Newsletter No. 122

CUHK Newsletter No. 122 4th March 1998 3 新書 New Books 中 文 大 學 出 版 社 Chinese University Press 《佛學》(合訂本) 中文大學出版社最近再次出版《佛學》一 書,並把上下冊合訂為一冊,方便讀者。 此書由霍韜晦先生編輯,在介紹重要佛學 篇章之餘,更加以說明和引導,幫助有志了解 佛學者研讀有關經籍。 此書以文獻選錄的方式介紹佛教各期各派 的思想,由印度的原始佛教至中國佛教的篇章 也收入其中,並以現代語註釋;所選文獻已 詳加考訂及核對梵文、巴利文原典,若干較艱 深 的 篇 章 更 附 有語 譯,以供參考。各章 篇首有題解和著者譯 者介紹,讓讀者先概 括認識篇章的背景; 篇後則有詳盡的分析 和問題討論,闡釋篇 中的主要觀念、問題 思路和現代人對佛學 文獻的理解。書中也 加 插 多 幅 圖 片 和地 圖,讓讀者對篇章有 更具體的認識。 國際統一書號962-201-790-8,平 裝本,二百七十二頁,九十港元。 The following books are sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff and students of the University at the University Bookstore, John Fulton Centre. Political Order and Power Transition in Hong Kong Edited by Li Pang-kwong, the book presents detailed and in-depth discussions of the political situation in Hong Kong both before and after 1997 by renowned local and overseas scholars special- izing in Hong Kong issues. The book comprises nine chapters: (1) British policy towards Hong Kong; (2) political reforms and democratization; (3) relations between the administration and the legislature; (4) transformation of senior civil service; (5) political party and political faction; (6) evolution of political opposition; (7) civil society; (8) fiscal policy; and (9) land use policy. ISBN 962-201-783-5, 272 pages, paperback, HK$150 Tales of Magistrate Bao and His Valiant Lieutenants: Selections from Sanxia Wuyi Sanxia Wuyi (later revised and called Qixia Wuyi) is a semi-historical narrative of adventure, crime-detection, and courtroom drama. It revolves around the famed Song dynasty magistrate Bao Zheng, more commonly known as Magistrate Bao. The novel, derived from the oral narrative attributed to the Qing storyteller Shi Yukun, was first published in 1879 after undergoing a complex textual evolution. The non-historical component of narrative revolves around a group of heroes and gallants including Zhan Zhao, Jiang Ping, Ai Hu, and Bai Yutnag. ISBN 962-201-775-4, 426 pages, paperback, HK$160 Hong Kong SAR: In Pursuit of Domestic and International Order Edited by Beatrice Lung and Joseph Cheng, the book reviews the issues concerning the pursuit of domestic order by the SAR government and explores the maintenance of relationships with various parties in the international arena. The book consists of an introduction, a postscript, and 12 chapters: (1) legitimacy issue and transitional politics; (2) the Hong Kong SAR and Chinese politics; (3) mainland-funded enterprises and the Hong Kong economy; (4) the impact of economic reunification with China on Hong Kong labour; (5) Sino-Vatican-Hong Kong relations; (6) NGOs in Hong Kong; (7) international obligations relating to human rights; (8) continuity of treaties; (9) changing international relations strategy; (10) cross- strait relations; (11) Sino-US relations and Hong Kong; and (12) Europe and Hong Kong. ISBN 962-201-785-1, 334 pages, paperback, HK$150 Hong Kong Cases in Resources Management This book is the result of the effort made by the Case Clearing House of Hong Kong to encourage local