Newsletter Summer Supplement (1997)

宣•布•事•項 A N N O U N C E M E N T S 新任校董會副主席 New Vice-Chairman of University Council 校董會通過推選利漢釗博士由一九九七年七月一日起接替梁定邦先生出任大學校 董會副主席。梁校董因公職繁忙,在六月底任滿後,決定不再接受提名連任副主席。 利漢釗博士自一九九二年起出任大學校董,並兼任校董會轄下的敎職員服務規則 委員會主席、校園計劃及建設委員會主席和捐贈委員會委員等職,襄助校務,促進大學 的發展與革新。歷年來,利博士多次協助大學獲取巨額捐贈,支持大學事工。 利博士在香港、內地以至國際工商界都有祟高的聲譽和良好的聯繫。他現時肩負 的公職,包括香港政府首長級及司法人員薪俸及服務條件常務委員會主席,以及全國政 協委員等。 梁定邦先生在副主席任內對大學的發展關懷備至,建樹良多。梁先生卸任副主席 後,仍然出任大學校董,擔任三項敎職員公積金計劃的受託人,以及大學校董會的財務 委員會和敎職員服務規則委員會成員。 Dr. Lee Hon-chiu has succeeded Mr. Anthony Neoh as vice-chairman of the University Council from 1st July 1997. Mr. Neoh decided not to stand for re-election due to heavy public engagement. Dr. Lee has been a Council Member of the University since 1992. In his capacities as chairman of the Terms of Service Committee, chairman of the Campus Planning and Building Committee, and member of the Committee on Donations, Dr. Lee has made remarkable contributions to the development of the University. Dr. Lee has also helped enlist generous donations for the University over the years. A leading entrepreneur, Dr. Lee maintains excellent business connections locally, in mainland China, and overseas. Also very active in public service, Dr. Lee now serves as chairman of the government's Standing Committee on Directorate/Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service, and is amember of the National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. During his term of office as vice-chairman of the University Council, Mr. Anthony Neoh contributed significantly to the administration and development of the University. Mr. Neoh will continue to serve as Council Member and member of the Terms of Service Committee and Finance Committee of the Council. He is also a trustee for the University's three staff superannuation schemes. 大學成員獲殊榮 University Members Honoured 利 國 偉 博 士 獲 授 大 紫 荆 勳章 校董會主席利國偉博士與另十一位傑出人士,於七月二日獲香港特別行政區行政 長官董建華先生頒授大紫荆勳章。 大紫荆勳章是香港特別行政區政府勳銜制度中的最高榮譽獎章。受勳人士必須爲 香港永久性居民,長期以來表現傑出。 授勳典禮於前總督府舉行,由董建華先生主持;國家副總理兼外長錢其琛先生也 有出席。 利博士的讚詞如下: 「利先生爲港事顧問,香港特區第一屆選舉委員會委員。在香港,利先生爲資深銀 行家,並歷任行政局及立法局非官守議員。利先生熱心敎育,曾爲敎育委員會及敎育統 籌委員會主席,現爲香港中文大學校董會主席及香港大學校董。」 李 國 章 校 長 榮 任 英 國 皇 家 醫 學 會 榮 譽 會士 李國章校長獲英國皇家醫學會授予榮譽會士銜,表揚其在外科的傑出貢獻及卓越 的學術成就。 頒授儀式於六月三十日在中大醫學院主辦的全球遠程醫學會議「不落的太陽」期間 舉行,英國皇家醫學會透過遠程會議設施和機械臂,將榮銜授予李國章敎授。該機械臂 的電腦程式由本校機械與自動化工程學系設計。 英國皇家醫學會成立於一八零五年,是國際最權威的醫學聯會組織。榮譽會士銜 是該會授予個人的最崇高榮譽,除了英國皇室成員及前任會長外,僅一百人獲此殊榮, 李敎授則是中國首位獲此榮譽的醫學界傑出人士。 四 位 敎 職 員 獲 英 女 皇 授勳 本校四位敎職員名列香港政權移交前最後一次的英女皇授勳名單。 精神科學系陳佳鼐敎授、翻譯系金聖華敎授和心理學系張妙淸敎授獲授英帝國官 佐勳章 (OBE) ,建築處主任陳尹璇先生獲授英帝國員佐勳章 (MBE)。 D r . Lee Quo-wei Receives G r a nd Bauh i n ia Me d al Dr. Lee Quo-wei, chairman of the University Council, was presented a Grand Bauhinia Medal (GBM) by the HKSAR Chief Executive on 2nd July 1997. The GBM is the highest award in the honours system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Recipients must be Hong Kong permanent residents who have displayed distinguishing merits over aconsiderable period. Those so honoured have, for along time, fostered among Hong Kong people a love for their motherland, showed concern about and support for, and also identified with China's accomplishments, and made outstanding contributions to the Hong Kong community. The HKSAR Chief Executive, the Hon. Tung Chee Hwa, presided over