Newsletter No. 131

these programmes in early September. Further enquires may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191 or 7288). # Details published in the CUHK Newsletter Summer Supplement (19th August 1998); application deadline: 31 st October 1998 * Now open for application (internal deadline: 12th October 1998) 古文獻資料庫中心網頁成立 Integrated Database of Ancient Chinese Texts on the Internet 中國文化研究所古文獻資料庫中心網頁已於一九九八年六月廿八日成立,首批上網的是魏 晉南北朝傳世文獻資料庫子部釋家類文獻,約共四百四十萬字。 古文獻資料庫研究計劃始於一九八八年,由中國文化研究所陳方正所長及劉殿爵教授倡 議,目的為建立中國古代文獻電腦資料庫。在過去十年,先後得到香港研究資助局及台灣蔣 經國學術交流基金會資助,建立了先秦兩漢至魏晉南北朝一切傳世文獻資料庫,共三千餘萬 字,並於一九九四年將計劃擴展至建立出土文獻資料庫,包括甲骨文、竹簡帛書及金文。資 料庫有以下特色: (一)由專人比勘各種版本,加上注文及校勘記。 (二)所有異文及校改均用特定符號標示及詳列出處,俾便讀者查對。 (三)提供自行設計之中文造字庫,可同時顯示多種古文字,包括甲骨、金文及篆書等。 (四)提供單字及句式檢索,可選擇一種或多種文獻作檢索對象。 資料庫會以書刊、電子媒體及互聯網這三種媒介出版,迄今已出版超過五十一種逐字索引 叢刊及廿六種磁碟/光碟;而資料庫亦會陸續分期上網,進度如下: (一)先秦兩漢至魏晉南北朝一切傳世文獻,共九百種,約三千二百萬字,將於一九九 九年分期上網。 (二)竹簡帛書(約一百二十萬字)及甲骨卜辭(約一百萬字)將於二零零零年分期上網。 (三)金文資料庫(約二十萬字)將於二零零零年建立,預計可於二零零三年上網。 欲知詳情,請瀏覽該中心網頁 : 。 From the Institute of Chinese Studies: The CHANT (CHinese ANcient Texts) Database, compiled by the Institute of Chinese Studies, has been available on the Internet since 28th June 1998. In the first phase, 38 Buddhist texts of the period 221-589 AD, totalling 4.4 million characters, can be viewed and searched on the Internet free of charge. The CHANT Database project was started in 1988 as an effort to build a comprehensive electronic database of the entire corpus of ancient Chinese texts. To date, a 33-million-character database of the pre-589 AD traditional texts has been compiled and another of all excavated texts including jiaguwen (甲骨文), jianbo (簡帛), and jinwen (金文), is in the process of being built. A ll texts in the CHANT Database were emended and edited by experts, with detailed and complete notes provided for all emendations. The database uses carefully studied character sets and allows character-string and sentence-pattern Boolean search on all texts or any combination thereof. The database is also released on CD-Rom/floppy disc and in a hardcopy concordance series. To date, 51 volumes of one-word concordance are in print, out of which 26 titles are available on CD-Rom/floppy. The World Wide Web version of the database will be released in the following stages: - 9 0 0 titles of traditional texts from antiquity up to 589 AD, about 32 million characters in total, to be released by phases in 1999; —9 titles of texts on bamboo/silk, 1.2 million characters, and the complete Shang oracular bone inscriptions, 1 million characters, to be released by phases in 2000; —Zhou bronze inscriptions totalling 0.2 million characters to be integrated into the CHANT database and released by the early 2000s. For further information, please visit the CHANT website at 教職員巴士新收費 New Charges for Staff Buses From 1st October 1998, charges for the staff buses will be revised as follows: Charge Air-con surcharge Hong Kong Island routes $515/month or $17/trip $105/month or $4.5/trip Kowloon & N.T. routes $315/month or $ 13/trip $95/month or $4.5/trip Route change charge $4.5/trip (from KLN/NT to HK) Staff members are reminded that single trip tickets are available for non-regular passengers leaving the campus, subject to the availability of seats in the specific buses. Buses that travel from town to campus will serve only the regular subscribers. Those who travel on any of the staff buses without a valid ticket will be charged a penalty of $100 for each ride. 大學圖書館通告 ULS Closed on Public Holidays 大學圖書館及各分館於國慶(十月一日)、國慶翌日(十月二日)、中秋節翌日(十月六日)及 重陽節(十月廿八日)停止開放,另於中秋節(十月五日)提前於下午五時閉館。 The University Library and its branch libraries will be closed on 1st October (National Day), 2nd October (the day following National Day), 6th October (the day following the Mid- Autumn Festival) and 28th October (Chung Yeung Festival), and closed earlier at 5.00 p.m. on 5th October (Mid-Autumn Festival). Hepatitis Awareness Campaign The University Health Service will hold the Hepatitis Awareness Campaign in September and October 1998. There will be a Hepatitis update by Dr. Nancy Leung on 29th September 1998 and an exhibition in the Health Centre from 28th September to 16th October. Blood tests for markers of the Hepatitis A and B virus will be available to all staff, their dependants, and students at a privileged price of $100 each on 8th and 9th October. Those in need of immunization may be vaccinated at cost in the Health Centre on 15th and 16th October at $200 per dose for Hepatitis A and $100 per dose for Hepatitis B, both requiring three doses. 大學游泳池通告 University Swimming Pool Notices 大學游泳池第一及第二水線於九月十八日以及十月十六、廿三及三十日,由下午四時三十 分至六時十五分專供「大學泳隊及院隊訓練」之用。 游泳池於九月廿二至廿五日及十月九日暫停開放,供書院及大學舉辦水運會。 另,十月五日(星期一)為中秋節,游泳池按慣例於是日下午五時提前關閉。 • The first and second lanes of the swimming pool will be reserved for University and college swimming team training from 4.30 p.m. to 6.15 p.m. on the Fridays of 18th September, and of 16th, 23rd and 30th October 1998. • The swimming pool will be reserved for the whole day for the University/college swimming galas from 22nd to 25th September and on 9th October 1998. • The University swimming pool will be closed earlier at 5.00 p.m. on 5th October 1998 for the Mid-Autumn Festival. 校園泊車新措施 校方決定由一九九八年九月二十日起施行新的泊車制度,以加強管制進入校園的車輛’既 配合保安需要,也可紓緩校園車位需求日增的壓力。 甲.教職員泊車證 (一) 大學教職員(或其配偶)持有有效駕駛執照及名下擁有車輛者,皆可申請乙 枚免費 泊車證。 (二) 符合上述條件之教職員而為校園住戶者,每戶得申請至多兩 枚免費 泊車證,額外 之泊車證均須繳費,每枚每六個月一千二百元。 (三)符合第(一)項條件而非校園住戶者,祇可申請乙 枚免費 泊車證。基於會計及核數 需要,每枚泊車證祇限乙輛汽車使用。 (四)教職員需要經常使用他人車輛進出校園者,可申請乙枚泊車證,惟須繳費一千二 百元,有效期為六個月。 (五)持有教職員泊車證之車輛可以使用室內及專用停車場,預留之特定泊車位除外。 停泊室內及專用停車場之車輛必須於每日凌晨三時前駛離。同人若需留校辦公, 車輛不能依時駛離,請事先知會保安組(內線七九九九或傳真二六零三五零九 五)。 乙.學生泊車證 (六)校方有小 量免費 泊車證供有特殊需要之全日制本科生申請,申請人須先得書院輔 導主任批准。除宿生外,持有此類泊車證者,不准把車輛逾夜停泊在校園。 (七)研究生/研究助理或兼讀學生持有有效駕駛執照及名下擁有車輛者,可申請下列 其中一 種收費 泊車證: -祇限於日間(上午七時至子夜)泊車者:一千元(有效期六個月) -祇限於晚間(下午五時至子夜)泊車者:四百元(有效期六個月) 二百五十元(有效期三個月) (八)持有任何類別之學生泊車證者,若於有效期以外在校園停泊車輛,須依下述第(十 三)條繳付泊車費。 丙.認許之供應商/承辦商泊車證 (九)大學認許之供應商/承辦商需經常進出校園者,可申 領收費 泊車證,在上午七時 至子夜在校園停泊車輛。 (十)申請人須持有有效駕駛執照及名下擁有車輛(或已獲登記車主授權)。 (十一)此類泊車證每六個月有效期之收費為一千二百元。 丁.校園訪客泊車收費 (十二)駕 駛沒有 大學泊車證車輛進校的人士,須按下列制度繳交校園泊車費用: (a) 上述駕駛人士經由校園閘口進校時,將獲發給一張泊車票。 (b) 駕駛者須在離校之前,先往大學正門或崇基學院閘口繳費處支付泊車費用。 (十三)校園泊車收費為: -首三十分鐘 :免費 -隨後之每三十分鐘(不足者也作三十分鐘計算):十元 戊.部門/單位認可訪客免費泊車 (十四)部門/單位主管可簽發認可證予公務訪客/駕駛人士,使該等訪客得以免費泊 車。各部門/單位索取認可證,請事先填妥申領表格並交回保安組。 (十五)部門/單位主管須妥為保管未經使用之認可證,及確保認可證只可發給持 有泊車 票之公務訪客。 己.校園住戶認可訪客免費泊車 (十六)在校園住宿之教職員亦可簽發認可證予賓客,在其宿舍範圍免費泊車。住戶索取 認可證,請事先填妥申領表格並交回保安組。 (十七)住戶須妥為保管未經使用之認可證,及確保認可證只可發 給持有泊車票 之賓客。 (十八)持有認可證的訪客/駕駛人士,在車輛駛離校園之前,須於繳費處一併出示其認 可證及泊車票,俾豁免繳費。 附註: •所有收費泊車證之六個月有效期皆由當年之十月份或四月份開始計算。 •遺失或損毀泊車證,補領費每枚三十元。 垂詢請致電保安組主任(內線七九九八或傳真二六零三五零九五)。 Amendment to Campus Parking Regulations Regulation 3 of the New System for Parking on Campus, which was published in the last issue of the CUHK Newsletter, has been amended as follows: '3. An eligible staff who is not residing on campus can apply for onefree parking label only. For accounting and audit purposes, a label can be used for one vehicle only.' 為長江災民籌款 「香港中文大學評議會」常務委員會最近發起籌款賑濟長江水災災民,呼籲各界人士踴躍捐 輸。籌得款項將會全數轉交「香港紅十字會」購買糧食和藥物,直接送到災民手上。有關行政費 用,則由中大評議會常務委員會另行籌募支付。 捐款人可逕往恒生銀行任何分行,將款項直接存入中大賑災帳戶: 293-005005-003。 如以 支票捐款,抬頭請書明「香港中文大學」,並背書「賑災捐款」字樣,郵寄至「新界沙田香港中文 大學校友事務處」。 捐款逾一百港元者,可獲發收據作扣稅用。需要收據者,請將捐款的銀行入數紙或支票, 連同捐款人姓名(正楷)、通訊地址及聯絡電話等一併寄交中大校友事務處,或傳真至二六零三 六二二六。垂詢請致電校友事務處(二六零九七八六零)。 中大通訊 第一三一期 一九九八年九月十九日 4