Newsletter No. 137
CUHK Newsletter 2 No. 137 19th December 1998 文物館書刊特價銷售 A r t M u s e u m B o o k S a l e 文物館由即日起至明年一月十日假該館展覽廳特價銷售 旗下書刊,凡購書滿壹百元者,獲贈精美海報乙張,滿二百 元者兩張,餘此類推。查詢請電內線七四一六。 The Art Museum is staging a book sale until 10th January 1999 at its exhibition galleries. The following books are sold at a discount. For every purchase of HK$100, a poster will be given. Please direct enquires to Ext. 7416. 書名 Title 現售 Sale Price 《文物館簡介》 Art Museum Handbook $2 《張穆年譜》 The Chronological Biography of Zhang Mu $10 《臺閣佳器》——暫得樓惠贈堂名款瓷器 Elegant Vessels for the Lofty Pavilion $42 《東京富士美術館藏日本美術名寶》 Japanese Art Treasures from the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Collection $60 《冶齋印存》 Seals of Ye Zhai $30 《中港臺大專美術學生作品》 Works by Fine Arts Students in Mainland China, Taiwan & HK $24 《香港中文大學藝術系四十周年系慶教師作品》 The Faculty Show in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong $30 《新出歷代璽印集釋》 Studies of Seals from Archaeological Finds $45 《黎簡謝蘭生書畫》 The Art of Li Jian and Xie Lansheng $84 《中國漆藝二千年》 2000 Years of Chinese Lacquer $129 《廣東出土五代至清文物》 Archaeological Finds from the Five Dynasties to the Qing Periods in Guangdong $91 《蘇六朋蘇仁山書畫》 The Art of Su Liupeng and Su Renshan $103 《朱明遺萃》 A Legacy of the Ming $ 9 0 《新出歷代璽印集錄》 Newly Excavated Chinese Seals through the Ages $34 《秦漢魏晉南北朝官印研究》 Official Seals from the Qin to the Six Dynasties $92 《湖北出土戰國秦漢漆器》 Lacquerwares from the Warring States to the Han Periods Excavated in Hubei Province $112 《至樂樓藏明清書畫》 Paintings and Calligraphy of the Ming & Qing Dynasties from the Chih Lo Lou Collection $124 《清瓷萃珍——清代康雍乾官窯瓷器》 Qing Imperial Porcelain ofthe Kangxi, Yongzheng & Qianlong Reigns $168 《黃般若的世界》 The World of Wong Po-yeh $140 《至樂樓藏明遺民書畫》 Paintings and Calligraphy by Ming I-ming from the Chih Lo Lou Collection $75 《廣東出土先秦文物》 Archaeological Finds from Pre-Qin Sites in Guangdong $115 《粵畫萃珍》 Paintings by Guangdong Artists $105 《承訓堂藏扇面書畫》 The Cheng Xun Tang Collection of Paintings & Calligraphy on Fans $250 《承訓堂藏扇面書畫》(連硬盒) The Cheng Xun Tang Collection of Paintings & Calligraphy on Fans (with case) $290 《關氏所藏中國牙雕》 Chinese Ivories from the Kwan Collection $231 《嶺南三高畫藝》 The Art of the Gao Brothers of the Lingnan School $210 《紫石凝英——歷代端硯藝術》 The Quintessential Purple Stone: Duan Inkstones through the Ages $138 《陽羨砂壺圖攷》 A Pictorial Study of Yangxian Pottery Teapots $60 《文物館藏印續集一》 Catalogue of Bronze Seals in the Art Museum, CUHK, Vol. II. l $224 《紫泥清韻——陳鳴遠陶藝研究》 Themes and Variations: The Zhisha Pottery of Chen Mingyuan $290 《東方文明之光——良渚文化玉器》 The Dawn of Chinese Civilization: Jades of the Liangzhu Culture $224 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 《譯叢》銀禧書展 Renditions 25th Anniversary Book Exhibition 翻譯研究中心上月起舉辦書展,誌慶《譯叢》銀禧之喜。 書展自十一月廿八日起一連四個月假港九四間書店巡迴舉 行,展出所有《譯叢》半年刊,單行本「譯叢文庫」與「譯叢叢 書」系列,特別重點介紹《譯叢》銀禧紀念專號「去而復還:中 國知青一代」。該書收錄於七十至九十年代發表的散文、詩 歌、小說等作品,憶述「知識青年」從響應毛主席的號召而「上 山下鄉」,以至後來重返家園期間種種可歌可泣的經歷。 書展地點及日期如下:基督教青年會書店(尖沙咀梳士巴 利道),十一月廿八日至十二月廿八日;大業書店(香港藝術 館一樓),十二月三十日至明年一月三十日;天地圖書有限公 司 (灣 仔莊士敦道),明年二月一日至三月二日;曙光圖書公 司 (灣 仔巴路士街),明年三月四日至四月五日。各類書刊均 於展場以特價優惠讀者。 