研究計劃介紹 The CUHK Newsletter and the Chinese University Bulletin Go Cyber 《中文大學校刊》及《中大通訊》電子 版已經上網,歡迎讀者瀏覽並透過附設之 電子郵箱向編者提意見。 《中大通訊》電子版(網址爲 http:// ) 由 本年一月四日開始上網,以後與印刷版本 會於每月四及十九日同步出版。兩種版本 內容大致相同,包括宣布事項、人事動 態、社會服務、大學新聞與專題特寫等五 大項,唯最後兩項的電子版只列標題,不 附詳細內容及圖片,以求精簡,並從速上 網。爲方便讀者投稿,網頁上亦詳列稿例 及截稿日期。 已上網之《中文大學校刊》電子版(網 址爲 index.htm) 則包括一九九六年的春•夏及秋 •冬兩期;電子版與印刷版內容相同,圖 文兼備。惟因人手短絀和刊物篇幅不輕, 最新出版的一期《中文大學校刊》(九七年 春‧夏)之電子版尙待完成,屆時將另作公 布。 由出版事務處出版的其他大學刊物的 簡已放上網頁 ( puo), 日後會因應資源及需要而決定是否 把詳細內容上網。 The Chinese University Bulletin and the CUHK Newsletter, published by the P u b l i c a t i on O f f i ce ( web s i te h t t p : // ), are now available for browsing on the Internet. Readers are also welcome to contribute articles or raise suggestions through e-mail to the Publication Office. (E-mail address: pub2@uab.msmail. ) The electronic version of the CUHK Newsletter is accessible from the 100th (4th January 1997) issue onwards (website http:// ). Published also on the 4th and 19th of each month, its contents are similar to the print version, i n c l u d i ng Announ c emen t s, Personalia, Service to the Community and International Organizations, University News, and features. For ease o f processing, only the headlines appear in the last t wo sections. Gu i d e l i n es and dead l i nes f or contribution are also listed on the web page. The Spring • Summer 1996 and Autumn • Winter 1996 issues of the Chinese University Bulletin are already on the Internet (website http:// www . c u h k . e d u . h k / p u o / b u l l e t i n/ index.htm). With texts and images in full, their contents correspond exactly with the print versions. The recently published Spring ‧ Summer 1997 issue, however, is still being processed, due to its length and the shortage of hands. Readers will be notified when the electronic version is ready. Introductions to other CUHK publications by the Publication Office are available on our web page. The decision on whether to include their detailed contents in the future will depend on the resources available to us. We will keep our readers posted of the latest developments. 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 暑期特刊 一九九七年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 1997 5