Newsletter No. 137
CUHK Newsletter No. 137 19th December 1998 3 HK$74,337,000 for Research As reported in the Summer Supplement 1998 issue of the CUHK Newsletter, 122 research projects proposed by members of the University have successfully attracted earmarked grants totalling some HK$74 mi l l ion f rom the government's Research Grants Council. The details of the projects, listed under four categories, are as follows: 生物學及醫學 B i o l o g y and Med i c i ne 研 究 題目 Project Title 研究員 CUHK Investigator(s) 獲 撥 款 項 ( 港 元) Amount Approved (HK$) •香港厭食症患者的後果及其文化 背景 Outcome and Cultural Context of Anorexia Nervosa in Hong Kong 李誠教授 Prof. Sing Lee 443,500 •男性壺體腺及前列腺對胚胎著床 期發育的影響 Ampullary Gland, Ventral Prostate and Embryo Implantation 周白菡教授 Prof. Patricia P.H. Chow 530,000 •篩選和鑑定與天花粉蛋白有相互 作用的蛋白質 Screening and Characterization of Proteins That Interact with Trichosanthin 邵鵬柱博士 Dr. Pang-chui Shaw 555,000 •腦電圖在局部麻醉時的效應及其 在局部麻醉與全身麻醉共用時之 應用 The Electroencephalographic Effects of Regional Anaesthesia and Their Application During Combined Regional and General Anaesthesia 張志偉教授 Prof. David C.W. Chung 陳德威教授 Prof. Matthew T.V. Chan Prof. Andrew P. Morley 275,000 •探討可的松甾體類在對抗順鉑和 運動引起嘔吐的機理 Investigation into the Mechanism of Action of Corticosteroids to Antagonize Cisplatin- and Motion-induced Emesis Prof. John A. Rudd 楊鶴強教授 Prof. JohnH.K.Yeung 1,105,000 •對蝦基因圖譜分子標誌之開發 Development of Molecular Markers for Genome Mapping in Penaeid Shrimp 朱嘉濠教授 Prof. Ka-hou Chu 關海山教授 Prof. Hoi-shan Kwan 600,000 •利用綜合化學生物磁力系統去除 及回收電鍍廢水中的重金屬 Removal and Recovery of Metal Ions from Electroplating Effluent by a Combined Chemical- biomagnetic System 王保強教授 Prof. Po-keung Wong 955,000 •以鹽度適應、激素和疫苗增強鯛 魚的免疫能力 Enhancing Immunological Competence of Silver Sea Bream (Sparussarba) Through the Combined Application of Salinity Adaptation, Hormonal Factors and Specific Vaccines 胡應劭教授 Prof. Norman Y.S. Woo 645,000 • The Application of Verbascoside, a Purified Extract of Chinese Medicine on Recovery of Muscle Injury after Immobilization 葉文興教授 Prof. Man-hing Yip 630,000 •香菇子實體發育過程中基因表達 模式的 EST 及 SAGE 分析 Elucidation of Gene Expression Profiles During Fruit Body Development of Shiitake Mushroom Lentinula edodes Using Expressed Sequence Tags and Serial Analysis of Gene Expression 關海山教授 Prof. Hoi-shan Kwan 600,000 •動神經細胞元乙酰膽鹼酯化酶在 肌肉神經觸突形成的功能 The Role of Pre-synaptic Motor Neuron Acetylcholinesterase in Neuromuscular Synaptogenesis 溫志昌教授 Prof. David C.C. Wan 530,000 •生長激素的訊息傳遞和 c-Jun 基 因的表達對天然多醣抗癌作用 的研究 The Role of Growth Factor Signalling and c-Jun Expression in the Anti-tumour Effect of Natural Polysaccharides 蔡棉教授 Prof. Yuen-min Choy 郭添德教授 Prof. Tim-tak Kwok 645,000 •抗弓形蟲的遺傳免疫法 Genetic Immunization Against Toxoplasma gondii 馮明釗教授 Prof. Ming-chiu Fung 梁國南教授 Prof. Kwok-nam Leung 645,000 • Identification and Regulation of the Microtubule Interacting Domains in the Drosophila Exuperantia Protein 陸家盛教授 Prof. Sandy Luk* 731,000 研 究 題目 Project Title 研究員 CUHK Investigator(s) 獲 撥 款 項 ( 港 元) Amount Approved (HK$) •葡萄糖傳遞體作為抗癌目的物 Glucose Transporter as an Anti-tumour Target 馮國培教授 Prof. Kwok-pui Fung 李卓予教授 Prof. Cheuk-yu Lee 645,000 •人體肝臟經部分切除後再生的生 物能量學基礎: A 31 p 磁共振光譜 學研究 The Bioenergetic Basis of Liver Regeneration Following Partial Hepatectomy in Man — A 31 p Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study 劉允怡教授 Prof. Joseph W.Y. Lau 楊孟思教授 Prof. N.M. Hjelm 林慧雯教授 Prof. Wynnie W.M. Lam 文達倫教授 Prof. Darren Mann 麥志偉教授 Prof. Constantine Metreweli 1,000,000 •腦創傷患者大腦血流動力學檢測 異常的臨床相關性研究 Cerebral Haemodynamic Tests in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Do Abnormalities Such as Hypoperfusion, Hyperperfusion and Impaired Autoregulation Require Treatment? A Correlative Study with Intracerebral Microdialysis and Clinical Outcome 潘偉生教授 Prof. Wai-sang Poon 陳德威教授 Prof. Matthew T.V. Chan 楊孟思教授 Prof. N.M. Hjelm 藍明權教授 Prof. Joseph M.K. Lam 林慧雯教授 Prof. Wynnie W.M. Lam 麥志偉教授 Prof. Constantine Metreweli 375,000 •腹腔鏡氣腹過程中嬰幼兒與成 年動物的生理變化對比研究 A Comparative Study of the Physiological Changes with Pneumoperitoneum During Laparoscopic Surgery in Infantile versus Adult Animals 楊重光教授 Prof. Chung-kwong Yeung 洪秀治教授 Prof. Cindy S.T. Aun 霍泰輝教授 Prof. Tai-fai Fok 葛列格教授 Prof. Charles Gomersall 劉允怡教授 Prof. Joseph W.Y. Lau 660,000 •分枝桿菌抗氨基甙類的機理研究 Mechanisms of Aminoglycoside/ Aminocyclitol Resistance in Mycobacteria 陳超揚教授 Prof. Chiu-yeung Chan 793,000 •天花粉蛋白之內化及其胞內路徑 Internalization and Routing of Trichosanthin •經肺部吸收之噴霧乾燥藥物微粒 產生之控制 Controlled Production of Spray-dried Drag Microparticles for Pulmonary Delivery 譚兆祥教授 Prof. Michael S.C. Tam 陳活彝教授 Prof. Wood-yee Chan 邵鵬柱博士 Dr. Pang-chui Shaw 周喜林教授 Prof. Albert H.L. Chow 林革教授 Prof. Ge Lin 645,000 742,000 •中國各地區宮頸癌患者中人乳頭 狀病毒感染的發生率及其型別的 研究 Prevalence and Intra-type Variation of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection in Cervical Cancers: A Nationwide Perspective of China 鍾國衡教授 Prof. Tony K.H. Chung 陳國美教授 Prof. May K.M. Chan 王益夫教授 Prof. Yick-fu Wong 926,000 •圍產期低氧缺血引起的腦組織氧 化應激反應和細胞凋零 Evidence for Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in the Brain Following Perinatal Hypoxicischaemic Insults 韓英士教授 Prof. Christopher J. Haines 費遠教授 Prof. Ronald R. Fiscus 湛棟樑博士 Dr. Anthony E. James 羅傑士教授 Prof. Michael S. Rogers Prof. Alfreda Stadlin 王益夫教授 Prof. Yick-fu Wong 390,000 •肌腱延遲癒合及慢性病症之機制 ——大鼠髖腱的蛋白聚糖之定性 及調節 The Mechanism of Delayed Healing and Chronic Disorders in Tendons 一 Characterization and Regulation of Proteoglycans of Patellar Tendon in a Rat Model 祈樂夫教授 Prof. Christer E.G. Rolf 陳佩女士 Ms. Barbara P. Chan 陳啟明教授 Prof. Kai-ming Chan 李廣文博士 Dr. Simon K.M. Lee 秦嶺教授 Prof. Ling Qin 625,000 •細胞激活素對肌腱損傷之癒合的 影響——細胞及分子學之研究 A Cellular and Molecular Study of the Capacity of Cytokines to Promote Tendon and Ligament Healing Following Injury 陳啟明教授 Prof. Kai-ming Chan 李嘉豪教授 Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee 645,000 •前列腺腫 瘤與癌 染色體 3 , 5, 8, 10, 16, 17 與 18 的微衛星體多形性的 多聚酶鏈反應 PCR-based Microsatellite Polymorphism in Chromosomes 3,5, 8, 10’ 16, 17 and 18 in Prostatic Carcinoma and Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia 黎永祥教授 Prof. Fernand Mac- Moune Lai 陳兆歡教授 Prof. Peter S.F. Chan 劉宗石教授 Prof. Choong-tsek Liew 杜家輝教授 Prof. Ka-fai To 705,000 (下接英文版第四頁 continued on page 4 ) * 已辭世 deceased
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