the ceremony which China's vice-premier and foreign minister, Mr. Qian Qichen, also attended. Prof. A r t h u r K . C. L i Aw a r d ed H o n o r a ry Fellowship by Ro y al Society of Medicine Prof. Arthur K. C. Li, vice-chancellor of the University, was presented an honorary fellowship by the Royal Society of Medicine in recognition of his contributions to surgery and his academic eminence at the global telemedicine conference organized by the Faculty of Medicine on 30th June. This is the highest honour the society can bestow on an individual. Founded in 1805, the Royal Society of Medicine is recognized internationally as the most prestigious umbrella medical organization in the world. Since its inception it has awarded no more than 100 honorary fellowships, excluding those awarded to the British royalty and past presidents. Prof. Li is the first academic from China to have received such an honour. F o ur Ho n o u r ed by Queen Elizabeth I I Four members of the University were on the Queen's Brithday Honours List published on 14th June 1997 before the reversion of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty. Prof. Chen Char-nie of the Department of Psychiatry, Prof. Fanny Cheung of the Department of Psychology, and Prof. Serena Jin of the Department of Translation have been made an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE); Mr. Vincent Chen of the Buildings Office has been made a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE). 新任講座敎授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任 Prof. Michael B. Devereux 爲決策科學與企業經濟學講座敎授,任期由一 九九七年七月三日起生效。 Prof. Devereux 在都柏林大學書院攻讀經濟學,先後於一九七七及八零年取得文學 士和文學碩士學位,隨而負笈加拿大安大略省女王大學,八五年獲授哲學博士學位。 Prof. Devereux —九八五年受聘爲多倫多大學經濟學系助理敎授,三年後轉往女王 大學任敎。加入中大服務前,爲卑詩省大學經濟學系正敎授。 他是加拿大和美國等經濟學會成員,並兼任《加拿大經濟學報》和《國際稅務政策 學報》副編輯。 Prof. Michael B. Devereux has been appointed professor of decision sciences and managerial economics from 3rd July 1997. Prof. Devereux received his BA in economics and politics from University College in Dublin in 1977, and his MA in economics from the same college three years later. He pursued doctoral studies at Queen's University in Ontario, obtaining his Ph.D. in 1985. Upon graduation, Prof. Devereux joined the Department of Economics of the University of Toronto as assistant professor. He subsequently taught economics at Queen's University and the University of British Columbia. Besides teaching, Prof. Devereux has since 1990 held various visiting positions, including as visiting scholar to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and as consultant to the International Monetary Fund of Washington, DC. Prof. Devereux is amember of the Canadian Economic Association, the Western Economic Association, and the American Economic Association, as well as associate editor of the Canadian Journal of Economics and the Journal of International Tax Policy. 系主任及學科主任名單 Department Chairs and Directors of Studies 1997-98 一九九七至九八年度系主任名單公布如下: The following have been appointed as department chairs for the 1997-98 academic year: 文學院 Faculty of Arts 中國語言及文學 Chinese 鄧仕樑敎授 Prof. Dang Shu Leung Language & Literature 英文 English 姜安道敎授 Prof. Andrew Parkin 暑期特刊 一九九七年八月十九 日 Summer Supplement 19th August 1997 1 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter