Newsletter No. 139

新書 New Books 藝術系/文物館 《書海觀瀾》 一九九七年四月,藝術系與文物館為 慶祝前者成立四十周年,合辦了「中國書 法國際學術會議」。會議為期三天,海內 外學者在會上宣讀論文,研討書法鑑定、 史論及教學等;書法名家則論說書法創 作,並於雅集揮毫。會議論文結集為《書 海觀瀾》,由藝術系和文物館聯合出版, 莫家良主編,收錄文章共十六篇,並選登 雅集部分書蹟,是了解當代書法研究及創 作的重要學術論著。 國際統一書號 962-7101-43-5, 三百八 十四頁,一百五十港元,文物館有售。 下列書籍在富爾敦樓大學書店有售。 The following books are available at the University Bookstore, John Fulton Centre. 香港亞太研究所 H K I A PS 研究叢刊第四十二號 《華人社會的變貌:社會指標的分 析》 兩岸三地經過多年的努力,經濟日益 發展,社會愈趨開放,政治亦邁向民主, 執政者及民間在發展觀方面亦達成新的共 識——重視可持續發展,即任何發展除必 須在經濟、社會和環境之間取得平衡外, 亦要兼顧當代與後世的生存和發展需要。 這價值觀超越了狹隘的經濟發展觀,但同 時增加了釐定發展目標和評估政策成效的 難度。此書由劉兆佳、尹寶珊、李明堃和 黃紹倫合編,邀請了內地、台灣和香港的 學者,從不同角度探討並比較兩岸三地社 會制度和政經文化的現況與變遷,為公共 政策的制定和評估提供了客觀的數據和全 面的分析。 國際統一書號 962-441-542-0 ,平裝 本,五百五十二頁,八十港元。 研究專論第八十六號 《香港社會福利狀況評估:自求多福 心態面臨挑戰》 此文採用 James Midgley 關於社會福利 的概念,並透過兩次電話調查,探討香港 市民對社會福利的看法。作者王卓祺和王 家英發現香港市民對社會福利的三個層面 (社會問題的控制、社會需要的滿足及社會 流動機會的保障)均有不滿,但香港的主 觀社會福利狀況大致穩定,主觀社會福利 指標的變動基本上只是為了回應客觀的社 會條件。調查顯示,香港市民對「社會需 要的滿足」是循自我努力及家庭自助的途 徑達至,反映香港市民「自求多福」的心 態。但是,這種心態正面臨客觀社經條件 改變的挑戰,弱勢社群所受影響尤為明 顯。 國際統一書號 962-441-086-0 ,平裝 本,三十二頁,三十港元。 研究專論第八十八號 《〈香港老年社會服務法案〉:一個 建議成立的老年社會服務網絡》 香港政府在七十年代初才正式開始發 展老人社會福利服務,支援家庭護老的能 力,為老人提供經濟及社會心理服務。服 務的發展初期是以小規模形式及支援心態 為主,後來才慢慢制訂老人福利政策。作 者李翊駿認為有必要改善這種發展緩慢的 情況,建議特區政府效法歐美國家,建立 一個傘狀的行政架構和一個良好的服務網 絡,提高老年人的福祉。《香港老年社會 服務法案》便是朝著這個目標寫成,可供 決策者參考。 國際統一書號 962-441-088-7 ,平裝 本,三十八頁,三十港元。 Research Monograph No. 41 A Bibliography of Gender Studies in Hong Kong: 1991-1997 Compiled by Fanny M. Cheung, Siumi Maria Tam, and Serena Sheng-hua Chu, the fourth Bibliography of Gender Studies in Hong Kong includes relevant publications released between 1991 and 1997. Gender- related studies proliferated in this period as public awareness of and academic interest in gender issues grew. This bibliography serves as a timely compilation of reference sources, monographs, research reports, and theses in Chinese and English. The bibliography covers more than 900 entries from a wide spectrum of areas: culture and society, education and socialization, gender identities and stereotypes, health, politics and law, sex, marriage and family, social issues as well as work and economics. Anyone interested in examining gender relations in Hong Kong society will find it a handy reference. ISBN 962-441-541-2, 101 + xiii pages, paperback, HK$60 Occasional Paper No. 87 The Role of Medical Social Workers and Their Relationship with Doctors and Nurses in Hong Kong Hospitals Role ambiguity for social workers working in a secondary setting has long been identified, particularly in hospitals. However, studies of this kind have not previously been undertaken in Hong Kong. The primary concern of this paper written by Chack-kie Wong, Becky Chan, and Victor Tam is the identification of the roles medical social workers perform in Hong Kong hospitals. Medical doctors and nurses are included in the study to see whether role ambiguity for medical social workers is related to the d i f f e r en c es in role expectations. The interaction modes among medical social workers are also examined. Lastly authority structure as another possible contributing factor is examined because medical social work in Hong Kong operates under two different lines of authority: Schedule I and Schedule II hospitals. ISBN 962-441-087-9,40 pages, paperback, HK$30 香港教育研究所 H K I ER 教育政策研討系列之十四 《教育機會差異在香港:現狀和硏究 議題評述》 九年免費普及教育是戰後香港教育發 展的重要里程碑之一,大多數人均肯定這 項成就,卻忽視了普及教育下的不平等現 象。