authors to write about real-life cases of human resources management in Hong Kong. Compiled and edited by the Management Development Centre of Hong Kong, set up by the Vocational Training Council in 1984 to develop, promote, and extend managerial effectiveness in Hong Kong, the book includes 18 chapters under seven topics. Managers in human resources and related fields will find the situations presented similar to those they face in their work. Students will find the cases a valuable tool in enhancing their understanding of human resources practices in Hong Kong. ISBN 962-201-740-1, 122 pages, paperback, HK$120 香港亞太研究所 HKIAPS 《河南與香港的聯繫合作——現狀及前 瞻》 此書由河南大學地理系系主任李小建教 授、河南省社會科學界聯合會常務副主席張放 濤教授與本校地理學講座教授楊汝萬教授合 著。自中國改革開放以來,香港與內地各省、 市、區的聯繫日益緊密,但與內陸省份的聯繫 和合作仍有待加強。此文以中部省份河南為 例,分析河南幾十年來與香港的聯繫和合作狀 況,提出擴大合作,以加快河南發展的思路。 作者認為,河南與香港在地理位置、資源條 件、生產要素稟賦、經濟結構、發展策略等方 面有互補性。兩地未來的合作可著重於產業 (農業、工礦業、旅遊業等)、資本、市場、 運行機制等方面,並可通過多種渠道,擴大引 進香港資金和經驗,以商貿帶動河南經濟的全 面發展。 國際統一書號 962-441-068-2, 平裝本, 三十四頁,三十港元。 《近年香港社會福利政策的發展——以彭 定康的施政為案例》 此書由本校社會工作學系李翊駿教授撰 寫。社會人士一般相信,彭定康年代加快了本 地社會福利事業的發展。財經界、工商界和中 方人士不斷指斥彭定康可能會把香港轉變為一 個福利城市——增加公司利得稅及高收入人士 稅款的同義詞。書中指出彭定康並沒有打算將 香港變成一個福利城市,而他也不是一個同情 本地貧苦人士的港督。作者以社會達爾文理 論、個人能力理論、亞當斯密那「看不見的 手」和《伊莉沙伯濟貧法》的一些基本理念作 理論架構,分析彭定康的社會福利信念,指出 當中謬誤,並以社會福利署的開支證明彭定康 不是一個大灑福利金錢的港督,在其任內香港 福利事業的發展還是很緩慢。 國際統一書號 962-441-070-4 ,平裝本, 四十二頁,三十港元。 《香港社會福利狀况——一個公眾的評 估》 此書由香港亞太研究所研究統籌員王家 英博士、中大社會工作學系王卓祺教授及香港 亞太研究所研究助理沈國祥先生合著。作者採 用 James Midgley 關於社會福利的概念架構, 並透過電話調查的方法,有系統地探討香港市 民對本地社會福利狀況的看法。研究發現,市 民對社會福利的三個主要層面——社會問題的 控制、滿足需要和社會流動機會的保障——存 有不同程度的不滿或負面看法,這當中又以社 會問題的控制(包括貧窮、治安和失業)最 甚,其次是社會流動機會的保障,最後為滿足 需要。根據交互分析顯示,年齡較大、教育程 度較低、非專業、收入較低、居住公屋和自我 社會階層定位屬較下層的市民,對該三個主要 層面均有較多的不滿或負面看法。由於這些人 多屬於社會「弱勢社群」,他們的態度很大程 度反映了他們的社會階層意識,並為香港未來 的社會政治穩定構成威脅。 國際統一書號 962-441-073-9 ,平裝本, 三十四頁,三十港元。 The Poverty of Political Education in Hong Kong Secondary Schools 69th Occasional Paper In the postwar socio-political milieu of Hong Kong, there has been a lack of political education in the educational system for over three decades, with new challenges posed by decolonization and national reintegration with mainland China. Written by Thomas Tse Kwan-choi, this paper demonstrates that the objectives, contents, and implementation of civic education programmes in secondary schools are questionable, and their impact limited. It argues that the programmes are a means for consolidating the status quo rather than for developing democratic and nationalist education. The implications this has for the formation of adolescent political culture and the design of future political education programmes is also discussed. ISBN 962-441-069-0 The Pearl River Delta Urban System Plan ——AnAnalysis 71st Occasional Paper Written by Ng Mee-kam and Tang Wing- shing, the paper argues that before the introduction of reforms in China in 1978, the central state, as a 'police state' in the Foucauldian concept of governmentality, aimed at total administration of the economy and society. As a means to facilitate control, cities were perceived as undifferentiated entities. The introduction of economic