Renditions, the biannual magazine published by the Research Centre for Translation, has entered its 25th year. To mark the anniversary, a roving book exhibition is being held from 28th November 1998 to 5th April 1999 at four leading bookstores. The exhibition features a complete list of publications of the Research Centre for Translation including Renditions magazines and the Renditions Paperbacks and Renditions Books hardback series. The highlight of the exhibition is a Renditions special issue entitled There and Back Again: the Chinese 'Urban Youth' Generation, published to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Mao's directives to send educated youth to labour in the countryside. Apart from out-of-print titles, all books on display are for sale at special discounts at the following bookshops: 1. Y M CA Bookshop, Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, 28th November to 28th December 1998 2. Tai Yip Art Book Centre, 1/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 30th December 1998 to 30th January 1999 3. Cosmos Books Ltd., Johnston Road, Wanchai, 1st February to 2nd March 1999 4. Twilight Books Company, Burrows Street, Wanchai, 4th March to 5th April 1999 傳經講座 崇基學院神學組將於明年一月一及三日假灣仔紅磚屋循道 衛理聯合教會香港堂,主辦歷來最多元化之聖經「傳經講 座」,由十七名服務於本港神學院或大專院校的聖經學者主 持。 大會主題為「讀經、研經、釋經」,歡迎對聖經研究有興 趣的人士參加。費用每位三百元,全日制學生或集體(五人以 上)報名者可獲半費優待;名額有限,報名從速。查詢或報名 請致電唐小姐(內線六七零五或六七一一;傳真二六零三五二 二四)。 CSC/ITSU Seminars on Learning Technology The Computer Services Centre/Information Technology Service Unit will organize a series of seminars in January 1999 to introduce the application of technology to teaching and learning in the University, and to promote the appropriate use of learning technology in instruction. Details of the seminars are available on-line at Enquiries can be directed to or 2609 8905/8881. SCS Nursing Seminars The School of Continuing Studies will be presenting two nursing seminars on 7th January and 4th February 1999 respectively. Both w i ll be conducted by lecturers from La Trobe University in Australia at 8/F, Oriental Centre, 67 Chatham Road South, Tsimshatsui. The first seminar, 'Rural Nurses in Regional Victoria, Australia: Advancing Their Practice and Shaping Their Future', will be presented by Lynette Chambers. The second seminar, entitled 'Future Nurse: Worldwide Perception of the Discipline', will be presented by Sharon Kendall. Please call 2638 7959 for more information. CSC Service Suspension From 23rd to 28th December 1998, computer services will be temporarily shut down due to the replacement of the Un- interruptabie Power Supply (UPS) system. The campus-wide e- mail system (Mailserv) will also be suspended for file service upgrade which will involve the replacement of the current data disk and the migration of user data. The schedule for suspension is as follows: 1. User area in Pi Ch'iu Building (including the consultation room, manual reading room, and training rooms) — 15.00 on 24th December - 9.00 on 28th December 2. Information counter in Pi Ch'iu Building — 17.00 on 23rd December — 9.00 on 28th December 3. User area in Wong Foo Yuan Building (including the consultation room, manual reading room, and printer room) —16.45 on 23rd December - 9.15 on 28th December 4. Campus-wide e-mail system (Mailserv) — 18.00 on 24th December - 18.00 on 27th December 5. High Performance Computing System (Origin) — 18.00 on 24th December - 18.00 on 27th December 6. All computer systems, network and dial-up services (except Mailserv and Origin) — 18.00-21.00 on 24th December, and 9.00 - 18.00 on 27th December Electricity supply to the machine room and the CSC/ITSU office will be suspended from 18.00 on 24th