香港的教育政策,一向沒有關注教育 機會的均等,而這課題也並未成為決策者 和學術研究的重要議程。 作者謝均才利用多項現成材料及過往 之研究,回顧近年本港教育機會差異的情 況,發現儘管普及教育增加了就學機會, 但並沒有消弭教育機會不均的情況。在目 前的教育體制下,不同環節仍然存著不均 等的情況,這種現象又特別與階級、家庭 背景、性別等因素相關。 國際統一書號 962-8077-19-8 ,平裝 本,一百零二頁,三十港元。 Occasional Paper No. 15 Education and the Ability to Deal with Change Education that serves a stable environment and education that serves a changing environment are two different entities. The present transformation of the global economy requires cities like Hong Kong to shift from the production of commodities to highly tailored goods and services. But an educational system that emphasizes memorization and examination is designed to transfer a received tradition of knowledge rather than to generate new knowledge and behaviour that can adapt to change. Written by Henry M. Levin, this paper introduces theories from economics to address the role that education can play in a dynamic and changing economy. At bottom these theories and empirical evidence suggest a shift from s c hool a c t i v i t i es that emphas i ze memorization and examinations to those based upon more active learning modes, projects, research, and creative endeavours. In particular, the Accelerated Schools Project is proposed as one example of the type of initiative that can assist schools in Hong Kong to transform in this direction. ISBN 962-8077-20-1, 27 pages, paperback, HK$15 CU Press The MacLehose Trail (Revised Edition) The MacLehose Trail is a 100-kilometre walk — starting in Sai Kung and finishing off in Tuen Mun — across some of Hong Kong's most spectacular countryside. Three unlikely explorers set out to catch the spirit of the trail in a book. For Tim Nutt, an architect, the project became a personal odyssey. He walked the trail in all seasons and all weathers, and took more than 2,000 photographs. Chris Bale wrote the words. For many years he chaired the Trailwalker Charitable Trust, organizing an annual race for charity along the trail. Tao Ho, whose buildings are familiar landmarks in the city, was delighted to discover that Hong Kong also has unspoiled countryside. His pa i n t i ngs c on t r i bu te a h i g h ly individualistic impression of the trail. Ever since its publication in 1992, the book has won appeal from all who love the countryside — serious trailwalkers, weekend hikers, armchair travellers. This revised and updated edition captures scenes that have changed over the years: the now empty Kai Tak Airport, the magnificent Tsing Ma Bridge, and many more. The MacLehose Trail (revised edition), printed in full colour, is now available at a 20 per cent discount to University staff at the University Bookstore. ISBN 962-201-886-6,138 pages, hardcover, HK$250 中大通訊 3 第一三九期 一九九九年一月十九日