Newsletter No. 119

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 公積金成員貸款新章則 New Rules for Staff Loans 財務委員會決定自一九九八年一月一日起,符合資格之公積金成員可於同一年內享 有兩次申請貸款及還款之權利。查詢詳情請致電公積金組(內線七二三六)。 In order to increase flexibility in financial management by qualified staff members, the Finance Committee has approved the quota of two loan applications and two loan repayments per calendar year for each qualified staff member from 1 st January 1998. Please direct enquiries to the Superannuation Unit at Ext. 7236. 直接轉帳支付系統 Direct Payment (Autopay) System 總務處已正式使用直接轉帳支付系統付帳。使用該系統,既沒有支票遺失的煩惱, 也免除因郵遞或入帳延誤引致的不便。 凡與本校經常有業務往來之公司或個人,只需把塡妥之「直接轉帳表格」交回總務處 會計組,大學即以直接轉帳的形式付帳。倘收款人爲大學職員,則毋須塡寫表格,可以 其領取薪津之銀行戶口作轉帳用。 查詢詳情請與會計組聯絡。 The Bursary has implemented a direct payment (autopay) system whereby payments can be transferred directly to the payee's bank accounts. Companies or individuals opting to be paid by autopay are required to complete an authorization form and provide details of their bank accounts. Please note that University staff opting for autopay do not have to file an authorization form; their salary autopay account will automatically be used as the paying account. Please contact the Accounting Operations Unit for the form or additional information. The Chevening Scholarships for Study in the UK Up to 50 Chevening Scholarships are offered for the 1998-99 academic year in the following categories: • postgraduate scholarships for one-year taught master's courses; • business scholarships for three-month intensive management development; • specialist business scholarships for three-month professional development courses in specific subject areas. Chevening Scholarships are full-cost awards for studies in the UK with an average value of HK$200,000 per award. Application forms are obtainable at the Scholarships Section of the Office of Student Affairs, 1st floor, Benjamin Franklin Centre, and The British Council, 3 Supreme Court Road, Admiralty. The closing date for applications is 2nd February 1998. Enquiries can be directed to the Office of Student Affairs at Ext. 7209, or The British Council at 29135263. For more information, come to the presentation by The British Council at 2.30 p.m. on 13th January 1998, in Room 103, John Fulton Centre. 網球場周六晚開放 University Sports Centre Tennis Courts Open on Saturday Nights 體育部決定,由一九九八年一月至六月,試行在星期六晚上開放第三、四及五號網 球場。 From the Physical Education Unit Tennis courts nos. 3 , 4 and 5 will be open on Saturday nights on a trial basis from January to June 1998. 清宮廷鼻煙壺展覽 Art Museum News 文物館將於本月十七日至二月廿四日,在西翼展覽廳 舉辦「御賞壺珍——誦先芬室藏淸代宮廷鼻煙壺」展覽,開 幕典禮於一月十六日下午四時三十分舉行,由葉承耀醫生 主持。 鼻煙是將煙草碾碎並摻入香料而成,約在十七世紀中 期傳入中國;專爲防止鼻煙受潮而設計和製作的鼻煙壺, 逐漸取代早期迻用的丹瓶。淸康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,鼻 煙壺的製作達至巔峰,無論造形、 技藝和質料等方面都精益求精,成爲 別樹一幟的工藝,堪稱傳統中國文 化,以至精湛中國工藝的縮影。 是次展出的鼻煙壺共一百三十 九件,全部精選自誦先芬室珍藏,都 是與宮廷相關連的精心製作,包括皇 帝御用以至王公大臣自用的。不少展 品由淸宮廷內府造辦處製作,包括琺 瑯作、玉作、玻璃廠、牙作、漆作等 精品;也有來自地方的貢品。當時宮 廷以外的幾個製作中心各有特色, 如廣州的銅胎琺瑯、蘇州的玉石瑪瑙、揚州的套料、景德鎭的瓷器等。其中八十二件展 品有御製或御題詩文、帝皇年號、宮室或堂名款等,這些帶款展品不少是珍奇傳世品, 當爲鼻煙壺的比較硏究提供有力的斷代依據。 文物館同時在該館東翼展覽廳舉辦「文物館藏品選」展覽,展出該館珍藏歷代文物。 兩個展覽均設有錄音導賞服務,歡迎團體或個別參觀人士使用。 One hundred and thirty-nine exquisite snuff bottles made from enamel, jade, glass, ivory, porcelain, and lacquer at palace workshops and other production centres during the Qing dynasty will be on display at the West-wing Galleries of the Art Museum from 17th January to 24th February 1998. There will be an opening ceremony on 16th January at 4.30 p.m. All exhibits of 'The Imperial Connection: Court-related Chinese Snuff Bottles from the Humphrey K.F. Hui Collection' were once in the possession of the Qing emperors, their entourage, and court officials. Some 80 pieces bearing imperial poems, imperial and private crests, names of palaces, and other emblematic inscriptions are especially useful for the accurate dating of comparative pieces in the study of snuff bottles. Snuff bottles were specially produced to replace small medicine bottles in order to better preserve the snuff. Through the continuous development of forms, workmanship, and the use of materials during the reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, snuff bottles became a distinctive art form. This miniature art encompassing different materials and decorated with diverse motifs demonstrates superior artistry and is regarded as a microcosm of traditional Chinese culture. Also on display in the East-wing Galleries is the exhibition 'Selections from the Art Museum Collection' featuring Chinese painting, calligraphy, ceramics, and other art forms from the Art Museum permanent collection. Audio gallery guides to both exhibitions are available free of charge to individual and group visitors. Museum opening hours are Monday to Saturday 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., and 12.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. on Sunday and public holidays. The museum will be closed from 27th to 30th January 1998 for the Lunar New Year. 仿藍晶料刻龍紋壼 瑪瑙雙連瓶形壼 Agate bottle in shape of double-vase • Personalia • 人 事 動 態 • Personalia • 人 事 動 態 • Personalia • 人 事 動 態 • Personalia • 人 事 動 態 • Personalia • 人 事 動 態• 中大通訊 第一壹九期 一九九八年一月四日 4