and other reforms in 1978 has made the traditional means of state control over individuals and enterprises difficult, if not impossible. Chaotic land use patterns threatening environmental sustainability are a side- product of various reform measures. The paper uses the Pearl River Delta Urban System Plan (PRDUSP) to elucidate its arguments. The PRDUSP was a development strategy devised to tackle the lack of incentive among local authorities to cooperate in regional planning and development, and the problem of sustainability. It introduced into Chinese urban system planning implementationconsiderations , and concepts such as those related to management, land supply and transport. The PRDUSP, therefore, represents an important step towards a balance of economics, planning, and politics in the government of a rapidly growing region within a reforming socialist country. ISBN 962-441-071-2 Democratization, Poverty of Political Leaders,and Political Efficacy in Hong Kong 72nd Occasional Paper In this paper written by Lau Siu-kai, the partial democratic process in Hong Kong is analysed. Lau believes the role of local political leaders in the struggle for democracy has been limited, and so has been their capacity for mass mobilization in support of the democratic cause. There is pervasive public political disillusionment: people are suspicious of the power and effectiveness of political leaders, and far from optimistic about the competence and moral integrity of future political leaders. Hong Kong's limited democratization has minimal potential for leadership formation and for forging strong linkages between leaders and people. This, in turn, impedes the democratic process in Hong Kong. The paper argues that further democratization, as stipulated by the Basic Law, might alleviate the leadership problem. ISBN 962-441-072-0 The occasional papers are sold at HK$30 each with the exception of Occasional Paper No. 72 which is sold at HK$15. Please contact the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studiesfor further information (Ext. 8770). 香港教育研究所 教育政策研討系列之十 《篩選教育與普及教育下師生教與學本質 的初步分析》 「九年免費強迫教育研究」的結果顯示了 令人非常擔心的事實——不少學童在小學三年 級已開始出現學習困難和失去學習興趣。研究 小組認為,這是由於本港的學校教育制度在七 十年代由「篩選」過渡至「普及」的期間太短, 政府和教育界都沒有對此過渡期的本質作深入 的分析,尤其忽視教育工作者的教育和教學信 念。 此書由黃顯華、韓孝述、趙志成合著,先 從學生個別差異和學習動機兩方面分析普及教 育課程的性質,接著探索它們的學理和實踐, 全面研究有關的課題。 國際統一書號 962-8077-14-7 ,平裝本, 八十四頁,三十港元。 教育政策研討系列之十一 《從排斥性精英主義到分隔性精英主義: 香港九年強迫教育發展的深層結構》 此論文旨在從體制及結構層面上,檢討實 施了接近二十年的免費及強迫教育政策能否為 香港學童,特別是社會不利者,提供一個公平 和均等的學校教育機會。作者曾榮光論證政府 在實施強迫教育政策時,根本沒有顧及教育機 會的均等與公平,只是把之前的排斥性精英主 義教育制度,改為分隔性精英主義教育制度。 作者繼而探討這種分隔性精英主義對香港教育 以至經濟發展的不良影響。 國際統一書號 962-8077-16-3 ,平裝本, 四十頁,十五港元。 教育政策研討系列之十二 《避免由火坑掉進深淵:對升中能力測驗 的一些建議》 《九年強迫教育檢討報告》建議以「語文及 數學能力評估」(學科試)替代現行的「學能測 驗」(學能試)。作者侯傑泰認為這只會令小學 更加依據狹窄的考試範圍,盲目操練學生,無 視其他更重要的學科。 作者在文中回顧香港及其他國家的教育改 革,提出一套使考試內容及形式多樣化的方 案,包括矩陣取樣和不同學生接受不同內容的 試卷測試;又建議新的機制,以減低調整試對 學校正常教學的干擾。這些方法在統計上都有 效,而且將更易於銜接日後的學校本位考試、 目標為本課程,以及其他的教育改革措施。 國際統一書號 962-8077-17-1 ,平裝本, 四十六頁,十五港元。 上述書籍在富爾敦樓大學書店有售, 查詢及訂購請致電 香港亞太研究所(内線八七七零) 或香港教育研究所 (内線六九九九)。 本校員生在大學書店購買中文大學出版社 的書籍,可獲八折優待。