Newsletter No. 141

CUHK N e w s l e t t e r No. 141 4th March 1999 3 新書 New Books 香港亞太研究所 HKIAPS 研究專論第九十號 《從世界秩序伸展看珠江口超巨都會崛起》 近年全球化對世界經濟的影響既快且深。這一股強 大的動力,把經濟發展推上新高峰,但亦加深了不平衡 的現象。全球化過程在亞太區衍生了區域間的經濟合 作,名為「成長三角區」。南中國經濟合作區包括香港、 台灣、廣東與福建,是亞太區內第一個合作實例,亦是 發展最迅速和最成功的模式;香港在當中的作用特別明 顯。在南中國成長三角區內,一個以廣州、香港和澳門 為核心的超巨都會正於珠江河口醞釀成形。 此書由楊汝萬教授撰寫,闡述全球化產生的由來, 分析南中國成長三角區城市群發展的近況和前景,預測 其發展方向,並指出各城市須加緊合作才能達到共同的 目標。 國際統一書號 962-441-090-9 ,平裝本,二十四頁, 十五港元。 Research Monograph No. 40 On the South China Track: Perspectives on Anthropological Research and Teaching Anthropological research and teaching on South China have been attracting more attention in academia than ever before. A considerable number of anthropological studies on South China have been published exploring issues including the socio-cultural dynamics of power relations, identities, local development, modernization, indigenization, and transnationalism, which have been spawned by the emergence of pan-Asian popular cultures. Yet, with the great advances in transportation and mass communication, discussing South China as a self-sufficient entity has become problematic. It is due to the fact that the business and migrating network of the region affects not only how cultures influence one another, but also how societies change in terms of their goals. Edited by Sidney C.H. Cheung, this research monograph aims to review the expansion in anthropological research and teaching in South China, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China; to discuss areas which need to be developed in order to ensure the relevance of anthropology in a fast-changing world; and to assist the Department of Anthropology at The Chinese University in developing research and teaching programmes which are relevant to mainland China, Hong Kong, and the world. ISBN 962-441-540-4, 279 + viii pages, paperback, HK$60 Occasional Paper No. 89 The Asian Financial Crisis and After: Problems and Challenges for the Hong Kong Economy Written by Liu Pak-wai, this paper argues that Hong Kong had one of the highest cost structures in the world before the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis. Hong Kong's economic restructuring after 1979 led to a rapid increase in demand for land and labour. However, the supply of land was restricted by the Sino-British agreement in 1984, and the labour force grew at a sluggish rate due to the declining rate of natural population increase, the changing age structure, the declining labour force participation rate and emigration. This led to a decade of high wage price inflation. After the Asian financial crisis, Hong Kong is faced with having to find more high value- added economic activities to sustain its economic growth and high wages. The paper argues that to achieve the goal of becoming a first-rate international financial centre and a centre for innovation and technology, Hong Kong cannot just rely on local talent but must draw on the global pool. Hong Kong will undergo its third economic restructuring since World War II, a restructuring which will be driven by a large scale inflow of highly skilled human capital, principally of mainland origin. The HKSAR government must change its immigration policy to allow this inflow. ISBN 962-441-089-5, 32 pages, paperback, HK$30 中文大學出版社新書 CU Press 《香港稅務:法例與實施說明1998-99》 《香港稅務:法例與實施說明》自一九八一年面世以 來,深受歡迎,已成為會計或財務專業人士、執業稅務 顧問、執業律師、工商界及一般納稅人士必備的參考 書,亦為本港各大專院校的指定教科書。 此書由 David Flux 著, David G. Smith 修訂,謝孝衍 譯,從專業的角度,詳述香港現行的物業稅、薪俸稅、 利得稅等各類稅項的法例內容和計算方法,亦就報稅表 及稅例方面的懲罰、評稅與納稅、反對與上訴,以及本 港與英聯邦國家的雙邊稅務等問題,作出詳盡的解說。 書中又以大量具體例子說明及解釋應繳稅款的計算方 法,並且引用稅務個案實例包括本港及英聯邦國家的判 例,使讀者更容易明白有關條例的實際運作。本年度修 訂版更新增兩章,全面討論印花稅及遺產稅的法例守則 及實施說明。 國際統一書號 962-201-838-6 ,平裝本,二百七十五 港元。 