December to 18.00 on 27th December 1998 for the installation of the new UPS system in the machine room. Before the work begins all equipment and computer systems in those venues will have to be shut down at 18.00 on 24th December until 18.00 on 27th December. To maintain the provision of essential services to the University community, critical equipment and computer systems will be made available during the period by an alternative power source until the new UPS system is ready for use. At some time between 9.00 and 15.00 on 27th December these equipment and systems wil l be powered off again for reconnection to the new system. After that all equipment and computer systems in the machine room and the office will be sustained by the new UPS system. It is expected that all services will resume at 18.00 on 27th December. Operating Hours from 31 st December 1998 to 2nd January 1999 1. User area in Pi Ch'iu Building (including the consultation room, manual reading room, and training rooms) — closed between 15.00 on 30th December and 9.00 on 2nd January 2. Information counter in Pi Ch'iu Building — closed between 17.00 on 30th December and 9.00 on 2nd January 3. User area in Wong Foo Yuan Building (including the consultation room, manual reading room, and printer room) —closed between 16.45 on 30th December and 9.15 on 2nd January 4. All computer systems, network, and dial-up services — as usual For enquiries, please contact CSC Electronic Helpdesk at o r email 林聰標教授追思禮拜 本校新亞書院前院長、社會科學院前任院長、經濟學榮休 講座教授林聰標教授於十一月十二日在台中市寓所辭世,享年 六十三歲,大學同人、學生及校友深致悼念。 校方經與林教授生前友好及新亞書院有關文教機構組成以 李國章校長為首之「林聰標教授追悼會籌備委員會」,並定於 十二月二十一日(星期一)上午十一時三十分在崇基學院禮拜 堂舉行追思禮拜。同人賜賻或贈花圈輓帳,請折現金寄香港中 文大學新亞書院,撥充林聰標教授獎學金。 圖書館聖誕及新年開放時間 University Library System O p e n i ng Hours D u r i ng Christmas and New Year Holidays 日期 Date 大學、崇基 及新亞圖書館 UL, CC, NA 大學圖書館 視聽資料部 UL-AV Department 聯合圖書館 UC 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 22.12.98 23.12.98 8.20 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. — 6.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. — 9.30 p.m. 9.00 a.m. — 9.00 p.m. 8.30 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. 24 12 98 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 停止開放 Closed 9.00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. 25-27.12.98 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 28-30.12.98 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. — 6.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. — 7.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. — 7.00 p.m. 31.12.98 9.00 a.m. -5.00 p.m. 停止開放 Closed 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 1.1 99 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 2.1.99 9.00 a.m. -5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.—5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 註:醫學圖書館由一九九九年一月二日起,其他各館由一月三日起恢復正常開放時間。 Note: Medical Library resumes normal opening hours from 2nd January 1999 onwards and all other libraries from 3rd January 1999 onwards. 另,大學圖書館視聽資料部將自一九九九年一月二日起,延長開放時間如下: From 2nd January 1999, the opening hours of the Audio-Visual Department of the University Library will be extended as follows: 星期一至五 Monday to Friday: 9.00 a.m. — 7.00 p.m. 星期六 Saturday: 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. (星期日 Sunday: 休息 closed )
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