Newsletter No. 142

4 No. 142 19th March 1999 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 僱員考績制度 staff Appraisal Scheme 行政與計劃委員會通過由一九九八至九 九年度起實施教學及非教學全職僱員的考績 制度。這項以公開及前瞻性為重點的考績計 劃,目的為: (一)記錄僱員過去一段時間內的工作情 況 (二)藉以下方法提高僱員工作表現及工 作滿足感: •對其過去工作表現提供意見,包括讚賞其優點及糾正缺點 •建立工作指標 •建議具體改善工作表現的計劃或方式 (三)釐定培訓計劃及發展策略 (四)促進有效員工管理 教學僱員的首度考績期為一九九七至九八學年,考績報告期於一九九九年三月 份完成。非教學僱員的考績將於一九九九年六、七月份進行,以一九九八年七月至 一九九九年六月為考績期。考績計劃細則可參閱人事處網頁 ( personnel/res/percir_g.htm) 。查詢請電人事處,內線七二八五或七一八三(有關教學 僱員考績計劃),及七二六九或七二八七(有關非教學僱員考績計劃)。 The Administrative and Planning Committee approved the introduction of a comprehensive appraisal scheme for all full-time teaching and non-teaching staff with effect from 1998-99. The appraisal scheme adopts an open and developmental approach, and aims at achieving the following purposes: (a) provide a record of the activities of a staff member; (b) enhance staff performance and job satisfaction by: • providing feedback on past performance, reinforcing strengths and identifying weaknesses, • advising on work expectations, • offering specific recommendations for improvement; (c) identify training needs and development strategy; and (d) facilitate successful staff management. The first appraisal for teaching staffwill take place in March 1999, based on the activities as reported for the academic year 1997-98. The appraisal for non-teaching staff will be conducted in June-July 1999 for the appraisal period of July 1998 to June 1999. Implementation details and the relevant appraisal report forms are available from the website of the Personnel Office (http ://www . . Enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office at Ext. 7285 or 7183 (for teaching staff), and Ext. 7269 or 7287 (for non-teaching staff). 英聯邦大學協會發展獎學金(一九九九至二零零零年度) ACU Development Fellowships 1999-2000 該獎學金特為發展人力資源而設,資助獲選者前往英聯邦一所大學,或工商/ 公共機構研習,以六個月為限。該計劃專為具備優越才能及發展潛質之人士而設, 惟學位或其他深造課程則不在資助之列。申請人年齡須介乎廿八至五十歲。資助類 別為 Titular Fellowships。 最高資助額為五千英鎊。 有關資料已送交各學院及部門,有意申請者請與學院院長或部門主管聯絡。校 內截止申請日期為一九九九年四月十六日。查詢請致電人事處(內線七一九一或七 二八八)。 The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) invites applications from staff members of the University for the ACU Development Fellowships. With an aim to develop human resources, the fellowships will sponsor attachment for up to six months to a university or the industry/commerce/public sector in any Commonwealth country. The programme has been devised for people of proven quality at a critical stage of their career development. Degree courses or postdoctoral programmes will not be supported. The fellowships will be in the form of titular fellowships. Applicants should be university staff of proven high quality aged between 28 and 50 years. The award may be worth up to £5,000 to cover the cheapest return airfare, medical and travel insurance, board and lodging, local transportation, and fees for formal training programmes. Staff members interested in applying for the above fellowships may consult their faculty deans/unit heads, who should have received details about this programme. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191/7288). The internal deadline for application is 16th April 1999. 「中大校友徑」起步禮及健體行籌款活動 由中大校友集資修建的「中大校友徑」,將於本月廿八日(星期日)上午十時半舉 行起步禮,由李國章校長主持。 「中大校友徑」連接崇基學院與校本部,是學生經常使用的道路。「校友徑」之修 建工程包括鞏固斜坡,擴闊部分路面,及美化沿途景物,為學生提供更安全和舒適 的步行徑。 