Newsletter No. 119

4 No. 119 4thJanuary 1998 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任校董 New Council Members •陸觀豪先生及黃志祥先生獲大學監督依據大學規程11第1 (k) 段及第 4 段任命爲大學校董,任期三年,由一九九七年 十一月十四日起生效。 •陳鑑林議員、羅祥國議員及鄧兆棠議員獲臨時立法會議員 依據大學規程11第1(1)段及第4段規定,互選出任大學校 董,由一九九七年十二月五日起生效。 • Mr. Roger K.H. Luk and Mr. Robert Ng have been nominated by the Chancellor, in accordance with Statute 11.1(k) and 11.4 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (the Ordinance), as members of the University Council for three years from 14th November 1997. • The Honourable Chan Kam-lam, Dr. the Honourable Law Cheung-kwok, and Dr. the Honourable Tang Siu-tong have been elected by members of the Provisional Legislative Council, in accordance with Statute 11.1(1) and 11.4 of the Ordinance, as members of the University Council from 5th December 1997. 新任工程學院院長 New Dean of Engineering 電子工程學系程伯中教授獲選爲工程學院院長,任期三年,由一九九八年一月一日 起生效。 Prof. P.C. Ching of the Department of Electronic Engineering has been elected Dean of Engineering for three years from 1st January 1998. 新設課程 New Academic Programmes 教務會上月中通過自一九九八至九九年度起開設下列新課程: •語言學、文學及文化比較硏究課程 •藥劑學哲學博士課程 •人類學文學碩士課程(全日制及兼讀制, 自負盈虧 ) •企業經濟理學碩士課程(兼讀制, 自負盈虧) •資訊與科技管理理學碩士課程(兼讀制,自負盈虧) •國際企業學理學碩士課程(兼讀制, 自負盈虧) The University Senate recently approved the introduction of the following new programmes in the academic year 1998-99: • Postgraduate Programmes in Comparative Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Culture • Doctor of Philosophy Programme in Pharmacy • Master of Arts Programme in Anthropology (full-time and part-time, self-financed) • Master of Science Programme in Business Economics (part-time, self-financed) • Master of Science Programme in Information and Technology Management (part- time, self-financed) • Master of Science Programme in International Business (part-time, self-financed) 教師新長假計劃 New Long Leave Scheme for Teaching Staff 校董會通過由一九九八年一月一日起實施「『甲』類服務條例或同等條件受聘教師長假 計劃 (1998)」 (下稱 「1998 長假計劃」),該計劃比較現行的「一九九零年」計劃,有如下分別: (甲)教師毋須申請,即可在任何時間累積長假至不多於六個月。 (乙)新計劃再無每年發放長假代金的安排。 「1998 長假計劃」適用於一九九八年一月一日或以後按大學「甲」類服務條例或同等條 件受聘的教師。現職教師的長假安排則維持不變。查詢可致電人事處(內線七二八五或七 二八八)。 The University Council has recently approved the implementation of a new long leave scheme entitled ' Long Leave Scheme for Terms of Service (A) and Equivalent Teaching Staff (1998)' from 1st January 1998. The main features of the new scheme as compared to existing arrangements under the 1990 scheme are: (a) Long leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of six months at any time without prior application. (b) There is no yearly gratuity payment in lieu of untaken long leave. The 1998 scheme is applicable to Terms of Service (A) and equivalent teaching appointees whose appointments are approved by the University on or after 1st January 1998. There will be no change to the long leave provisions for serving teaching appointees. Enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office at Ext. 7285/7288. 廿四小時電腦服務資訊熱線 員生現可透過音頻電話,查詢電算機服務中心/資訊科技服務處的用戶服務及開放時 間;更可透過傳真機或調制解調器 (modem) 索取該中心的用戶手冊和各種申請表格。 該熱線的操作步驟如下: 步驟1 :致電二六零九八八八零 步驟2 :按鈕選擇所需服務 1查詢中大校友上網服務 1查詢收費詳情 2查詢月結詳情 3 查詢繳費方法 4 索取申請表格 2查詢辦公室自動化電腦課程 1查詢申請資格 2查詢課程類別 3 查詢報名方法 4 查詢如何獲取證書及有關計分方法 3查詢電算機服務中心位置及開放時間 4查詢用户電算機户口申請辦法 1查詢電算機戶口申請方法 2查詢更改密碼方法 5索取用户手册及一般服務的申請表格 1直接索取所需文件 2索取中心文件的目錄 常用按鈕:9重覆服務分類 0返回主目錄 #終止服務 另外,該中心服務員當値時間爲星期一至五上午九時至下午五時,以及星期六上午 九時至中午十二時半。 University Library System New Service Electronic Reserve Request Form Teaching staff are welcome to use the online form, currently available on the library's homepage at, to place course materials on reserve. Visit the library's homepage for detailed information on how to submit reserve requests electronically. 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes 總務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資基金於一九九七年十一月及累積至該月之回報如 下: From the Bursary The monthly and cumulative returns for the month of November 1997 in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: 一九九七年十一月 November 1997 基金 Fund 1995 計劃 1995 Scheme 1983 計劃 1983 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -021% -1.66% -2.36% 平衡 Balanced -0.08% -0.08% -1.95% 穩定 Stable 0.06% -0.64% -1.29% 銀行存款 Bank Deposit 0.79% (年息 Annualized 9.64%) 0.80% (年息 Annualized 9.75%) 0.73% (年息 Annualized8.88%) 一九九七年七月一日至十一月三十日 1st July to 30th November 1997 基金 Fund 1995 計劃 1995 Scheme 1983 計劃 1983 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -18.17% -21.39% -22.70% 平衡 Balanced -13.47% -13.99% -15.52% 穩定 Stable -4.63% -4.97% -4.70% 銀行存款 Bank Deposit 3.50% (年息 Annualized8.35%) 3.50% (年息 Annualized8.35%) 3.23% (年息 Annualized7.71%) 一九九七年一月一日至十—月三十日 1st January to 30th November 1997 基金 Fund 1995 計劃 1995 Scheme 1983 計劃 1983 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -9.36% -10.77% -16.00% 平衡 Balanced -5.39% -5.89% -9.67% 穩定 Stable 1.08% 1.97% -1.66% 銀行存款 Bank Deposit 6.55% (年息 Annualized7.16%) 6.56% (年息 Annualized7.17%) 6.18% (年息A nnualized6.75%) 附註:自去年十一月份起之公積金計劃投資成績可在網址 bursary 查閱 。 N.B. The investment returns of superannuation schemes from November 1997 is also available on the Internet at