The Other Hong Kong Report 1998 Edited by Larry Chow Chuen-ho and Fan Yiu-kwan, this is the first volume of The Other Hong Kong Report after Hong Kong's return to China. How has Hong Kong fared? Has its transition been smooth? Is the 'one country' two systems' model working? In this volume, 25 experts contribute papers on topics in their specialties. The topics are divided into five groups, covering the political scene, the economy, population and manpower, social welfare, and infrastructure and the environment. The papers deal with developments in Hong Kong during the first year of the SAR, paying particular attention to changes since the handover and current problems. The volume will be of value to scholars, students, professionals, journalists, businessmen, civil servants, and the general public, and will also appeal to all overseas readers with an interest in Hong Kong. ISBN 962-201-829-7, 420 pages, paperback, HK$200 文物館新書 Art Museum 文物館藏品專 刊之六 《香港中文大學 文物館 藏印續集二》 此書由王人聰編著, 整理分析文物館藏秦漢至南北朝的官印及秦漢私 印共二百六十方,並撰寫專題綜述文章一篇,講論秦漢 南北朝璽印的面貌和特點。每方印章均附原大黑白照 片、朱泥印文、印鈕形制、尺寸大小,又同時考釋印 文,並著錄出土或傳世相關資料。其中不少印章對中國 古代歷史、文字學,以至古璽印發展史的研究,均有重 要的學術價值。 文物館藏古璽印為該館專題研究項目之一,此書為 該館藏品系統研究著作之一。 國際統一書號 962-7101-45-1 ,平裝本,一百六十四 頁,二百港元。 《江漢地區先秦文明》(中、英文) P r e - Q i n Civilization in the J ianghan Region 此書由湖北省博物館、荊州博物館、宜昌博物館、 香港中文大學文物館聯合出版,游學華編輯,彩版刊印 近年湖北省境內重要遺址出土文物九十八項,精選自湖 北省、荊州和宜昌三所博物館的珍藏。器類包括石器、 陶器、玉器、銅器、金器、漆器和絲織品等,年代從距 今四、五萬年前的舊石器晚期到公元前三世紀的戰國晚 期,從各方面展示江漢地區先秦時期光輝燦爛的歷史文 明。此書圖文並茂,中英對照,展品附詳細說明及拓片 資料,並有專題論文三篇,扼要介紹江漢地區先秦文明 概貌及特色,為研究江漢地區先秦文明不可或缺之參考 圖錄。 國際統一書號 962-7101-44-3 ,精裝本,一百九十二 頁(彩版七十七頁),二百港元。 This exhibition catalogue is jointly published by the Hubei Provincial Museum, the Jingzhou Museum, the Yichang Museum, and the Art Museum of The Chinese University, and is edited by Yau Hok Wa. I t features 98 items of antiquity excavated in Hubei during recent years. The pieces, selected from the Hubei Provincial Museum, the Jingzhou Museum, and the Yichang Museum, date from the late Palaeolithic period of 50,000-40,000 BP to the Late Warring States period of 3rd century BC, and include stone implements, pottery, jades, bronzes, gold ware, lacquerware, and textiles. They testify to the brilliant civilization of the Pre-Qin period in the Jianghan Region. Together with three essays by experts and scholars, all items are illustrated with colour plates, rubbings, and detailed entries in both Chinese and English. ISBN 962-7101-44-3,192 pp. (77 pp. colour plates), hardcover, US$26/HK$200, postage: overseas US$9/local HK$55 Servic e t oth eCommunit y and Internationa l Organization s • Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vice-chancellor, has been appointed by the Secretary for Education and Manpower of the HKSAR as chairman of the Research Grants Council from 1st July 1999 to 30th June 2002. He has also been reappointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the University Grants Committee from 1 st April 1999 to 31st March 2002. • Prof. Helen Chin, associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as amember of the Guardianship Board for three years from 1st February 1999. • Prof. Patrick Leung, associate professor in the Department of Psychology, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Guardianship Board for three years from 1st February 1999. • Prof. S.H. Lee, professor of community medicine, has been appointed by the Secretary for Security of the HKSAR as chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) for two years from 1st January 1999. • Prof. Daniel T.L. Shek, professor in the Department of Social Work, has been re-appointed by the Secretary for Security of the HKSAR as a member of the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) and as chairman of the Sub-committee on Research for two years from 1st January 1999. Prof. Shek has also been re-appointed consulting editor of the Journal of Clinical Psychology for 1999 and re-elected chairman of the Society of Boys' Centres for one year from 1998. • Prof. Serena Jin, professor of translation, has been invited to be a council member of the Translators' Association of China, and a co-opt member of the Literary Committee of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. • Prof. Chan Kam-tai, associate professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, has been nominated to the Electronics Committee of the Industry and Technology Development Council. • Prof. Joseph Lau Wan-yee, professor of surgery, has been appointed by the First People's Hospital of Foshan as visiting professor from 28th December 1998. (Information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.)