「中大評議會」為慶祝修建工程順利完成,將於起步禮當日舉辦「中大校友徑健 體行」步行籌款活動,用以資助中大學生參加今年暑期的「中國就業發展獎勵計 劃」,汲取在內地工作的經驗。 「健體行」的起點為崇基嶺南體育館,終 點為校本部富爾敦樓停車場。中大醫學院舊 生會將在終點為參與善舉者免費提供多項專 科體格檢查服務;人頭馬(中•港)洋酒有限 公司亦贊助大會,在終點舉行試酒會。參加 「健體行」者每人的最低步行贊助費為五十港 元。凡捐款一百港元或以上者,均可獲發免 稅收據。 歡迎中大員生、校友及親友出席校友徑 起步禮及參加「中大校友徑健體行」步行籌 款。步行籌款贊助表格可於校友事務處(富爾敦樓三樓),或崇基學院院務室(信和 樓一字樓)索取。查詢請聯絡校友事務處(電話二六零九七八七零;傳真二六零三六 二二六;電郵 。 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes 財務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資基金於一九九九年一月及截至該月的累積回 報如下: From the Bursary: The monthly and cumulative returns for January 1999 in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: 一九九九年一月 January 1999 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指 摽 回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 * Growth* -1.76% -0.16% -0.70% 平衡 * Balanced* -1.38% -0.02% -0.49% 穩定 * Stable* -3.39% 0.26% -0.89% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.62% (年息 Annualized 7.33%) 0.66% (年息 Annualized 7.73%) 0.42% (年息 Annualized 4.97%) 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit** 0.45% (年息 Annualized 4.94%) 0.46% (年息 Annualized 5.03%) 0.40% (年息 Annualized 4.61 %) 一九九八年七月一日至一九九九年一月卅一日 1st July 1998 to 31st January 1999 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指 摽 回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth 6.27% 5.42% 13.29% 平衡 Balanced 6.66% 7.63% 12.87% 穩定 Stable 3.58% 6.07% 10.85% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 5.38% (年息 Annualized 9.13%) 5.35% (年息 Annualized 9.08%) 4.00% (年息 Annualized 6.79%) 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit** 2.25% (年息 Annualized 5.33%) 2.31% (年息 Annualized 5.47%) 2.14% (年息 Annualized 5.14%) *由 1995 計劃之增長、平衡及穩定基金共同持有之商業樓宇,每年十二月底由獨立 測計師重新估值,其增幅或減幅則於翌年一月份平均攤分列入上述三項基金之 內。由於商業樓宇市道不佳,該物業於一九九八年十二月之估值錄得百分三十四 之跌幅,導致有關基金今年一月份之回報率遠較指標遜色。 * The 1995 Scheme Growth, Balanced and Stable funds own, as part of their assets and in equal share, a commercial property which is subject to an annual revaluation by independent surveyors at the end of December each year. The profit or loss arising from such revaluation is accounted for in January of the following year and is shared equally by the three funds. The revaluation as at 31st December 1998 has resulted in a loss of 34 per cent of the property value, which is in line with the current conditions of the commercial property market. This has contributed to the higher than benchmark losses in these funds in January 1999. ** 一九九八年九月一日 開始投資 L a u n c h edfrom 1st September 1998 VCD 機待沽 VCD Players for Bidding 校方最近獲太平商業系統贈送六部聲寶牌 VCD 機(型號均為 DX-V288W) ,每部 市值約一千港元。 中大同人可以投標方式購買。有意者請致電商務組曹小姐(內線七八八七)索取 表格,填妥後密封寄往富爾敦樓地下商務組投標箱,截止日期為一九九九年三月三 十日中午十二時正。投標結果將於一九九九年四月初直接通知各投標者,所有收入 將撥歸大學。 The University has been given six Sharp VCD players (Model No. DX-V288W) by Gilman Office Automation under a bonus scheme. The market price of such players is around HK$ 1,000 each. Members of staff are welcome to bid for these VCD players by completing an application form available from the Business Office and returning it in an envelope to the Tender Box, Business Office, G01, John Fulton Centre, before noon on 30th March 1999. The result of the bidding will be released in early April 1999. The proceeds will go to the University. Enquiries can be directed to Ms. Jacqueling Cho of the Business Office at Ext. 7887.